
262:Next Gen Event[III]

Aria arrived at her position, waiting briefly before she could continue speaking since the audience was still clapping. When the applause finally subsided, she continued. 

"With the Nex One being our first product from the smartphone line, I'd like to introduce the first product from our computer line…"

"The Oblivion!" 

She paused and similar to her introduction of the phone, the screens behind her started playing a sleek video that showcased the device before ending with an image of the laptop and desktop versions, each with a sleek, majestic, and elegant look.

"They, too, are powered by our proprietary X1 chip, ten times faster than any other desktop or laptop CPU on the market." As she said that, the benchmark results were shown on the screens behind her, evoking gasps and murmurs of amazement from the impressed experts in the crowd.