

young boy, 4 or 5 years, the boy looked beautiful, in fact more beautiful the most beautiful of women, he had long hair, his hair was as white as snow, his skin was pale, he looked like a celestial being, he wore a white robe, "hmm, soo i have been reincarnated in a cultivation world, i have to cultivate...., with my looks i'd be able to join any sect, they'd probably think i'm some kind of chosen, and i may actually be, since i have a pretty strong cultivation base at this age" the young boy started flying in the air, his speed was incredible, he could almost 3,000 kilometers per hour, "there are three big sects in this city, an alchemy, a magic and one with both, the one with both is the biggest sect in this city, so it should help me the most, i should be there in a day" the boy suddenly increased his speed to almost 15,000 kilometers per hour, 2 days passed "i didn't expect it would take this long, especially with my speed" in front of him was a mountain ramge, several thousands of mountains, each one more than 100 kilometers in height, and multiple giant floating islands, there were multiple buildings on each mountain, "finally here" he said calmly, "so the cultivation realms are 'Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Superior Qi Formation, Core transformation, Nascent Soul, Dao Cultivation." hmm, there's more but i don't seem to remember them, currently i'm in the core core formation realm, the youngest nascent soul in this city is atleast 100 years old, an he is considered a chosen, in fact in the whole city there's only about 140 core formation experts" suddenly a white flash appeared and an old man instantly appeared in front of the boy "who are you!" the man seemed to be in th nascent soul realm, the whole mountain range seemed to be shaking everyone under core formation was completely stunned, unable to move "i'm a mere core formation realm, i can't defeat him, this bastard" thought the young boy frowning, "you!" the old man looked surprised, but looked very joyful at the same time "i'm sorry if i interrupted senior" the young boy saluted and gave him a deep bow, the old man calmed down, everything returned back to normal, "come with me" the old man went to one of the giant floating islands, "i'm the grand elder of the boundless sect" "an elder, a pretty useful opportunity, isn't it?" "oh, so you're an elder?, i always wished to enter a sect, you must be super powerful can you let me join??" "i'm a kid afterall, better not make them suspicious" "hahaha, the sect leader will surely reward me for finding such a talented kid, my name is Chen Shuchang, what's yours?" "I'm Fu Haoyu" "ok, Fu Haoyu, since you have the required cultivation base, and talent, you can choose, do you want to become an outer sect elder or a sect chosen?" "a chosen! " "oh, ok" the old man flew up, lifted his hand towards Fu Haoyu, suddenly everything grew pitch black, after a few seconds everything returned to normal, Fu Haoyu he was in the middle of a massive room, for some reason it felt very comfortable, "hm, so this is qi" suddenly a very loud voice rang out "This is your cultivation room, this place is quite dense with qi, cultivate all you want, someone will visit you in 3 days and explain everything to tou" Fu Haoyu looked coldly at the ceiling he still looked like a celestial being, he sat down cross legged, "so this is how you absorb qi, interesting, according to this voice i have 2 days to cultivate until someone comes and explains the stuff here, the core formation realm has three main stages, early, mid and late, and nine main types of cores ' Wood, Stone, Water, Fire, Light, Darkness, Spirit, Golden and the legendary Divine Core' to get to the core transformation realm, one has to atleast have a golden core, not everyone has it, it's a completely talent based cultivation world, there's only 40 core transformation mainly for this reason, only about 60 people have a golden core in the whole city, the city's population is about 40 million cultivator, there's almost no mortals here except for slaves, in the history of the whole world only 4 people have had a divine core, an I am one of them, haha, interesting" "master Fu Haoyu is here?" "he's finally here" "Enter".