
The True King Of Westeros

If you read my previous works then you might not expect much the grammer might not be the best but ill try I intend to redeem myself for my past works and this time on on a laptop so it should go smoother the premise of the story is that Robert and Cercie have a true born son he is the first born just 1 year older then this wont be a story where hes good at everything and always knows what to do by himself i dont like them hes going to listen to advice and also try to have trustworthy but also comeptent people around him His name is Raymont Baratheon first of his name im not gonna have OC's other then Raymont and if they do show up then they wont play a big part PS. i dunno about upload schedule ill let you know during chapters and converstaions between others will be more lax depending on the setting so some slang may be used but only ones i think fit into the story but in a formal setting then yes it will be more highclass like royalty should talk Okay strap yourselves in for a wild ride

Oliver_Richardson · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

The Begining

(Location Kingslanding) (14th day of the second moon 281 ac )

(Third person)

All through out the Redkeep you can hear the screams of the queen Cersei as she gives birth to the crown prince or the princess of the iron throne.

The king unlike most husbands who would be there by her side or atleast waiting outside is out in the kingswood this is most likely to the relief of the queen their marriage had never been a good one its only been a year since the marriage began and its already turned sour this is beacuse of two big reasons first the king isnt a faithful man he drinks and whores his days away already hes starting to lose the build that helped him slay Rhaegar at the trident although still a man not to be triffled with, and second reason is the way they treat eachother Robert doesn't want to be king and doesn't want to have people bothering him under falsehood's he just wants to mourn the woman that he lost but cersei she wants to rule so she is bothering him pretty often trying to get power this angers Robert and since hes usualy drunk or hungover he get's physicaly abusive or mentaly abusive and cersie doesn't take slights big or small so she retaliates all this piles on to the point where after one year of this they absoulutly despise eachother.

After many hours of labour the queen finaly gets to meet her first child.

Inside the birthing room (Cersei pov)

"It's a healthy boy your grace" pycelle the old fool finaly stammers out.

'I'm finaly finished it's come out at Last, time to finaly meet my little cub I wonder If he looks like Jaime' she ponders as she is handed a bundle containing her son but when she see's those blue eyes staring back a her she freeze's.

'This is Robert's' is all she can think as she stares blue meeting watery green, she breaks eye contact and thinks on if she will love the child.

'I know I shall never love you as much as i would a child of Jaime and me but i won't take it out on you, you didn't ask to be born after all.'

"Leave me and get a wet nurse for my child im too tired to feed him myself" i say with no need to raise my voice.

Everyone rushes out the room, one of her ladies in waiting taking the child to a wet nurse before she too leaves.

Once everyone has left her brother Jaime Lannister swaggers in, in golden coloured armour with a white cape attached to his shoulders.

"And where is the child?" he asks lifting one of his eyebrows.

"I sent him to get fed he must be hungry after the birth" I say looking out the window wondering how Robert will react, he would probably be estatic over the fact he has a son that looks just like him.

"I would have thought you would pefer to feed him you always said you wouldnt let a true Lannister drink from some low born women" he asks eyebrow still raised in confusion.

"He's all Baratheon blue eyes probably some tuffs of black hair" I say not being able to make eye contact with him after betraying him.

"Oh" is all he says looking out the window "what are you going to do with him?" he asks giving me a peculiar look.

"I'm going to keep him, hes still my son he may never be my favorite but i will still keep him safe from harm, I hope you will do the same for me he is still your nephew" i give him a full smile.

"You didn't have to ask me that i would have done so anyway" he walks closer to me and takes my hands in his "we can always have our own soon" he whispers in my ear so no one hears, since the walls have ears.

"I'll let you rest its been a long birth" he kisses me on the forehead and goes to the door to stand guard.

(3 days later) (Robert Batatheon POV)

'A son I never realy thought about kids the only one i met was Mya and i was much younger then now i'm a real father. A trueborn son i wonder what she named him no doubt some westerlander name like Lyle or gods forbid Tywin' I continue to make my way to my son lead by a servant, with the kingsguard at my back, 'gods what i would do to have time to myself no one at my door while i sleep ,to be allowed to walk the streets with out white cloaks and a trail of sevents following me' I think back on the days at the vale when i was a boy no guards following me all the time there just me and Ned hammer,sword and of course wine at our sides ,those were the days.

I finaly make it to the room where my son is 'i wonder what he will look like' i think as a push the door open noticing my only missing kingsguard watching over him

"Kingslayer looking after my son i see" i say with a smile on my face seeing his smirk fall just the smallest bit

"Yes your grace the prince is safe and healthy" he says looking back at my son

"So what's his name?" i ask looking over the crib at him sleeping soundly a black tuff of hair sitting atop his head i never thought would love anything more than Lyanna but just looking at him makes me feel at peace.

"Her grace wanted you to pick his name since he looks more like you than her" he says finaly looking at me.

'Whats a good name for him?" i think rubbing my chin 'Borros no, Lyonel no doesn't feel right, Axel no he was killed by a Trant, I know Raymont a strong name and was a strong man he was even a kingsguard for those dragonspawn' i mull it over some more and the more i think about it the more i seem to enjoy it.

"He shall be called Raymont of house Baratheon future king of the 7 kingdoms" i say looking at him with pride,as i look he starts to wake up and what i see makes me the most happy ive ever been in a long time beatiful blue eyes as light as the sky, I wonder who he will grow up to be.

(282 ac 5th day of the 7th moon)

The queen has once again given birth.

'I've given birth to a son this one is gold haired green eyed just like it's ment to be' i smile the widest and most genuine one I have ever done in my enitre life.

"Its a-another boy y-your grace strong and h-healthy"pycelle stutters out as my son screams the loudest i've have ever heard im glad Ray didn't scream like that.

"You shall be called Joffrey" I declared as i stared at him the longer i held him the quiter he got and the more beatiful he became, my musing was interupted when Ser Mandon opend the door.

"Your grace your son is here to see you" Ray 1 year and 6 months old big for his age common among both Baratheons and Lannisters "send him in Mandon" he nods and fully opens the door, Ray walks in and instantly heads in my direction climbs on the chair next to me and looks at the bundle in my arms and points to it.

"Is that my brother?" he asks not looking away from Joffrey "yes love thats your little brother Joffrey do you know what you have to do as a older brother?" I ask imaging him with blonde hair and green eyes "yes i asked Mandon and he said that i have to look out for him i asked him if his family looked after him and he didnt say if they did" he says finaly looking at me.

Robert had decided that he wanted Ser Mandon to watch over Raymont two months ago after he started properly walking, I asked him to pick Jaime, but he wanted Ray to know the rest of the kingsguard Robert had said it would be good for him to have more social interactions with strangers i couldnt disagree since being king ment you had to talk to people and if we got him talking to people from a young age then he would hopefuly be more talkative in the future.

"Does Mondon treat you well sweetling?" Mandon may be loyal but he is intimadating with those dead eyes, they could frighten a kid of Ray's age.

"Yes he's always nice to me and whenever he's there i can go where ever i want and he carries me when my legs get tired, ive even seen him smile a few times" he say excitedly I was quite shocked as ive never seen Mandon smile at anyone or anything.

"So can i hold him?" he says looking back at Joffrey i consider it if he lays down then i can lay him across his lap and if he drops him he will just fall onto the bed.

"Very well come sit next to me and i'll let you hold him" he rushes to get on the bed that is big enough to fit five people so us two wont matter as he settles in I transfer Joffrey to his lap and make sure his arms support his head and back.

After a while of sitting there my exaustion from the birth catches up to me and I end up falling asleep as Raymont holds Joffrey and talks to his little brother I sleep with a smile on my face knowing that they will love eachother and take care of eachother.

I wake up and its the hour of the wolf, next to me is Robert holding Raymont to his side and holding Joffrey in the other arm all three are sound asleep i find myself naturaly leaning int to them all and falling back to sleep next to my two kids and my husband who for once doesnt smell of wine or the aftermath of his nightly sessions and i'm at peace i may never forgive him for what he does but we might come to be at peace with on another atleast.

(this took longer then i thought to write this but im pretty happy with how it turnd out usualy in fanfics Robert is just abusive for no reason and cersei is evil at just random times shes unhinged yes but not stuipid and i found the name Raymont by looking up Baratheon names and it felt right to me and also yes in this fic hes not reincarnated he was born in this world with no past memories or gifts from god hes just crown prince so if your looking for reicarnation that brings guns and cannons to this world then this aint it also if your gonna comment just dont be rude with it if i misspelt then just correct me i will probably fix it until next time)