
The truth we face

Something unique and unexpected that can fill and break your heart.

Lilith_8066 · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs

chapter 2

They say that everything happens for a reason and that out of the bad that little glimpse of light is born.

in honor of Lord Tennyson, break, break, break, I never had understood what this poem meant not only did it dawn on me the meaning but I had seen it unfold before me.

Hailey was my ocean as I watched her take away my sailor and claimed him for her own.

I can sit here and ramble on about how she took him but the fact remains the same.....

I never fought for him...

why? why would I fight for someone who broke me down and used me, someone, who made me happy and who made me love myself?

as he looked my way I knew what he was trying to say since the incident we never spoke, and if we did he would know the truth and condemn it.

if he knew our love was still breathing inside me.

*3 days before summer break*

Pelin came rushing in, out of breath, "omg.. he asked me out!!" I giggled at her enthusiasm for the man she wanted for years I had been a little envious of it. " after how long I guess he finally fell for our bunny girl " I said with a smirk as the girls smiled in fusion. " oh please your just single... you will know when you find that special someone. " Sarah said as she entered the room. " and you would know?" giving her an innocent smile, " tell have ever dated? " giving me a look that made us all chuckle.

Hailey throw out her wardrobe and pack her back in a rush as the time went by and our ride was by the door before we knew it.

" this summer break is just us, the mountains, and... drinks!!" as the girl's screams fill the Uber.

as we drove up to Sarah's family cabin. the ride itself was lively and as we got there and I got out I could smell the fresh pine tree-filled air that filled the area.

it was perfect and it was just us girls but little did I know that this was gonna be one of my last summers with them. with me.