
The True King Of Westeros

If you read my previous works then you might not expect much the grammer might not be the best but ill try I intend to redeem myself for my past works and this time on on a laptop so it should go smoother the premise of the story is that Robert and Cercie have a true born son he is the first born just 1 year older then this wont be a story where hes good at everything and always knows what to do by himself i dont like them hes going to listen to advice and also try to have trustworthy but also comeptent people around him His name is Raymont Baratheon first of his name im not gonna have OC's other then Raymont and if they do show up then they wont play a big part PS. i dunno about upload schedule ill let you know during chapters and converstaions between others will be more lax depending on the setting so some slang may be used but only ones i think fit into the story but in a formal setting then yes it will be more highclass like royalty should talk Okay strap yourselves in for a wild ride

Oliver_Richardson · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

Chapter 2

Robert POV (Raymont is 6)

'I never thought i would be a good father in truth im not the best but I do try to to see Ray as much as I can the boy grows fast its hard to belive that hes already 6 I guess being king makes time fly by, atleast since Ray was born me and Cersei have gotten more friendly I doubt that we will ever be friends or in love we dont even enjoy being alone together but when our children are around we can agree on topics and have calm conversations'

down bellow where the king is standing Raymont and his brother Joffrey are playing knights shadowed by Mandon Moore and the younger brother of the mountain that rides 'people were concerned over the twenty and one namedays clegene but he's loyal to the crown the only thing he wants is people to kill and his brother dead' he's been in the kings employ for one year and is used to following the six and five name days princes, 'he's one hell of a fighter there are few who can match his skill and forocity plus the princes seem to like him despite his horrifying burn, at first Joffrey cried when he saw him he was four name days old so I cant blame him but Raymont even though i could tell he was frightend squared his shoulders and stood bewtween Sandor and Joff one of the moments i was proud of him'

(1 year ago) 3rd person

"Joffrey as a prince you need a sworn sheild and since your brother is the heir and your not you wont get a kingsguard you shall have someone who your grandfather reccomended, his name is Sandor Clegene he shall be your man im trusting you with command over him dont take advantage" the king bent down to one knee and put his hands on his shoulders and said in a soft voice "do you understand?" the prince in question noded his head "thats my lad he taped his shoulders and stood to the side with the kingsguard

Joffrey approched Sandor timdly and introduced himself "hello my name is Joffrey Baratheon it will be a plesure to have you guard me from now on" Sandor just stared at him before noding showing his burnt face at a better angle this made Joffrey recoil

"Does my face scare you boy does it make you tremble in fear seeing it" Sandor barked out making Joffrey take a few steps back seeing his brothers discomfort Raymont advanced and stood inbetween them before Robert or anyone else could intervene and glared up at the clegene with unyeilding eyes they stood there for a few seconds before Ray spoke "you shall not talk like that to my brother or I shall have your tounge" he said in a quiet voice not breaking eye contact "if you are loyal you shall be rewarded but if you are disobedient or intentionaly rude then your days are numberd, do you understand?" Sandor took a few seconds before inclineing his head and saying "yes your grace my apoliges" it most definetly hurt his ego but it also earned a bit of his respect being able to stare him down and give him orders the king was also smiling from ear to ear.

And from that day on Clegene could always be seen with Joffrey along with Mandon and Raymont he is aggresive to any who come close to the princes unless they are his immideate family there was a ocasion where there cousin lancel was getting angry about not being as good as Raymont at his lessons they started arguing and Sandor just grabbed him by the collor and started threating him in that raspy voice of his

Flashback end Robert Pov

'I cant wait until Ray reaches majority then I can step down and go to the north or i can go to the free citys and become a mercinary i was always made for war even with the ammount of weight ive started to gain im still a force to be reckond with' as the king thought of the future the reson why he can outside to watch his sons came

Raymont and Joffrey were put in their training armour and circled eachother Joff pefering the sword and Ray favoring the hammer 'not a two handed one like mine but just a ne handed hammer with a sheild on his arm' Roberts smile dropped a small bit thinking about Rays skills with wepons they tried the sword,spear,mace and even a sabre but nothing fitted with him so they just gave him a hammer since it would look good politicaly hes better then adverage but he's not going to be some egendary warrior'.

'Now Joffrey he's got talent you wouldnt think it if you saw his first time in the yard he was crying after three hits not even to his head just his arms but Ray said somthing to him and after he kept coming back he might cry from some hits but he is always getting back up and immproving i culdnt be prouder.'

'Now that i think about it Joffrey is mainly raised by his older brother i havent realy done anything and all Cersei does is pamper him she probably takes credit for the way he's turning out but we havent realy done anything to attribute to them' Robert thinks as he looks at the display

'The only ting that cersei can say shes done for them is give birth to them and the thing's that Ihave done is provide for them ive given them the tools to improve themselves and the people to teach them I intend to leave the world better then when I took the throne ive already stared to cut back on tournys and feasts its crazy the things that you do for those you love Raymont shall be a great king and deal with the statecraft and poletics ane Joffrey shall be the hand that slays his enemys and leads his armys and its my job to leave the real so that they can flourish let's hope that some good marriges ome along and that people dont look at the throne too closely the one i worry about the most is renly i can see how i looks at the court and how he speaks to people hes still young but the seed has been planted and hes smart enough to try and get it he will be defeted of course but once one person rebels evey other snake strikes' the king leans on the bannister and pictures the war the only thing that hes confident in predicting.

'Tywin would back Ray and many stormlords would flock to him but some will follow Renly just out of obilgation to there leige lord,the tyrells will try to marry to one of the sides and if one refuses then they will go against them,dorne will be quiet and stay out of it unless Ray can convince them or their vassals,the north wil march for my son but they take quiet a while to muster and reach kingslanding,the rivverlands will split whether its a big split or just a few lords doesnt matter it will keep tullys occupied the crownlands can field around 15000 men along with the lannisters 30000 thats a large host but if they are smart then they will quickly march into the crownlands and go village to village taking their men, i know stannis will stay loyal so we have the royal fleet so a seige will be hard for the enemy to do unless the reach goes againt Ray if that happens then the redwine fleet will contend with the royal fleet i trust stannis to win a sea battle but if the battle comes even if we win we will take losses and the ironborn are alwys raiding and if they decide to attack then we wont be able to attack them they can just ravage our coasts that can effect the food supplys so i need to have the reach onside maybe marry Joff to a reach woman it could be a Tarly, Randyll Tarly is the only man who beat me in battle and if he has a daughter then Joff could marry her this will make the reach think twice about rising up in rebelion since one of their powerful vassals and one of the best commanders is poised to strike against them, the vale they are one of my biggest supporters so they should support my son with just as much zeal as they did for me.

'That should be a rough enough outline to follow but the big issiue is that the small council is filled with snakes out for their own agendes i'm going to have to consult jon about the council and maybe Ray when he gets older can give imput and maybe have a position on there if jon gets tired of the job or gods forbid dies then Ray can take the position of hand of the king it will give him good experience with less downsides if things go bad, gods being a dad has gotten me thinking about being responsible' by the time the king finished his thoughts the spar was done he didnt even notice who won but it must have been interesting with how tired they looked i hope the future goes well for the two of them'

(and were done with this chapter ive decided that this will be weekly every thursday i will have one out and i might make extras if i feel like writing like i did well i wrote this next chapter will be a big time skip so stay tuned for more if your finding it intresting i'll go through this later and update the spelling and punctuation bc its 2 in the morning and ive gotta be up in 5 hours so with that said peace)