
The True Successor Of House Scamander (HP)

He was born a failure. his life taking away his mother's, a weakly constitution where he was a cripple by birth. a defect that won't allow him to live when he grows older and wiser. an abusive father, heart-torn by his mother's death.a pride-driven older brother, influenced by his father, all that remained was the pride of house Scamander, his grandfather. strength comes from numbers. not alone. and he will fight the world to prove that.

Heinzbeansscranner · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

The Unicorn And The Wizard

The mark on his wrist reacted to his mana once more , a thing that it didn't do for the past 6 months.

"What is this thing?" Mylo muttered as he touched the magic circle, his eyes down from the pain of what he felt.

a clear cut through his ribcage all the way upwards to the right side of his neck.

blood gushing out, feeling his body scream in pain as a unicorn's vitality attempted to heal the wound.

to only partial effect. the wound closed slightly, but the unicorn died in pain.

and he felt every ounce of it.

slowly walking back to his dorm room and via the long empty hallways, Mylo heard a voice and stopped.

his crutch made it so when he moved, a large clanking noise resounded in the hallway.

feeling the hurried footsteps go away, Mylo gave a sigh of relief and went back to his dorm room.

the knocker gave him the riddle.

"Some months have eight letters in their name, whereas others have five. How many have three?" The door knocker rang out

"All of them."

"Well said, Mr Scamander."

the door opened as Mylo ran over to his room, before setting up several restriction's and trap's to make sure that nobody could sneak in.

last time... was it blood activated? Nagi put her blood in there and it bonded to her when he put the potion in, but what would happen if he was to put his own blood in?

would it absorb whatever material he would put in next?

what would happen if he fused the blood of a magical wizard with special powers into his own? but he keeps the talent, or become malformed?

so many questions but so few answers.

also, that black mist surrounded the unicorn when it died. is it the energy for this mark on his hand?

but for now, he needed to save this "Charge" until he found someone that could be of use.

he didn't want to use the unicorn blood, as it may cause an unreversible effect on his body, maybe even cursing him even when he didn't drink it.

no matter which route he went, risks of the unknown were present.

storing his vials in his suitcase, he fed Nagi some meat he smuggled before going to bed.


He woke up the next morning feeling like shit, as he slowly crawled out of bed half-heartedly.

slowly walking to the grand hall, he felt an intense gaze coming from someone behind him.

turning around to see no one, he quickly sighed.

someone was observing him

"Good morning," Anthony said as he caught up with Mylo

"Good morning."

slowly walking to the grand hall together, they took a seat at the Ravenclaw table

Mylo felt it again. the pricking sensation that made his hair stick up. he always had keen senses

locating the sense of the gaze, it came from the teacher's table, but who was following him and why?

a sound of tapping glass was heard, as Dumbledore slowly raised from his seat and went to the beautifully carved podium, which depicted an owl.

"A unicorn corpse was found outside of the Dark forest today."

Hushed murmurs and whispers came from the people around him, as Mylo clicked his tongue.

indeed, it would draw some attention. he needed to be careful now.

he felt like he was playing a game of chess with the black-cloaked figure. whoever gets caught first wins.

but isn't this fun?

Professors dumbledore's eyes locked onto Mylo

"Anyone that knew of the event is asked to speak up...."

shit. he probably left all of his tracks at the crime scene.

Mylo avoided his gaze, instead of trying to locate the prickly stare.

"However, if it is a wildbeast, we apologize for the inconvenience we caused you on this fine morning."

they probably knew I had something to deal with it, but he's... covering for me?

how peculiar. he needed to lay low for a while.

taking a sip of Pumpkin juice, Mylo looked towards Anthony

"What do we have today?"

"Potions, Defence against the dark arts and astronomy."

ah, last potions lesson they have cover, as snape was busy. maybe this time he could meet the person with such a bad reputation in the school.

"Hey, Mylo." Luna tapped his shoulder "Is it just me, or has your eyes slowly gotten darker?"

"You must be imagining things." Mylo's smile was gone.

slowly grabbing a small mirror that Luna handed towards him, he looked towards his pupil.

his eyes looked no different.

"He looks fine to me, Luna." Anthony looked towards his splendid golden eyes "And where are your shoes!"

"Oh, the people a year higher than us took them. they call me "Looney lovegood."

some small snickering came from the people of the Ravenclaw table as Mylo remembered their faces.

it was time for potions.

a chance for him to learn new potions and help Nagi grow into the strongest magical animal it could be.

but what would happen if he used the potion on his own body?

it was a relatively risky plan, but as he said before, no risk wasn't an option.

it was the same with plants. what would happen if he bonded some devil's snare to his arms?

the possibilities were endless, but so were the risks and more importantly, where the mark came from.

it was dangling in front of him, something he knew, but he didn't. it was obvious, yet it wasn't.

"O'hail the deathly hallows"

the only hint he got.

some research was required.