

3rd Person's POV

The following year was a blur and it was graduation before any of them could understand it. The Hero Association was more than shocked to learn that the two boys Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya were the ones who actually adopted Eri but now that they were graduates they couldn't really do anything to them with the information. 

Eri was spoiled rotten, now 8 years old and attending school herself, now that she could control her quirk she has learned that she doesn't really want to be a hero like either her Papa or Daddy. No, she wants to be a doctor and her quirk could only help with that. Everyone also found out that the more she understood the body the easier time she had of rewinding only the damage done to that particular part of them. 

She was even able to finally heal Lemillion giving him his quirk back, but she could only do that by rewinding his whole body. His best friend insisted on joining him and after getting Nezu's permission the two rewound back to their 3rd year of UA. They graduated the same year as Deku and Ground Zero's class considering they ended up joining the class. 

She is only 8 but she was a genius when it came to healing and not just because of her quirk. She spends time after school every day going to UA and spending time with Recovery Girl learning more and more. 

Now that Deku and the rest of class A have graduated they did open their Hero Headquarters and Eraserhead, Present Mic and All Might joined them. All Might was only allowed to work part time as a hero, because of the injury that put him on death's door so many years ago in the first place, so he also had a job as the receptionist surprising more than a few civilians when they entered to ask for help. 

Deku became the number 2 hero and Ground Zero the number 3 hero but they were not upset in the slightest because the number 1 hero was Small Might. Yep, they had to have a separate entry just for their ultimate attack. 

The whole Wonder Duo agency couldn't stop laughing about it. It was considered the best joke of all time. 

The world was shocked when it was only two years after graduation that the hero's Deku and Ground Zero announced they had gotten married. Ground Zero had taken Deku's last name, making several perverted citizens wonder if he was the bottom. 

At the same time Red Riot and Tempest also announced they had gotten married and considering what all the public had found out about Endeavor no one bat an eye at the fact Tempest took the last name Bakugo. Not even the most perverted citizen would speak out about tops and bottoms for that relationship. 

In contrast even class A was surprised that Red Riot and Tempest adopted Kota. Most believed that Deku and Ground Zero would because of his almost hero worship of Deku from during their first year of high school. But he seemed not more than happy to call him Uncle instead. It was probably for the best after all so he could have a real parent/son relationship with both Red and Tempest. 

The years flew by and eventually even Grape Juice announced his own wedding bells to everyone's surprise it was to Invisible Girl. It wasn't until Eri entered high school that everyone was shocked to find out that Eri enrolled into UA's Hero Course.

When she was asked why, considering she had no desire to be a fighting hero she simply answered, "As a doctor I need to see for myself how everyone works and trains so I can be the very best doctor." Not to mention she somehowmade it into Aizawa's class like she did when her Daddy and Papa were in school.

Deku and Ground Zero however couldn't be more proud of her. She was even taking extra classes for animal health stating that someone could have a mutation quirk and it would only help her, help them. She ended up taking the hero name: The Doctor.

The world was finally at peace, a true peace now that AFO was no longer in the shadows. He was sentenced to death and it was carried out before his captors even graduated high school. 

His quirk AFO was taken by Deku that day on the stage. He had ripped Red's quirk from him, replacing his own thinking that he could just get it back later, not realizing that Deku could use both telekinetic and telepathic abilities. 

Deku was able to switch quirks with Red before stripping AFO of his own, leaving nothing behind. Before fixing the damage done to Red and taking his own quirk back. Deku can still use AFO if he so chose to but instead opted not too. Unless it was a very dangerous villain. 

Or if the Hero Association requested that he take a villains quirk as part of their sentence. In fact it became a well known fact that if a child had a dangerous quirk that they couldn't control they could request help at the Wonder Duo Agency. Regardless of where in the world they were. If they needed help then he could be there with a smile. Always with a smile.

There was nowhere in the world that the Wonder Duo was not welcome and all the children were taught before they even turned 4 that if they didn't want their quirk, it was okay. Deku would be there for them, either to help teach them or to remove it. On several occasions he needed to remove the quirk he could return it within the year after analyzing its usage and figuring out ways to make it safe for the original user. Or in rare cases that he couldn't find a healthy way for the original user to keep the quirk he would offer a different one. Unfortunately nothing that could make them heroes but things that would help them help the world in other ways. 

Finally a world where everyone could have true peace. And it all started with two boys learning their true past. The True Past of the Wonder Duo was even a critically acclaimed film reaching higher heights than The Rise of Almight ever did. 

The End.