

Bakugo's POV

Deku and I did finally make it out of the activity room and back to our room without the place burning down but we did forget one thing, well two actually; All Might and Eraserhead were staying in our room with us. Fucking cock blocks! We ended up taking turns in the bathroom to relieve ourselves before getting ready for bed. At least we were still sharing a bed. I pull Deku close feeling his arms reach around me and I cuddle into them. Fuck, I love him.

Deku's POV

It was disappointing to find our teachers already in our room, well All Might had been leaving to take the first watch and Eraserhead was curled up in his sleeping bag, but same thing. Once we got into bed I just had to have Kacchan in my arms.

"Good night Kacchan," I whisper feeling him cuddle into me.

"Night Zuki," he almost breathed the words as he drifted off to sleep in my arms. I can't help smiling at the old nickname. It was what he used to call me when we were kids before our memories were taken, while we were alone together. It's nice to hear him saying it again...


Both of our alarms were blaring and we got up to find Eraserhead gone and All Might already up and dressed, in his hero form and all.

"So how long were you able to hold your hero form yesterday?" Kacchan asked him yawning as he came back in the room with his toothbrush so he could hear the answer.

"All day, so somewhere between 16 and 20 hours." All Might looked like he was so excited, I couldn't help laughing as I went to the bathroom to get ready myself.

Kirishima's POV

I see Deku and Bakubro enter the cafeteria only getting something small to eat before sitting down by their bags. They still looked sleepy but they were still walking straight? What the hell I was sure that they were going to score last night.

All Might and Eraserhead are across the room and I walk over to talk to them.

"What happened? You two couldn't stop with the bedroom eyes before you left?" I whispered making sure no one was around to hear me. Midoriya blushed a little but not nearly so much as Bakubro, huh interesting.

"We found our teachers still in our room when we got there. Eraserhead was sleeping and All Might was going around for patrols." Midoriya answered and if I didn't know better I would say he was pissed.

"Fucking cock block!" I hear Bakubro grumble around a mouth full of food, angrily shooting glares at both of them across the room.

Our teachers have been staying in their room this whole time? But didn't Midoriya say they were asleep all week?

"Why were they in your room and not their own?" I asked just in case.

"I guess they were worried that we were both unconscious for a second time within a week and decided they needed to watch over us and when we woke up yesterday I guess they didn't see a reason to get a new room since we were leaving today." Midoriya responded, his tone was flat but I could definitely hear some anger in there. Oh shit, who knew the class cinnamon bun could actually get angry?

"Well there is always once we get back right?" I asked trying to calm the two down. Honestly Bakubro looked pretty okay considering but Midoriya seemed to be struggling and that is scary especially after I saw him breathing fire and then defeat Bakubro without breaking a sweat.

I hear them grumble but I saw Midoriya's shoulders relax. "Which one of you would win in a real fight?" I should slap myself, I watch as Bakubro froze looking timidly at me then Midoriya, his eyes wide. Is he actually afraid?

"I guess I would, why?" Midoriya answered after only a few seconds and Bakubro nodded agreeing but stayed silent. Just how strong is he now?

Bakugo's POV

"Are you trying to fucking kill me?" I hissed when Deku walked away to talk to Glasses and Round face, well out of earshot.

"What?" Kirishima asked confused.

"Look you have never seen anything close to how strong he was when we were kids forget about now when he's gained a third quirk and trained here at UA!" I'm whispering trying very hard not to get Deku's attention again and I know Kirishima is smart enough to realize the panic attack I nearly had a few moments ago.

He looks up and over at my laughing, smiling, sweet as a fucking cinnamon roll of a boyfriend and look back at me clearly confused.

I groan before I add, "Trust me when I say it's a damn good thing he is a hero and not a villain. We would all be doomed," I don't even bother to try and hide the shudder that courses through me at the thought. I pick up my bags discarding what is left of my breakfast because I just might get sick just looking at it and walk over to Deku trying to forget about the whole conversation altogether.

"Hey Zuki!" I smile at him relieved that he is smiling again.

"Penalty!" Round face calls out getting our entire classes attention again. Are they fucking smiling?

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! The game is over," I groan covering my face with my free hand.

"The dare was for until we got back to school, not until the game was over!" Kaminari called out.

"Yep your good for it, pay out!" Glasses chimes in laughing. For fucks sake isn't he the class rep?

"Fine," I grumble before pulling Deku in for a sweet kiss on the lips before quickly releasing him.

"I think it's safe to say you kids had to much fun last night," Eraserhead growled frowning at everyone involved.

"Bakugo just has to call Midoriya, Babe, until we get back to school he agreed while we were playing a game and heros don't go back on their word." Glasses stated as if it were simple. I swear I heard our teacher laugh but he quickly covered it up coughing before telling us all to get on the bus already.

Deku's POV

I'm still tired and after we made it back to our seats I couldn't help yawning, getting Kacchan's attention. I wonder if the game last night actually counts as me asking him to be my boyfriend? I look up at him to see him looking back worried. I can't help smiling, yeah I have nothing to worry about.

Kacchan lifted the armrest separating us and looking at me carefully before he slowly laid down against my shoulder cuddling as he did. I had to have a megawatt smile on because he just looked so freaking hot but while he was looking up at me he looked too freaking adorable. I'm about to freaking die because of how cute he is being.

I settle down leaning against him and for the first time in years I feel truly safe...


I wake up to the bus jerking forward as we slide to a stop. We were still a good ways from school and I couldn't see what could have made Eraserhead slam on the breaks like that but everyone was awake now.

"You all have permission to fight back!" I hear All Might behind me yelling at us all so he could be heard. Just great watch it be the freaking League of Villains again. We all exit the bus and before anyone could do anything I get grabbed by a freaking Nomu. Just freaking great!

Kirishima's POV

"Oh my All Might a Nomu has Midoriya!" I start to run after it when someone grabs my arm, it's Bakubro?

"Bro it just grabbed your boyfriend! What the hell are you doing?" I practically scream at him and he just shakes his head sadly before pointing back at our friend.

I look back and Midoriya just looks done, he is just so over it, he even let's out a bored sigh.

"What do you want now?" He asked not seeming to really care.

"Why how nice if you too ask! We are looking for the successor of All Might and when we find him we will destroy-! Wait what are you doing? Stop that!" The weird dude with the hands on his face started screaming. He was standing right next to him and Midoriya just started acting like he was bored to sleep and was snoring! What the hell?

I look back at Bakubro who released me but was still just standing there. I look back at the green haired cinnamon roll confused.

"Are you done yet?" Midoriya yawned after the Nomu had shaken him around with enough force to easily snap someone's neck if not spine.

"You snot nosed punk!" The Leagues leader ranted.

"So that's a no?" Midoriya yawned again. I looked beside me and saw All Might and Eraserhead frozen in their tracks, what the hell is going on?

"Forget it just kill him, we will just have to torture it out of the the rest of them." The creepy guy ranted some more.

"Oh that means I don't have to listen anymore. Great!" Midoriya then easily climbed out of the Nomu's arms as if he were nothing more than a stuffed animal and ripped it's head clean off it's shoulders, I almost didn't even notice the green sparks of his quirk activate with all of the blood spraying everywhere.

The Nomu's body dropped while Midoriya still hung in the air stretching a little bit. "Alright let's do this!" I see Midoriya grin much like how Bakubro would when he got overexcited. Like a rabid animal ready for the kill. The next second all hell broke loose. All the villains started either making a run for it or attacking him all at once but it looked like there was something like an invisible shield around him. In fact it seemed to be around all of us and I see Bakubro drop to his knees.

"Red, I need water now!" He hissed like he was in pain. Thankfully Todoroki heard him as well and froze the area around us. He nodded actually acknowledging the help before the ice seemed to vaporize and was it feeding the shield? Wait that was Bakubro?

"How much longer can you hold on Young Bakugo?" All Might asked him taking a defensive position beside him while Eraserhead took the opposite side. Fuck it! I don't understand what's going on but right now I need to help. I stood at his back.

"Maybe another two minutes but that's pushing it," Bakubro hissed straining his muscles. "Zuki will be done before then though." I can hear him smile at that and I could feel both All Might and Eraserhead flinch from either side of me. Good I'm not the only one confused.

I hardened myself ready for any attacks that somehow make it through his barrier but nothing ever came. I glance over my shoulder and see Midoriya breathing fire nothing like his match against Bakubro though. That had been a tight stream that was carefully aimed. This was easily 10 times stronger and he was letting it erupt from his mouth. Yet it didn't look like a volcano like the night he destroyed the activity room, if anything it looked more like a blazing comet. It was perfectly controlled. The enemy was laying around where they had been knocked out and our classmates were just watching as the black hole guy was currently trying to suck him in but Midoriya had tightened his flames to hit his body in a white hot stream directly in his armor making him scream before he finally got away taking many but not all of their men with them.

"What the hell?" Was all I could say.

Bakugo's POV

I finally let the barrier fall and I'm still on my knees now sweating as if I had just been running a marathon. Why does it have to be so hard? I know it has been a really long time since I used that part of my quirk but still! I guess now I'm going to have to actually train it. I should be able to hold such a small shield for at least half an hour not just a few minutes. Fuck I'm weak. I'll just have to train super hard. Maybe if Zuki helps me train I can get stronger faster?

I am just sitting there gasping trying to get enough air in my lungs when I feel water hit me. It was like I was getting hit by a semi truck but it just felt so good that even with the water pressure I just took it. After about a minute the water stopped and I looked up smiling to see Zuki shutting off a fire hydrant nearby. I wonder how I didn't notice it before?

"I really needed that. Thanks Zuki," I sighed before falling back on the grass not even caring if I got muddy or not. I really needed the water and just lying in it was enough. We had to wait for the authorities to arrive and take away all the villains anyway so, oh well. The half and half bastard had frozen them encasing them in ice while they waited to be released from their freezing torture.

Deku's POV

I had let the fire hydrant flow until there was a good amount of water surrounding Kacchan before turning it off again. He looked so happy before he just fell over and laid in the water. Not even caring whether or not he was already drenched or not. I couldn't help giggling as I hovered over him watching him until he noticed and he made faces at me with his eyes still closed.

'I love you Kacchan!' I tell him using my mind. Not wanting anyone else to interrupt our conversation.

"Me too Zuki," he replied finally opening his eyes smiling at me.

'You know you don't have to answer out loud if you don't want to? You can just direct your thoughts at me and I will hear them. I still can't read minds though.' I giggled out loud as my words filled his mind. I figured it out after we got back to our room last night. Kacchan kept saying he loved me in his head, making me happier than any one person had the right to be.

'That's good to know,' he grinned back before swinging an arm into the air and hitting me with a blast of water.

"You're it!" He called out jumping up and running away from me at the same time. I just blinked until a smile slowly made it's way to my face and I flew after him, laughing as we played.

Kirishima's POV

I don't understand, we were just attacked by the League and Bakubro and Midoriya are playing tag? Since when could Bakubro control water? Since when could he make a force field? Or was that water too? I can't help just watching the two play around us and it's not long before the police start to show up. Midoriya had caught up with bakubro really quickly but now that the police arrived he had stopped where he was which was fairly close by me and the rest of the class only for Bakubro to tackle him down to the ground.

"Got ya!" He laughed as he pinned Midoriya's wrist to the ground. Midoriya just laughed and before I could blink Bakubro was floating up again still holding Midoriya's wrist. "Hey you're cheating again!" He fussed refusing to let go of Midoriya. I can't take it anymore and just face palm myself.

I could feel Eraserhead and All Might next to me shuffling uncomfortably, the rest of our class though was just staring at the two playing around like children.

"Eraserhead! All Might!" I look up to see an officer walking up to us with a smile. "I see you have recovered nicely," the officer looked All Might up and down before smiling. Now that I think about it I think All Might has been in his hero form all day today.

We all looked at All Might now ignoring the 'children' as they played and the hero just shrugged smiling nervously. "I haven't been able to really test out my quirk since I have gotten my hero form back yet."

"Oh, then who fought off all of these villains? Surely Eraserhead couldn't have even with all of these students." The officer raised an eyebrow at him, before looking back and forth between the heros.

I see Eraserhead shake his head no before pointing at Bakubro and Midoriya who were now wrestling on the ground. They had somehow found their way back to the area with all of the water and they were now both covered in mud and drenched to the bone much to several officers amusement. "They are the only two who fought and they took them all down. All Might and I were just in the way," Eraserhead informed him and several of the nearby officers froze and looked back at the two fighting teens.

"Yuck! Now I'm all covered in mud!" Bakubro groaned struggling back to his feet slipping and sliding in the mud cursing enough to make a few of them blush.

"I guess I better get us some more water then!" Midoriya laughed before the fire hydrant let out a large gush of water again. This time it wasn't pointed directly at Bakubro and I watched in awe as the water twisted in the air and after just a few moments the fire hydrant shut off again. The water still hovering in the air.

"You first!" Bakubro laughed before the water nailed Midoriya and circled around him like a sphere. I could see his hair and clothes getting pulled in all different directions before the mud was separated from the water and a large "Splat" could be heard as it fell to the ground. The still clean water seemed to remove itself from Midoriya leaving the boy completely drenched.

"Hey I'm still all wet!" Midoriya laughed before he propelled himself into the air and used what looked like a spinning motion. He looked like one of those ice skaters doing one of those complicated spins. When he came back down he was still grinning like a goof and was he waiting?

I looked back at Bakubro who was still covered in mud, he made a hand gesture and the water hit him making him lose his footing but instead of falling the water sphere stayed air born until there was another "Splat" of mud dropped. Then the water just sort of floated and Bakubro's head came out of the top.

"Zuki! The water feels great and all but do you think?" Bakubro called over to the now laughing Midoriya.

"Yeah sure I got you," He laughed and Bakubro was lifted out of the water that now splashed onto the ground. "Don't blame me if you get sick," Midoriya taunted before Bakubro shot up in the air and did a similar spin to what he had done. When he came down and was placed gently on the dry ground he was swaying and hobbling like a drunk man.

"Thanks Deku," Bakubro grumbled as he tried not to throw up and stay standing at the same time. I couldn't help laughing at the sight in front of me. It was almost like Bakubro was a completely different person but at the same time not.

"You're telling me that these two kids took down all of these guys?" I looked back at the officer who looked like he didn't believe a word of it. The whole class nodded their heads it was almost comical seeing everyone so synced the officer just stared at our pro hero teachers.

"Well then I guess they get to do all of the paperwork then," he smiled as if he caught Eraserhead in a lie.

"Midoriya, Bakugo!" Eraserhead yelled without taking his eyes off the officer.

They came over, Midoriya still floating in the air happily and Bakubro stumbling and swaying still dizzy. "What do you want?" Bakubro tried to hiss but it's really hard to take him seriously when he was still swaying like that. Midoriya seemed to take pity on him and lifted him gently in the air holding him still. "Thanks," I swear I hear him breathe the word towards the green haired boy.

"You defeated the League of Villains you have to fill out the paperwork on the fight," Eraserhead told them sighing tiredly. I watched as they both frowned before the officer handed them each a clipboard and pen. Bakubro actually sat crossing his legs in the air while they both filled out the paperwork in silence. It was surreal to see them both just floating in the air their legs crossed like they were sitting on the ground, just filling out the paperwork.

"Hey Deku, when you tore off the Nomu's head which part of your quirk were you using?" Bakubro asked scratching his head.

"OFA," came Deku's answer before they continued on for a few moments. "Kacchan where did you get the water from to help with your shield?" Deku asked while biting the end of his pen.

"The half and half bastard nearly froze me after hearing me ask Red for it," Bakubro mumbled his answer. I watch as Midoriya nodded and they finished the paperwork in silence. It honestly didn't take long before they were both finished and I watched as Midoriya handed the officer his and Bakubro just say "Catch," before throwing his own clipboard at the officer. Although if I didn't know better I would say he was careful not to hurt the officer and make sure he actually caught it.

The officer was shocked that the heros actually let the teenagers fill out the paperwork and started reading through it himself. "That's impossible," I hear him grumble before he added, "The paperwork is perfect though. Why can't I get my officers to fill out the paperwork like this?"

"Is there anything else you would need my class for? Everyone in this class has their hero licence if there is anything else that you needed help with." Eraserhead asked in a bored voice.

"Uh, no. Thank you, this is everything. Please have a good day." The officer turned on his heel and walked away.

"Get down from there and everyone back on the bus, we still have a while before we get back to the school." I hear Eraserhead give orders and I look up to see both Midoriya and Bakubro yawning before slumping back to the ground and dragging themselves back to their seats.

Aizawa''s POV

All Might took over driving and I sat back in the teachers seat to keep a close eye on our trouble makers. I guess that was useless though, they were both out cold before I could even get to my seat and I couldn't seem to wake them when we got back to the school. All Might and I ended up carrying them to Recovery Girl's office thinking maybe they had hurt themselves, yet again. But she frowned and shook her head.

"The only thing wrong with them is that they are exhausted," she informed us. "If anything all they need is rest. I should say the next two or three days should be enough, just don't overwork them this week and they should be fine to attend class as well."

What are we supposed to do? These two boys worked together in a way that I have never seen before. They protected their classmates and dismantled to enemy as if it were a walk in the park and then they took care of the reports before we even left the scene. From what I overheard Officer Oolong muttering to himself the reports were flawless. I wonder if he would send me a copy of both boys reports so that I could see how well they actually did?

All Might and I had taken the boys back to their dorms and put them in their respective rooms. This is probably the first time they were not clinging together in their sleep since the tree fell down over a week ago. All Might announced that neither boy was to be disturbed unless it was an absolute emergency and that they were otherwise fine but they needed to rest.

I watched as the students chatted amongst themselves and for the first time I see Kirishima standing alone and quiet away from the others. What could be his problem? Then I realized that the red head had always been hanging out with Bakugo and for the first time he seemed lost. Like he doesn't really know what to do next.

"Midoriya and Bakugo are still the same boys you have known this whole time they just recently had a quirk that had been used on them when they were small removed. They have several memories now that they did not have before." I looked around the dorm common area at the class who seemed so very confused. "When Midoriya woke up the first time after we got to the camp he didn't even know who I was. It took him a couple minutes to figure it out and get his memories straight in his own head. They may need time to adjust but they are still only Midoriya and Bakugo."

This time as I look around I see many of their relieved faces and when I glance at Kirishima to see him now smiling and talking with his usual group of friends. I think they call themselves the Baku squad? Now that I think about it Bakugo and Midoriya pretty much had the class split in half with the Baku squad and the Deku squad, there was only a couple students that were not in one or the other. I wonder how things will work out now that the two of them seem to be a single team? Will they unite the whole class? Or will both groups fall apart?

All Might and I leave the dorms now and I follow All Might back to Recovery Girls Office, she had demanded answers for how All Might was back in his hero form and didn't show any signs of fatigue. This is going to be a long day. I wonder if I can skip out of it since it didn't actually include me?