
The two troublesome friends

Yibbq'yth and Sogko are two friends who suffer bullying and are isolated from the rest of their classmates, one day Sogko has an idea to carry out a massacre at the school together with Yibbq'yth

Daoistmz5Xzu · สยองขวัญ
9 Chs


Yibbq'yth then started throwing knives around until they all ran away screaming as they were cut open. Yibbq'yth and Sogko then left, Yibbq'yth drove their jeep back to his house, they then headed home and got ready for tomorrow's massacre.

Chapter 3

On the way to Yibbq'yths house the two boys sat silently in the car, Sogko looked straight ahead, while he always seemed annoyed by the silence the two would sit in silence occasionally saying words of encouragement to eachother about how the plan would end. When Yibbq'yth parked in front of Sogko's house he turned towards his husband

Yibbq'yth: Are you nervous to do this?

Sogko: Of course not, what kind of question is that, I'm more than ready for this.

Yibbq'yth nodded and got out of the car.

is Sogko is Yibbq'yth entered the mansion of a famous actor Sogko was already waiting for Yibbq'yth at the entrance when he arrived.

Sogko: Here's the key, we are here to destroy the school.

Yibbq'yth took the key and unlocked the basement, Sogko then placed a bomb near the window and lit the fuse.

Yibbq'yth: Let's go!

Sogko went first then helped Yibbq'yth down the ladder and together they walked along the rows of boxes until they reached the center area of ​​the basement

Yibbq'yth: How many of these explosives do we have?

Sogko: Three

Yibbq'yth picked up a box and opened it up and started counting. When he finished counting Yibbq'yth put the box down and sighed

Yibbq'yth: Alright lets start this

They both got out of the bombs and loaded them in the vans.

Yibbq'yth: We should do the same as the girls in the hospital, we should use it at random times so as not to get caught,

Sogko: Yeah yeah alright let's do it!

Once both bombs were loaded they got in and drove away.

Yibbq'yth : It's almost 7pm, we need to be at the hospital by midnight.

Sogko: Okay

After driving to the hospital, which was about 30 minutes away, Yibbq'yth parked the van in an alleyway and got out of the car

Yibbq'yth and Sogko got out of the van with guns and invaded the hospital shooting the doctors and nurses, they made sure to kill everyone who stood in their way. They quickly ran upstairs, they hid their guns under their clothes in the rooms until the coast was clear and they left.

Once they exited the hospital Yibbq'yth and Sogko met up with other people in the parking lot

Sogko and Yibbq'yth didn't think twice and started shooting them all and they were able to get to the cars.

Yibbq'yth and Sogko jumped into the car as it started to drive away

Yibbq'yth : Get going!!!

the car sped away

When they returned to the house

eguanto this the police tried to look for the two sniper assassins Yibbq'yth and Sogko killed in the parking lot of the hospital, they couldn't find them anywhere.

A couple weeks later

It was the beginning of October, Sogko and Yibbq'yth were in their office working on a new plan of attack that they wanted to execute the next day.

After hours of work, they got done and began planning it out with the plans of attack in mind.

Sogko: Okay so let me think about where we should set up

Yibbq'yth: In case they try to run again we'll just chase them, it won't stop us.

Yibbq'yth then looked at Sogko and smirked he knew what he meant.

Sogko: Oh right...

Yibbq'yth and Sogko continued to discuss the plan

the newspaper makes an urgent news all over the country alerting the population that there are two shooters on the loose that they should be careful with them, the government has decided that if anyone catches one of the men, kill them immediately. This makes people worry more about it and people search everywhere for the two shooters but they still don't see any sign or trace of them.

Sogko: Do ​​you think they will come and find us here in our own house?

Yibbq'yth: Probably. But it is not as dangerous here, they are not using much force against each other.

Sogko: Well yes, we can take them but are you really sure you're willing to risk your life like that?

Yibbq'yth: Yes, of course!

meanwhile the newspaper discovers Sogko's identity, a neighbor saw Sogko with guns is with Yibbq'yth and alerted the police, the newspaper shows a photo of Sogko the shooter and Yibbq'yth together and the article states they have killed people who are suspected to be connected to them. The article is published on all the newspapers, tv stations, and social media, soon everyone knows. The government decides that Sogko needs to be taken alive and they take a helicopter from their military base and land a few miles away in a forest.

Sogko: get your gun Yibbq'yth let's exchange some shots with the police and then we'll kill you beauty

Yibbq'yth: Oh no no no! I wouldn't dream of it darling ;)

The helicopter landed with the policemen, the two snipers stepped out with their pointed guns. The policemen were all armed.

One cop: Sogko Put your hands up! Don't make trouble!

Sogko just shot the police is Yibbq'yth too late they were both dead, one of the police fell to the ground dying instantly but the other police did not shoot Sogko so Yibbq'yth fired his gun into the policeman's skull killing him. The cops started firing their weapons, Sogko and Yibbq'yth both ducked behind cover, the bullets were flying through the air they had no time to react, Sogko grabbed his friend Yibbq'yth's hand and dragged him back into cover behind some bushes.

Sogko is Yibbq'yth kept in hiding is to stand up is to shoot the cops is to hide again, when he got up, he saw one of the officers aiming a rifle directly at him Sogko shot the cop in the head. Yibbq'yth was stunned but before he could react Sogko aimed his gun at Yibbq'yth again, Sogko fired another shot hitting the cop' forehead.