
The two troublesome friends

Yibbq'yth and Sogko are two friends who suffer bullying and are isolated from the rest of their classmates, one day Sogko has an idea to carry out a massacre at the school together with Yibbq'yth

Daoistmz5Xzu · สยองขวัญ
9 Chs


Orion Nolan then got angry at the students at that school, so Orion Nolan planned a massacre. This was the only way that he could prove to people what a horrible boy he truly was.

He decided to start his plans at home, he gathered a huge collection of weapons, guns, knives and pistols all carefully placed together, he hid his weapons away in different places so that the officers wouldn't discover them, he collected his clothes and shoes, hiding them in various places so that no one would notice that they were missing. He packed two suitcases full of food, alcohol and money and set up traps and ambushes throughout the house, but Orion was careful and cautious, he knew that he couldn't risk getting caught by the police, so he prepared multiple escape routes, he knew where the doors and windows were located.

The last thing he planned was to get out of the city by stealing a car. Orion knew that driving wasn't possible but he still had a lot of money and he figured that he could buy a ticket and rent a car to travel somewhere for a while without being detected.

Orion Nolan then took his backpack full of weapons and entered the school where they studied and where the classes were held. He waited till it was time for the class to begin and then quietly walked towards the classroom. The teacher arrived before the class was supposed to start, he walked straight into the classroom and stopped at one spot in front of the class and said, "Class today we will have the famous Noah's Ark.

Orion Nolan took his gun and shot the professor in the head, the students gasped in shock, they screamed for help when the gunshot pierced the air. The teacher fell on the floor and died instantly.

At that point the whole classroom was silent and there was complete silence outside, nobody dared moving or screaming in fear of getting shot.

"Who did this?" shouted one of the boys, "I'll find the person responsible and I'm going to kill them!"

One of the girls stood up and went over to where the body was lying and knelt down beside it and she began screaming in terror and tears streaming from her eyes

Orion Nolan took his glock and started shooting the girl, after she stopped screaming, she dropped to the ground dead, the students quickly ran away, not wanting to get shot and die, so they ran straight through the classroom and left the room.

Orion Nolan smirked and then he slowly walked towards the teacher

Orion Nolan shot the teacher body 50 times in the chest, the teacher had been shot three times in each chest but that didn't slow him down and after he hit 50 different times the teacher body fell to the ground dead.

orion then walked calmly to the teacher desk and picked up his gun and the papers, he smiled sinisterly and walked out the door.

Once everyone was gone Orion went outside of the school and went into the woods behind the town and he hid in a cave with a gun in his hand waiting for people to come, he didn't want to get caught, he didn't want to die

meanwhile the police officer and the detective were investigating the murder, after the teacher was shot they went searching for traces of blood or any other clues, but the whole forest surrounding the school grounds were a mess and so they came back home empty handed and frustrated. It was dark by the time they returned to their police station, they decided to talk to the sheriff, which was the sheriff, in the morning.

Chapter 2 - Noah's Ark

A few days after the incident with the teacher, Orion was sitting at breakfast drinking his orange juice, he enjoyed eating everything he could eat since he didn'T eat too much, plus he preferred it over food that he didn't know the taste off, his parents would never let him go outside if he wasn't healthy.

He finished his orange juice when he suddenly heard his name being called out he looked towards the door and he saw a familiar face.

It was James, who also shared a class with him, James had black messy hair and blue eyes like a blue sea and he was taller then Orion by 3cm, he smiled at Orion and asked, "You are new here right? You look so young."

Orion replied,"Yeah, I am from the countryside ." He said

James responded with excitement,"My dad owns a farm just outside the village! We don't usually get visitors from the city but we sure are happy that you're here! Come, join our lunch table! We can introduce you to our friends!"

Orion thought it was a great idea and he nodded his head yes, so the two boys headed back to the cafeteria and Orion sat on the long wooden benches next to some older boys who were playing video games, they ignored him and Orion soon felt uneasy about his situation and he started thinking. He couldn', Orion Nolan took the knife in the kitchen and attacked the neck is one of the boys playing video games in front of him. The kid fell to the ground with a loud thud, the others in the cafeteria went silent and they stared at the boy laying on the ground with wide eyes, Orion pulled the knife out of the boy and went towards another boy he'r sitting at a table.

This boy was playing with his friends, he didn't seem concerned about the fact that his friend had been stabbed by a knife, he was laughing and joking with his friends. He didn't see what happened at all, Orion killed the boy without hesitation, and in such a short period of time