
Chapter Two: Untamed

Sweat was running down Ade's forehead as he squeezed his knife and prepared to attack. The demon was very close now and he could smell the horrible stench coming from its body. He glanced at his sister and he saw her shivering and sweating at the same time. He knew that the demon would devour them. "Think! Think!", he thought to himself. Suddenly a plan was formulated in his head. If there was a way to get Asabi out of there, then he could face the beast head on.

He signaled to Asabi to run through the back while he distracted the demon. Asabi shook her head. She couldn't leave her brother behind. For all it's worth, they would die together. The demon slowly made its way towards the house and Ade could feel its presence. He threw his knife in an attempt to distract it so they could get out of there. It hit the demon straight in the eye and its shrill voice filled the air.

At once, Ade grabbed Asabi's hand and they started running towards the forest. Branches brushed their faces as they ran through the forest. After a few minutes of running, they stopped to catch their breaths. "I can't hear it anymore", Asabi said, panting. Ade was too tired to talk. Maybe it had left them after all. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the demon landed in front of them. Alas!! It was another one. This one still had its two eyes and there was no sign of the dagger. They began to run again with the monster in hot pursuit.

They were no match for the sheer speed and power the creature possessed. Ade felt its claws dig into his back and he screamed in pain. He fell to the ground and lay there, unconscious.

Asabi rushed to her brother's side and put her head on his chest, a feeble attempt to protect his from the beast. She could feel its red eyes boring down on them as it edged closer. She closed her eyes and waited for their inevitable end.

As the monster came closer in an attempt to eat them up, the first demon arrived and Asabi could see the dagger still etched in it's skull. The two demons fought over who gets to eat them. This gave Asabi enough time to drag her brother's limp body out of there. As she was dragging him, she saw a light in the distance. She knew she couldn't reach there on time if she continued dragging her brother.

She had two choices: either she leaves him and runs towards the light with hope that someone there might be able to help. Or she could continue dragging and the monsters would end up eating them. "We shouldn't have come out tonight", she said to herself, silently weeping. "What seems to be the problem child?", she heard a very soft and soothing voice from above her. An old-looking woman was staring at her with kind eyes.

Tears swelled in Asabi's eyes as she breathed a sign of relief and began to explain their ordeal. "Hurry along my child. You don't want those things to come and get you", the old woman said in a soft voice. She helped her carry Ade and together they carried him towards the light. The demons could be heard growling and barking in the distance. "Fear not my child for you are safe", the woman assured her. Asabi looked at her eyes and this time they had changed. They were just like the eyes of a demon if not worse. Asabi began to breath heavily. Her brother was unconscious and they might have fallen into the hands of a potentially dangerous stranger.


Is the woman a demon or a good Samaritan and Asabi is just imagining things. Find out in the next chapter.

Chapter two is out guys. Keep the subs coming.

Ayomide_Popecreators' thoughts