
Chapter Three: The Demons

Asabi could feel her brother's blood running down her hand as she dragged him. "He is dead", she thought to herself. The thought of it made her shiver a little. She glanced at the old woman and she began to shiver a lot. Her eyes were still glittering red and Asabi had no idea whether she was a demon or not.

As they edged towards the light, Asabi realized it was a small compound consisting of ten small huts. The huts formed a ring around a big fire, hence the light Asabi had seen. There was a big building behind the huts and Asabi wondered what was in it. Everywhere was quiet and it seemed no one was at home. The old woman finally spoke in a clear voice, snapping Asabi out of her thoughts.

"Damilola!! Damilola!!", she called as her voice echoed into the night. A young girl emerged from one of the huts. She knelt down obediently in front of the woman and faced the ground.

"Take this girl with you and get her cleaned up", the old woman instructed.

"No. I am not leaving my brother like this", Asabi countered. The old woman smiled at her kindly and nodded knowingly.

"Your brother is in good hands. Have no fear child".

Asabi shrugged tiredly and followed the girl to one of the huts to clean up. As Damilola fetched water from a big container in one corner of the huts, Asabi slowly lowered herself to the ground and sobbed quietly.

"What is wrong?" Damilola asked. Asabi continued to sob. "Is it because of your brother? Don't worry. Mama and Kunle will take good care of him".

After a good bath in a shack behind the hut, Asabi laid down on a mat provided by Damilola or Dami as she insisted. "You are like my sister now", she said. Asabi thought about what had happened to them during the night and shivered. It was too much for a fragile girl like her. Before long she had slept.


Ade slowly opened his eyes and saw a boy washing his hand at the corner of the hut. He was thirsty and his body hurt. " Where am I?", he wondered. The last thing he remembered was a demon chasing them and he got injured.

He tried to get up but he was badly hurt. He grunted in pain. The boy rushed to his side with a bowl of water and helped him sit up. He carefully placed the bowl by Ade's mouth so he could drink.

After Ade was satisfied, he laid back down and closed his eyes. Suddenly he realized he hadn't seen his sister. He studied the boy in front of him carefully and decided to ask him about his sister.

"You are wondering where your sister is right?", Kunle asked Ade before he could speak. "I wish I could be worried about my sister like that", he said.

"Anyway, she is asleep in my sister's hut so don't worry".

"Where am I. And who are you?" Ade asked.

"My name is Kunle. And you are in my compound. Or my father's compound anyway", Kunle paused.

" What happened to you?", he asked.

"We were chased by some creatures that were very vicious and terrifying", Ade answered weakly. "So wait. Did you actually see it?" Kunle asked with wide eyes.

"Yes", Ade said before closing his eyes. He didn't want the discussion to continue.

Kunle was surprised. Not everyone could see demons and that is why many people fall victim of their attacks. This guy just said he saw them.

"You are a chosen one my brother. Just like me!!!", Kunle exclaimed.

"A chosen one???", Ade opened his eyes. "Chosen to do what exactly???", he asked.

"Young ones!! You are summoned by the leader", a voice bellowed from outside the hut.

"My dad wants to see us", Kunle signed. "He will answer your questions properly".


what exactly are they chosen to do?

find out in chapter four.