
53:Political Trap


Raj coughed slightly before he continued.

"As I was saying, what are we?" 

"We are nothing but public servants. Your troubles are our troubles, your worry is our worry and your pain is our pain." 

"But to clear the pain we need to take medicine and for medicine, we need some money, as you know...." 

Raj laughed, his smile greedy and sinister.

Watching the man's greasy, pig-like smile, Evan wanted to punch him, but before he could do anything like that, Maria's pincer claws pinched him again, signaling him to hold back. 

Evan considered Raj's proposition for a moment before nodding thoughtfully. "Well, Raj, we certainly appreciate your offer. Let's discuss the details further over dinner, shall we?" 

And after a heavy discussion, the conclusion was this…