
The tryhard hero and the misleading villain

There is a 'villain' who keeps kidnapping well-known and beautiful princesses. A hero one day goes out on a journey to stop them and eventually they start a game of cat and mouse. The villain continues to kidnap more princesses despite not being interested in them and only doing it for fun, and also because he needs to threaten the kingdoms to ensure that his kingdom would also thrive. The hero 'plays along' as he consistently rescues the princesses even in his free time. One day the hero vanished thus no longer caring to save the princesses as he thought, "Someone else will save them. I need to find something better to do anyway". The villain strangely gets upset because of this. He continues to 'kidnap' more princesses, not allowing them to leave but also treating them like guests for some reason. One of the princesses eventually asks why he pretends to be a bad person and 'kidnap' them. The villain responds that he only wants to meet the hero again. The other princesses got a gist of what he meant as one of them chimed in with an answer. "Do you... like the hero?" Aaaaand that's when a whole *ss cheesy romcom fantasy story starts. (Side note: I write this story on a whim sometimes, so feel free to leave if you find the story or plot boring. Sometimes it'll even seem like sh*tpost so unless you guys like something serious 24/7 then this isn't for you.)

Wannabe_Writer27 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


"I shall tell you a tale about a hero and a villain.

There once was a young villain whose duty was to oversee his territory and continent.


There consisted three layers of this continent. The outer border, Beremont. The inner border, Oufflyd. And the middle and center area of it all where the overlord's castle resided, Nhirvakus.

The center is the place wherein the villain tends to the most due to the fact that the core that kept their continent stable and the life forms inhabiting the area was securely and carefully hidden deep within Nhirvakus.

However, one day, while the villain was busy lazing around like a fool waiting for disaster to strike, his most loyal subordinate suggested that he 'do something productive for once' and 'benefit the kingdom'.

The villain took his words to be quite harsh due to him being a sensitive idiot despite also possessing the most strength and power which could even rival the gods. So he did as he was told, but not in the way his subordinate expected him to do.

'Wh-What do you want from me?!'

'Let me borrow your body for a bit~'


Thus the villain began with his duties to help their kingdom flourish by kidnapping princesses from well-known families. He had assumed that using them as hostages in exchange for some sort of ransom would equally benefit both parties. The princess gets her freedom back and safely returns home to her family, and the villain receives more money... out of pure pleasure. Not only did this kind of currency not matter on their continent, but it was also one of the top most useless items a person with common sense could bring to Geheliriem...

Moving on, there would naturally be a specific type of person to stop this insane villain, correct? Indeed, you all have guessed well.

A man who proclaimed himself to be a hero sought out to stop the crazed villain and his wrong doings.

Although it seems that the hero made a little miscalculation.

Because by doing so he garnered the interest of this peculiar villain, thus starting a game of cat and mouse.

'Kyaaa!! Save me!!'

'... By the order and will of justice from heavens above, may the heavens give me strength to punish you for-'

'You've already said that for the 34th time. Let's just get on with it, shall we?'

Kidnapping princesses one after another... Rescuing the princesses one after another... Just by listening to such a story would tire just about anyone and even those who loved this sort of cliche.

Then, one day in particular, the self proclaimed hero no longer appeared. He had enough common sense to understand that he was better off doing other 'heroic deeds' rather than roaming around all day to save a damsel in distress.

The villain was quite distraught by this and surprisingly so he continued to kidnap more princesses as he also held them hostage-"


Among the beautiful and flowery women gathered around the man who was supposedly telling them a story one of them, who wore a poofy blue gown, interrupted him as she shouted.

The others looked at her with disappointment as they scolded her.

"Aiya, now you've ruined the mood!"

"Aw... I wanted to know how it ended."

"Sir Leonel, don't pay attention to her and do resume with your tale."

The woman in a poofy gown humphed as she grumbled under her breath.

"Are you all kidding me right now?? The story he's telling sounds as if he just made it up on the spot!!"

Contrary to her fierceness, the man wearing the leisure suit and tie, Leonel Favie, responded calmly to her statement as he spoke.

"Your highness, your words make me feel very saddened. Not only did I not make up this story on the spot, but it is also true."

The pretty women all simultaneously gasped as they leaned forward in anticipation of his next words.

"So? What happens next?"

"Tell us, tell us! Oh, I just can't contain myself any longer!!""

Leonel inwardly sighed as he suddenly wore an exhausted expression.

"This tale... does not have a proper ending yet. I apologize for raising your hopes up."

The princesses all let out an 'eeh' as they crossed their arms in dissatisfaction.

"I'm guessing that you've all become idiots after staying in this castle for so long."

A mature woman's voice chimed in as she spoke from behind them. They turned their heads to see that she was not only young, but in fact a princess just like them. She had her arms crossed as she leaned against the door frame.

"You do realize that this exact story lines up perfectly with the current situation you're all in right now, yes?"

Apparently these group of princesses were indeed hollow-minded as they all stared at her wide-eyed in surprise. She sighed as she continued.

"Haa, that dumb*ss, really. Don't dare mention this story to Overlord Z else, he'd have your heads for breakfast."