
The Truthseeker

One must first gaze upon the soul. Then, one must reach for it. To reach is to feel, and after that is to become one. Such is the way to become a Pathbearer. * Ablaze in flames, torn by loudness, and vanishing into thin air, a once prosperous land now turned into nothingness. Seeing the vision of the destruction of his kingdom, Veritas strived to sacrifice everything to prevent that outcome. As Veritas grows throughout the story, so does the mysteries around him. Seeking to determine the real truth, Veritas uses his wits and craziness to fight everything in his way. This is a tale of uncovering the truth beneath the hidden mysteries that lie in the world. A world that revolves around the Soul. A journey of ascension, fighting against the madness and questioning one's own identity. Yet, what lies ahead may not be what he thinks.. This is the story of the Almighty. The Whisperer of the Winds. The legend of the Visionshaper. Truthseeker. -- Reuploading on ROYAL ROAD

DauntlessBrother · แฟนตาซี
133 Chs

Orpheus of the Song.

The Duke's path, Profusion, was related to multiplying himself and making clones.

The butlers in his manor, the knight that Veritas fought, and the butlers in the camp now were all part of him.

This was the cause of his lack of emotions. Every time he splits himself apart, a part of himself becomes that clone. 

The main body's focal point is Reason. He's the best fit for leading a region in a great kingdom. The Knight's focal point was Honor, he is considered to be one of the Duke's greatest fighters.

The Duke was already a master of the Southern Swordplay. Thus, the Knight utilized that aspect of him to the fullest, becoming a fully-fledged swordsman. 

Initially, Veritas did not know this fact and the Duke knew that he didn't know! 

But, somehow... the Prince in front of him suddenly knew the Knight's identity and even his Path.

Profusion was supposedly kept a secret from the public and only a few individuals knew of this. Such individuals were the King, and the other overseers of the regions.

As far as he knew, the King did not tell anybody about his Path.

'So how did he know?!'

Duke Alfar was facing the supposed Prince.

In a couple of seconds, his clones - which were his butlers - got out of the tents and surrounded the Prince.

"I ask again.. Who are you?!"

The Prince smiled widely.

"I already told you.. I am Orpheus of the Song."

"What happened to the Prince?"

"Why should I tell you that?"

The Duke gritted his teeth.

'I can't hurt his majesty's body, I have to subjugate him fast.'

The clones and the Duke rushed towards the Prince. 

Various attacks phased through his illusory body, looking like a mirage that blended with the Winds. 

"Futile efforts."

His grin turned into a blank stare that merely gazed upon the useless attacks of the Duke and his clones.

They synced perfectly but their attacks were useless against the Prince!


The Duke punched the ground in annoyance. 

Nothing seemed to work!

The Duke, even with all of his clones, seemed to have an impossible fight with the Prince.

Until.. the Prince declared loudly:

"You have taken your turns attacking! It is only fair for me to strike back, no?"

With a wide grin, the Prince mouthed silent words. He spoke yet nothing came out of his mouth or rather... it was forbidden to be heard.

All of a sudden! The Duke felt a shift in the atmosphere, every clone of his vanished in an instant!

"I see you."

The Prince stared in the distance of the Southern Region and his eyes glowed crimson red.


In a mundane-looking manor.

Duke Alfar had woken up early as usual. He brewed his cup of tea, ate a proper meal, and began to read the daily news. 

It was a start to a mundane day. 

His vision shifted into 11 separate fragments. Half of which was engaged in battle with the Prince. As for the others, they were either doing tasks around the castle, guarding the gate, and various things that suited them..

The indifferent Duke did not react to having 11 separate visions. He was already used to this due to him being a long-term Pathbearer. Although it was hard from the start, the rigorous usage of his clones made it become a normal state for him to handle.

As the Duke was reading the newspaper.. he was suddenly pushed back in astonishment. 

Half of his clones were gone in an instant!

"What has happe-"

Immediately, the Duke was taken aback!

His thoughts suddenly vanished as if the past minute of his life was suddenly erased. 

He began reading the newspaper once more and started his mundane day.

With a flip of the newspaper, the Duke sat down comfortably inside his manor, never noticing anything peculiar from the scenario.


Orpheus stared at the direction of the Southern City with coldness in his eyes.

"The pests are finally gone."

He walked back near the burnt out campfire and sat down one of the logs. 

It would take a month for them to return, as per the Prince's request. This was a hurdle in Orpheus plans but it did not matter too well. He only needed a month to complete his scheme.

The unusual event of Orpheus taking over Veritas' identity happened not too far in the past few days.

It happened the night prior to the Duke's monthly arrival.

In the isolated night within the forest, Veritas slept somberly. 

He slumbered with peace knowing that his battles would come to an end tomorrow. 

He needed his body in tip-top condition to win against the Gargoyle Knight.

However, amidst that gloomy night, he heard rustling outside of his tent.

In a camp where he was the only population, this was a peculiar occurrence. Of course, it could just be a simple harmless animal that traversed through the forest.

But instincts had not failed Veritas.

His eyes reacted to the rustling sound and his body jolted upwards.

Carefully gripping the taciturn greatsword, Veritas walked slowly and grabbed the pouch of potions with him. 

He also brought the technical devices with him which includes, the pear-shaped metal ball, the warm and radiant sphere, and the disc with a hollow insides middle.

As it was his last night in the camp, Veritas stood vigilant and came prepared for the battle tomorrow.

'This feeling..'

A sense of dread pounded his heart deeply to the point that it ached. 

Veritas only wore a pristine-white tunic, his armor would take a significant time to set up and would leave him defenseless when doing so.

Therefore, he stood wary and walked slowly outside.

He was confident in dodging the attacks after all..

The most formidable foe in this lonesome forest was the Gargoyle Knight and Veritas spent 2 whole months studying and practicing with it. 

However, confidence would only get him so far..

Veritas needed results from that confidence.

So, upon reaching outside, he stood still in the silence of the darkness. 

The moon shone towards the camp yet it didn't radiate enough light to see. The trees covered the brightness of the moon, showcasing only a shadow for Veritas to experience.

He tightly held the greatsword with two hands, and scanned around his surroundings.

Everything seemed to be fine..


A bright light shone on the horizon.

It wasn't the normal incandescent light from the Central City, nor was it the luminescent light of the sun and moon. But rather... it was humanity's first source of light that vanquished the darkness.

It was fire.

A blazing fury raged in the horizon, forming a pillar of humid air and embers of flames.

Naturally, Veritas made his way towards the flames.

There was a looming feeling of danger that laid in the camp. As if it were telling him to die if he were to stay. 

Thus, Veritas willingly fell for his instincts.

He walked past the silence of the night, trees swayed along the hot winds, and the cold breeze was replaced by the fiery atmosphere.

Cinders upon cinders rose up into the air, igniting the night sky radiantly.

Veritas passed by the flowing river, he felt the cold liquid seep through his tunic, making his feet and legs wet. 

After that, the flames got wider and stronger. Like a moth to a flame, Veritas willingly headed towards the bustling fire.

It was as if something compelled him to do so..

"The Primal Light..."

Something came out of his mouth that Veritas himself did not expect..

'The hell did I just say?'

With conflicting thoughts, his legs keep moving, nothing seemed to stop him as he traversed the lonely night.

Until, he was upon the flame. Feeling the heat sear his skin, and the brightness blind his eyes, Veritas walked forward.

'It's not hot at all..'

Somehow.. Veritas felt something off deep within him.

He knew that he fell for the trap, but why did he keep moving.. what was it that amazed him so much to walk towards the bright light. 

When he finally reached the heart of the flame, only then did the radiance stop, replaced by the usual tenebrous sight..

'An illusion.'

Snapped awake, Veritas scouted around and saw the looming trees encompass him.

"Where the hell am I?"

Indeed, hell was quite the word. Surrounded by deep darkness prior to that of a blazing light, Veritas felt confused as to how he arrived at this destination.

It seemed like the moments before were like a fleeting dream to him.

He stood still, dazed and perplexed, before finally determining a plan to follow.

Peeking through the multitude of leaves that blocked the sky, Veritas saw the position of the moon.

'Based on the moon's location, dawn should arrive within a couple of hours. When sunlight arises, I shall walk back to the camp. For now, I'd wait out the night..'

Staying still and vigilant, Veritas stood with a heavy greatsword at hand. 

However, a memory suddenly popped up in his head. He felt stupid for not noticing the simple gadget in his pouch..

The warm metal sphere!

Veritas grabbed the small ball and pressed a button, immediately the area illuminated due to the radiant light caused by it.

'Feels better..'

Veritas looked around with his newfound light, and pondered..

'I could traverse the forest with this..'

He walked through the thick bushes, and lit up the surroundings with the metal ball. 

However, Veritas could not see the horizon, making his time traversing the woods much harder. 

He was going at a considerable pace until the winds around him suddenly turned silent.

The trees no longer swayed, the bushes moved no longer, and the atmosphere felt empty.

Veritas held his greatsword tighter.

The metal ball in his hand radiated brightly towards the scenery.

However, in a split-second, it flickered.

The surroundings quickly turned dark and radiant once again.

Taken aback by this, Veritas went into a defensive stance and stood his ground formidably.

When.. suddenly, a looming figure appeared right in front of him.

A man with long silver-gray hair with a pair of obsidian black eyes. He was wearing disheveled clothes, tattered pants, and a remnant of a broken crown. 

He looked at Veritas deeply, as if judging his entire appearance... or Soul.

"Who are you?!"

Veritas shone the light on him. The man's face shone bright on one side and as tenebrous as shadow on the other.

However, instead of responding the man merely smiled.

And cried.