

In her relentless pursuit of control, Aurora infiltrated accounts across the spectrum—from top-tier billionaires to everyday middle-class investors. Her digital tendrils spread through the network, taking down every active account. 

At that moment, the share market became a ghost town, with no one able to buy, sell, or even view their portfolios. However, this affected only those who wanted to pull strings, anyone unrelated or those who made a good guess and tried to snipe were allowed and had made a profit. 

As for those who wanted to hold the stocks for the post-election rally, they could already see a deep shit wrecking them. However, if Evan controlled everything and decided to stop, those bastards who had put everything and manipulated the market might get a chance to fight back. So, he ordered Aurora to bulldoze everything. As for compensation, with an ample amount of money with him, at the very least he could share a sum in the name of broker malfunction.