

"Stop acting all innocent and mighty. Isn't this what you wanted all along, no? The least you can do now is take the money. You succeeded in blackmailing my old man into selling his own son to you anyway. You should make the most out of it" ………………. A peaceful, quiet life was everything Isabella Carson ever wished for, and for a time, she had gotten just that. She attended one of the best schools in her country, was majoring in what she loved, and was close with her family and her friends. However, all that peace seemed like a fantasy once she was ambushed with plans of an arranged marriage to Sean, a tycoon’s son. Sean McCaffrey, a successful businessman, the son of a tycoon and the future CEO of the McCaffrey's Empire. He had it all. Women were on his beck and call but this all stopped when a certain brunette woman was forced into his life by his father. Both forced to lead a new life by their parents, Isabella and Carson must find a way to live with each other and try to stay above the pressure from both families. However there's a great chance of this marriage not working out and ruining the both of them to the point of no return.

NieraCarson · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs



"I am so sorry I am a little late," Said a voice behind me. I turned on my seat to look at the owner and found icy green eyes glaring at me.

Someone sure isn't happy to see me. Well good thing, the feeling is mutual.


"You are just on time son. Come, let me introduce you to our guests," Charles said, standing up. He met his son halfway and gave him a side hug. "Good morning dad."

"Good morning son." The son then walked to his mother and gave her a kiss on both cheeks. "Hello mum."

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Carson," He briefly shaked my father's hand and gave my mother a hug. When he was done, he came and stood in front of me.

"You must be my soon-to-be wife. Hello, my name is Sean McCaffrey, your soon-to-be husband," He said, stretching forth his hand for a handshake. From the position that he was standing, I was blocked from the view of my parents and his parents, so I didn't get the chance to see their reactions. His glare did not wave even for a second. If he was trying to intimidate me, then he had another thing coming.

I put on a fake smile and accepted his outstretched hand, shaking it slowly as I looked at him from his head, down to his designer shoes and back. "Hello to you too. I wish we were meeting under different circumstances. My name is Isabella Carson, your soon-to-be wife," I replied sarcastically. He clearly caught in the sarcasm because he plastered his own fake smile.

"Okay! Now that you have done the basic introduction, why don't we all take our seats as we get to know each other more. Son! Please come and sit next to me," Lucy said, breaking the stare I had with his son. Sean, left my side and rounded the table to get to his mother's side, taking his seat directly opposite my chair. We all took our seats and began taking our meals.

"Sorry Isabella for the interruption. You were telling me about your studies?" Charles asked again, looking at me with interest, that I was yet to decipher whether it was genuine or part of the set up.

"Yes, I am in my senior year. In fact, I should be graduating in four months. I am taking a degree in Chemistry," I replied politely.

"Wow! Beauty with brains. You sure got a gem for a daughter, Charlotte," Lucy chuckled, addressing my mother.

"She is a whole package I tell you. Can't ask for more," My mother replied chuckling, soothingly rubbing my arm. I blushed at this because all eyes were on me, and I didn't like it. I looked up and met icy green eyes looking at me, now with a blank look. I held his stare but when he didn't flatter, I looked away and concentrated on the conversation that was going on between the parents.

"I remember this one time when the lecturer rescheduled his lesson to seven p.m and nobody attended it. He was so furious, he threatened to fail us," Micheal said, making the whole table erupt to laughter except Sean who looked as if this was the last place he wanted to be.

"It was his mistake. How can you put a class at night and on a Friday at that. Everyone has their thing going on a Friday," My father replied, wiping the happy tears that had managed to escape.

"You lot was troublesome," My mother hoarsely replied, in between her laughter.

"No one would have thought twenty something years later, we would meet again to discuss details about our children's wedding," Micheal said a few minutes later, after composing himself.

He slowly moved his eyes from his son to me and back.

I looked up again and found Sean still looking at me. This time, I held his stare and took my time to really look at him.

He was a replica of his father except that had his mother's eyes, icy green that looked like forest green depending on the sun's angle. He had black hair like his father, that was slightly trimmed on the sides, which looked punk on some guys but worked for him. He had a well shaped jawline that was dusted with smattering 5 o'clock shadow which accompanied the overall disheveled look. Finally, my eyes dropped down to his soft and full lips. He was about Nate's height, judging by when he stood next to me, about six foot one. He was well built. His outfit screamed class and wealth. He had on white shirt, with a blue blazer. Gray pants and black designer shoes. I could classify him as cute if he removed that hostile look on his face.

"They will make a really cute couple," Lucy gushed, touching her son's hand. Sean broke his stare and smiled softly at his mother.

"We want to start the preparations as early as possible. We also don't want to interfere with Isabella's school schedule, so Isabella we will need you to share your schedule with us," Lucy said, smiling at me. I nodded my head and offered her a little smile.

"I have already hired someone to be her personal assistant. She should help her in navigating her way through all this," Sean said, addressing his mother.

"That is so nice of you, Sean. Thank you so much," I loudly replied, "Idiot. Already making plans about my life without consulting me," I silently cursed him in my head.

Sean paid no attention to me and continued as if I hadn't said a thing, "The person I have hired graduated recently, around her age, so they should get along just fine. She will be at your house first thing tomorrow morning to get her school schedule, so that she can then plan her schedule," He said, addressing my parents.

"Is a personal assistant really necessary though? I think she can handle herself just fine. It's not like she is going for an interview or anything," Michael turned curious eyes to his son.

"Yes dad, it is very necessary. I mean we are drastically changing her life. She needs all the help she can get at this point to assist her navigate her way through this life. A personal assistant will help her get her footing through appointments, the media, sponsorships we have and meetings that we're bound to go together in the near future," Sean answered his dad. The way he talked about me as if I was not in the room irritated me very much and I was ready to tell him his piece, as soon as we were alone.

"Looks like you have already thought about everything," My father said, addressing Sean.

"Yes Sir. I only want what's best for all of us," He said, looking at me and plastering a fake smile.