

A few hours after the exhausting shoot, Suri settled down into the warm and cosy interior of the van to relax, ready for the journey out of the city. 

The sun shone brightly overhead, casting a warm glow that promised a successful day ahead. 

Inside the van, she lay reclined on a cushioned seat, a soothing face mask covering her features and beside her sat Hela, her new assistant, who was nervously fidgeting with her tablet. 

"Are we almost there?" Hela asked, glancing around nervously. 

"Relax, Hela. It's a straight shot down the highway," Suri reassured her, trying to keep the woman's mood light. 

"Don't be too nervous, people aren't that crazy to stalk me and follow us all the time. I may be popular, but not that much popular." 

Hela stared at Suri's lazy face and decided to keep quiet.