
The True Vampire Bride

Kaida Endo has always felt different to not only herself, but others as well. Ever since the True night prowlers decided to show themselves, humankind has become little more than nothing but an asset, and an indispensable one. Most humans have long since been rounded up and basically caged behind enormous walls and treated as breading stock by most vampire lords. There are very few humans remaining in isolated pockets that have not been found, Kaida Endo exists within one of these few isolated pockets with her fam-ily. There are not many pockets of untouched humans left that have not been found, free from the vampires. Most of the pure bloods had long since lost most of themselves, due to the loss of the queen’s direction, turning more and more humans into lower end vam-pires. With the death of the previous queen, the majority of True Vampires have long since forgotten that they cannot rule the world, or they will face extinction when blood runs out. Trying to live off animal blood alone proved fatal for many, leading to fits of blood lust that were unstoppable in many cases. Now with the situation getting a little worse, the true bloodlines are now in a fight to find the one who is to be destined to be-come queen of them all. She does not realize that her family’s blood is truly special, she is part of a bloodline that has been dormant on the vampire abilities for generations upon generations. Essentially making the bloodline mortal until bit by a pure blood. Only with her presence will the over population of mindless Lesser vamps be put to an end. Her blood and hidden abilities will ensure all survive. With one bite from a true bloodline member, they will awaken. Will she be able to withstand her own fated, yet unwanted destiny? Can she bring them all together, or will they fight for a control that is not theirs to have?

SinisterGoth1977 · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

The True Vampire Bride Ch 7 Part 3

Kaida then sent a huge lightening wave around them, switching things up, she sent in the elemental power of ice through to freeze their feet in place. Dai looked at Kaida, with a nod, she gave the look that basically said, "Do it". Nearing the first outsider lord, he placed his hand upon his shoulder and stopped his heart. He dropped to the ground still clutching his chest. Botan and Tsubasa went up to an outsider lord each and sent simultaneous flames through the middle of their chests with pinpoint accuracy. The two lords dropped to the ground. Kaida then walked over to the last two, placing a hand on each one, she stopped their hearts on the spot. Dropping them to the ground, they fell in line with the others as they lay stacked like piles of firewood. Waving her right hand, Kaida then conjured up an enormous ball of flame and set them all on fire. She sneered in absolute distain, as she delighted in the destruction of them. But at the same time, was terribly upset that they would come in and try to kill them off just because they see the city walls. Her only thought, "my people are safe". Using so much energy, she walked back toward Tsubasa as she neared him, Kaida fell limply toward the ground. Rushing in, Tsubasa managed to grab her before she hit the ground. Lifting her in his arms, he carefully carried her to the armored carriage and placed her inside on the seat. Climbing inside, he lifted her head and placed it on his lap. He softly stroked her hair as he stared out the carriage door that was still open.

Botan Date: "Well now. With all that, double check this entire area. I want reports coming in from both map areas the queen drew and make sure there are no other people lurking on our lands. Our queen is right, how can we save them, if they think they can own the world. We are but travelers that flow with time."

Garrison Troops: "As you say sir!! We will head out now."

The other lords just stared in agreement as they knew it was the truth. How dare they assume they could just come in and take over. Looking to the armored carriage, they stared at it with a newfound respect for their queen knowing that she had just worn herself out destroying the lords completely. Gathering the main guard unit together, they saw off the scouts and smaller regiments as they headed out to complete the mission given to them. Heading into the city of Oshu, they took the carriage up to the clinic. Tsubasa dared not move as he stayed in place with his sister sleeping on his lap. Botan got out and headed in to ask for some immediate donations. With no objections or questions coming from anyone, there was a small line of people already lined up and ready to donate. After about fifteen minutes, they had at least three donated bottles ready to go while others were still willing to give. Handing Tsubasa one of the bottles, he took a big gulp. Leaning down, he filled his sister's mouth and helped her drink at least half a bottle. As he had actually used his elemental ability, he had gotten hungry faster than normal. Without thinking he downed the remaining amount in the bottle and handed it to Botan to have it refilled. Smiling in satisfaction, Botan merely nodded at what he seen Tsubasa do for his sister, taking the bottle from him, he walked back inside the clinic.

Despite the onlookers, Tsubasa just sat in the carriage with his sister on his lap as though it were the most natural thing in the world for him to do. The only repeating thought that ever went through his head "I will have you. Now that the competition is still down to us, I know I will have you. The vision has been even clearer for me now". Feeling his sister readjust herself on him, he simply smiled once more as he laid protectively across her. Once Botan finally returned to the carriage, Tsubasa sat back up as they all piled back in and they were once again headed off toward the manor they had all come to share. After about an hour, they all finally pulled up to the homestead. Waiting for the other lords to get out of the carriage, Tsubasa once again, picked up his sister and headed inside up the long set of stairs as the garrison headed back to the barracks. Heading up the stairs, the lords had already had some of the servants taking in the fresh blood supply boxes. Grabbing one out, Botan placed it on Kaida as Tsubasa passed by. He then proceeded to carry Kaida to her room.

Placing Kaida on her bed, he softly laid her down. Taking the bottle of blood Botan had placed on her to the end table that contained the forever cold chill bucket. He sat the blood inside and headed back to her bed. Covering her with a comforter, he decided it was a good idea to give her a wash down bath. She would be asleep for several days again after all. But first, a nap of his own. He just simply laid down on the bedding next to his sister and drifted off to sleep after making sure she was covered.

Noticing that Tsubasa had not come out of the room yet, he walked in to check on the situation. Noticing that Kaida was wrapped up snuggly in her bed, he panned over and seen that Tsubasa had passed out next to her. His thought, "maybe he over did it when he used his elemental powers". Shaking his head at the jealously that was trying to creep up, he knew he had to reign himself in. After all, Tsubasa did not have the experience in dealing with the fatigue that sets in after using ones inset powers. Though he just could not help himself on how he felt about it. He was just not sure when the vision that was given in the beginning was going to finally bear its fruit. Till then, all he could do was see how things would work out. From the look of those outsiders, their hope of trying to save as many of the lost lords was dwindling to just about nothing at this point. Turning, he left the room and headed for the dining hall area, where the other lords were already enjoying a fresh glass that had been poured for them by the servants. Botan casually took his place and began to drink the contents. Swirling it around, lightly, he sighed heavily at the day's events.

After about two hours, Botan headed toward his room. Per his usual ritual, he sat in his favorite chair to reflect on the things that transpired in the last few days. He just could not understand why the outsider lords would not listen to reason. The fact there are so few pure blood vampires, he thought they might consider the fact that they would need the queens help. But that hope was one that seemed to be a useless one. He could not help but wonder why those vampire lords thought they could run the world. Without humans they all die. It just did not make any sense to Botan, how in the hell could they forget such a basic fact. Pressing his fingers to his eyes, he shook his head slightly trying to lose the thought he knew would most likely plague him. Getting up from his seat, he climbed in his bed and laid down for the day.

Back in Kaida's room, Tsubasa was unconsciously babbling in his sleep once again. As he was already in Kaida's room, he did not have to go far, already sniffing out her scent, he turned around and picked up a lock of her hair. Repeating to himself once again, "I will make you mine, I must make you mine. Those outsiders would try and take our lands. NEVER!!! I will never let that happen. You are the only female; our fates are sealed in stone". Sniffing her hair once more, he then laid back down, only this time he laid directly beside her. Seeing how he was basically unconscious; he did not realize that is where he finally ended up. All his subconscious knew was that she was there, and he was with a female.

The next day, Tsubasa woke up and got some of the house maids to bring him in a large tub of hot water. He was determined that this time, she would not remain unwashed for so many days. With one of the house maids help, they got Kaida washed up good and changed into a set of night clothes. Taking the blood bottle, Tsubasa once again fed Kaida as though he were feeding her when she was sick. Being careful, he took a clean rag and wiped her face and chest once again making sure she stayed clean. He passed the next two days this way, making sure she was tended to. By the third day, Kaida was stirring a little more than usual, it seems as though this time around will not take four days. He kept a watchful eye out as he waited for her to wake up all the way. Prepping a clean kimono set, he laid it out on the end of the bed. Taking out her hibiscus leaf and rose-lavender bag, he sat it on top. Once everything was ready, he headed out to the dining hall area and sat in his chair as one of the housemaids poured him a fresh glass. Picking it up, he swirled its contents before taking a large drink off the glass. His expression seemed to speak volumes.

Botan Date: "How does she seem to be doing today?"

Tsubasa Endo: "She is stirring more than she did last time. She may be up later. I am not sure just yet."

Botan Date: "I see that is good. Though I must say, she did get much angrier than I was expecting her to do."

Tsubasa Endo: "I am not going to try and be disrespectful when I say this, but you will not understand since we grew up human, we can understand their pain better. I suppose that is part of why our bloodline is special. We will understand better the needs of humans."

Botan Date: "That assessment, I cannot deny. There is no way any of us will genuinely appreciate what it takes to stay on the same wavelength. It was not offensive at all."

Tsubasa Endo: "Good. Now that I have finished my meal basically, I will go and check on her again."

Getting up from the table, he gave a light bow and proceeded to walk back toward Kaida's room. Entering her room, he shut the door and locked it. Going between the middle door of their room, he locked his door as well. Going back into Kaida's room he sat on the bed. Getting himself comfortable, he lifted his sisters head and laid her on his lap. Softly stroking her hair. For five years he has been doing his best to suppress his vampire self, considering what the outsider lords said, he now knew for sure, that his sister was the only pure blood female around for hundreds of thousands of miles. Reaching that conclusion, he made up his mind that he would no longer ignore his true nature. But he would not force it either. Doing so would anger Kaida and he knew it. The only other thing he reflected upon, when the next generation of their family is born, to head to the village once again and bring back female children to be raised in the vampire society. It must be this way to boost the numbers of the pure bloods. By the way, the other lords were acting around Tsubasa, they had already come to that conclusion. With this realization finally hitting him, he could not believe how slow he was on this revelation. That is why so many children were sent to their village and all the extra foods. Tsubasa sighed heavily as he had just now realized that was most likely the other lords plans from the get-go to boost the numbers. But he could hardly fault them for their thinking. It was most likely always going to be this way. Leaning down, he gave Kaida a kiss on her forehead. Continuing to stroke her hair, he fell asleep against the wall, Kaida's head still on his lap.

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