
The True King Of Westeros

If you read my previous works then you might not expect much the grammer might not be the best but ill try I intend to redeem myself for my past works and this time on on a laptop so it should go smoother the premise of the story is that Robert and Cercie have a true born son he is the first born just 1 year older then this wont be a story where hes good at everything and always knows what to do by himself i dont like them hes going to listen to advice and also try to have trustworthy but also comeptent people around him His name is Raymont Baratheon first of his name im not gonna have OC's other then Raymont and if they do show up then they wont play a big part PS. i dunno about upload schedule ill let you know during chapters and converstaions between others will be more lax depending on the setting so some slang may be used but only ones i think fit into the story but in a formal setting then yes it will be more highclass like royalty should talk Okay strap yourselves in for a wild ride

Oliver_Richardson · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

Cementing the reputation

Joffrey Pov two years after last chapter 295 Ac

'Another of these damn feasts that my brother throws at the same time as fathers just to see who chooses him over father of course I go to my brothers much to fathers dissapointment but i will stand behind Ray. I know how much being future king weighs on his shoulders since the second generation of a new dynasty always has to fight a rebellion thats why he wants me to be lord paramount of the west so he has someone he can fully trust I intend to take my place at the rock but only in name my brother already wants me as hand of the king but I don't belive that I will be a good one fighting thats easy but understanding these word games thats hard.' Joff thought as he played with his sword pommel.

suddenly the doors were thrown open and none other then Willem Ramtom strode in (one of the goldcloak commanders) he walked to Ray who was to my left and whisperd in his ear by the time he was done Ray looked pissed "what's wrong brother?" I say leaning in so we can talk in hushed tones "father has seen fit to give Renly the full might of the stormlands instead of just Storms end" he said also leaning in I may not be the smartest but I do know this is bad. Renly is one of the most vocal about his dislike for my brother and has sent many Storm lords to bring their men to the capital they only brought fifty men each but that is a large force when combined they number four thousand most of them stay outside the city in their camps. "but worse then that Renly is starting to put his foot down as im under his command since he's master of laws. I need you to collect all goldcloaks not on duty we are heading out to put a stop to his over reaching ways" Ray says looking me in the eyes before getting up and getting the attention of the room.

"My friends,lords and ladys lord Renly has seen fit to try and push me around the crown prince of the realm he is trying to put me out of office and is trying to take power from you are we just going to sit by and let them do as they please, to let them take the people who keeps the peace, to remove your crown prince!" Ray bellows out looking around the room getting responces of "NO" and "TRAITOR" but also some more zelous followers "FOR THE PRINCE" "FOR THE GOLDBLOOD."

"He has an army at our gates four thousand strong and constantly increasing he see's to sit himself in a posistion of power by brute force what has he done for you!?" Ray screamed although he put himself in power with brute force he has reasons for it since he's just doing his job as commander that was the last I heard of the speech as I was given a job to do.

Once I got to where the commanders stayed i called them all to me Daemon Hill,Bryden Jast,Andrew Pyle,Willem Ramtom,Balon Swann and Arthur Yronwood "collect all the men who are off duty all six thousand of them are to meet at the Lion gate ready for battle" I say to them their responce is to nod well smacking their chest with a fist.

After that I make my way to Ray to tell him to meet at the lion gate once I get their I see him in his armour Ray points to mine he had brought over and starts helping me to put it on I can feel my heart pounding into my chest Ray must feel it beating fast and sits down next to me "what we are doing is good for the realm in the end it will be united but like all peace it will be built upon blood and tears but you shall live to see peace even if I don't" he says holding my shoulder "im with you brother but only if you live to see the peace with me" I give him a weak smile well saying it he just laughs and nods.

After our moment we make it to the gate to see the soilders lined up outside of it no speech is needed they just follow in lock step somthing my brother learned about from those books of his. But it does make for an intimadating sound and look.

The Stormlanders are camped thirty minutes away from the city so it doesnt take long to reach them my brother wants this to be an example to not attack him in the feild so he sent a messenger ahead pretending to be sent by Renly warning of us and our intentions, luckily a year back Ray invested in horses for the troops so about a quater of our men are mounted they only ride when outside the city though since it wouldnt be good if the cloaks rode everywhere it's extra training for them to walk on their shifts. It also makes the people feel like they can talk to the men and report crimes

"Joff I want you to take the horsemen and put yourselves behind the Stromlanders I dont care how long it takes just get behind them unoticed and be ready to charge it's dark enough to where you will see a flaming arrow shoot into the sky that's your signal to charge" Ray says his voice sounding dead "yes your grace" I nod usualy I dont use titles with Ray but in times of seriousness I do "Horsemen with me!" I bellow hearing the horses behind me.

Raymont Pov

'May the gods be with you brother'

"Ser Balon I want you to command the right flank I only want you to put presure on them but not commit unless you belive it's wise if I need you to do somthing i'll send a runner" I get the usual responce from the man "yes your grace you honour me" it is probably hard for him to go against the Stormlands but no one of house Swann is apart of the enemy force so I have full faith in him

"Arthur I want you on the left your job is to wait for a opening or oppertunity to strike like Balon if I need you for anything specific i'll send a runner" I say to him being one of my most valued men his only downside is his lust but i tested him on if he would sell my secrets to a attracive woman and luckily he didn't not in any of the tests did he so much as mention me when asked. "Yes your grace you can count on me" he said with his usual smile and swager.

"I'll be leading the center anyone who I havent named will stay with me each of us will have one thousand five hundred men if they have a blue line on their amour they go to left flank if they have red line on their armour their right flank and finaly black stripe is for the center to collect your men and sort them out we will be seeing our enemy soon." the line system may not be the best but it keeps things even as possible.

'Let's hope I inhereted up on my fathers martial ability and that their commander is not the most skilled.' I thought hiding how nervous I am 'warrior grant me strenth,maiden grant me mercy,crone grant me wisdom,mother grant me forgiveness,father grant me courage,smith grant me protection and stranger grant me more time.' I pray not being very religous but in times of stress it gives me peace.

Boros Grandison pov

'Who does the prince think he is marching on him when he's done nothing wrong just following lord Renlys orders to be ready for his word whatever that means but now I have a host of six thousand marching on my four thousand.'

battle pov

both sides lined up Ray's crossbowmen shooting through the stormlander ranks but being slow to fire compared to the stromlanders bows the archers silenced after eight vollys from the stormlanders and four from the goldcloaks the true carnage started when the infantry met in the center a flurry of blows strted in the center.

when the stromland right flank tried to flank the center the goldcloak flank met them on the flat ground both of the sides merging into a massive meele with only the stormland left flank not moving to attack either seeing this the goldcloak right started to open fire on the enemy center the battle raged for a long while until the enemy flank started to move across to try and face their opposing enemy but they were hit from the side by the goldcloak center who has routed their opposing center through sheer skill and brutality this was what the flank was waiting for and they charged with all their might into their opposing side

many of the stormlanders tried to flee but a flaming arrow was shot into the air causing a stampeed of horses to charge into the enemy backline from their it was a slaughter men fought, men ran, men died but during the chaos Boros Grandison met Willem Ramtom the commander who lived for battle six foot nine of muscle they fought for a short while until Willem sent Boros to the ground before he could yeild Willem grabbed him by the helmet and snaped the lion lords neck causing cheers from the goldcloaks and even more fear for the strormlanders.

The battle was over and won many had died but not a actual number for the goldcloaks whereas the Stromlanders were killed to the last man the cavalry chasing them down like dogs well the infantry and archers finished off any who were just wounded.

Raymont Pov after the battle

As I sat in the preivious commanders tent and planted evidence about the stormlords burning my villages and forcing themselves on my people the evidence was shaky but if a trial came up then i'll damand trial by combat to im sure Sandor would fight for me or even Mandon who sadly wasnt with me for the battle the king wanted him for his feast to spite me.

"Joff have you gotten reports for our losses yet?" I ask wondering how many spaces to fill "I have a rough estimation of two thousand men were lost today we should give their family compensation it will entice more people to join" Joff said looking downcast at the ammount we lost so was I four of my personal men died to save me i'll pay their familys personaly

"come on we should head back to the capital now" I say standing "are you going to sprad rumors that we were more brutal then we actualy were?" Joff asked he hated that I made myself sound more ruthless then I was but it was necessary no one will rise against us if im ruthless but kind to those who are loyal its a good enough way to rule "yes I am" I say as i walk out the tent as he follows me.

"Men get ready to go home were marching in twenty minutes" I say as I get on my horse the men cheer getting bored of the camp.

Once we get back to the gates I see my uncle Stannis with forty barartheon men "prince Raymont you are to meet the king in the throne room to answer for your unprovoked attack of lord paramount Renlys men we are here to esscort you." Stannis said grinding his teeth at the last part.

All of my men grab their wepons ready for my call to attack I raise my hand to let them know to stand down "ofcourse i'll go with you uncle but I will be taking some men with me" the sixteen of my personal men and Joff with the goldcloak commanders follow us to the throne room as we make our way though the keep goldcloaks in the keep start to follow us I make no move to stop them neither does uncle Stannis.

The throne room doors are pushed open and we all walk in heads held high "there you are!" my father sits on the throne glaring at me "what do you think you were doing you lead your men to battle against people under my protection what do you say in your defence!" father bellows well sneering at me. the rest of the room is silent all courtiers are quiet same as the kingsguard and goldcloaks "I had found that lord Boros Grandison had burned villages under my protection and killed my people what I did was in the defence of those I promised to protect I was fully justified in my actions" my voice echos throughout the throne room my father leans back "do you have evidence of this?" he says eyebrow raised I nod and aproach the throne and hand it to Barristan who then gives it to the king who reads though it getting madder at each sentence I just hope that he's mad at someone who isn't me "and what did you do to Boros Grandison?" Renly asks glaring at me "He was killed by my man Willem Ramtom" I tell him "and his men?" Renly asks slowly here I smirk "they were hung drawn and quarterd or died in battle to show what happens to those who break the kings peace" I say staring him dead in the eye leting him know that his grabs of power are not going unoticed.

"This evidence is flimsy at best .Raymont do you have anything else to prove your innocence ?" Robert say staring at me with a look of disapointment "I will let the gods decide my innocence I demand a trial by combat since there is no justiuse here for me!" I Bellow and the room goes into a frenzy "ORDER! ORDER!" Barristan screams getting the room to quiet down "very well who is your champion Renly" father asks shocking renly "my champion?" Renly asks confused "yes yours, your men were killed so it's up to you to deal with it your a lord paramount so it's you're responsability."

"I choose Balon swann" Renly says "im sorry my lord but I cant fight against my prince or his man" Balon replys standing closer to me "very well then I choose lord Beric Dondarion" Renly says getting a bow from lord Beric who steps forward "I hate to go against my prince but I will fight for my leige lord" Beric says "and who do you choose Raymont?" Robert says looking to his son many around the prince were putting themselves forward to fight for him but there is only one correct choice "ser Barristan will you fight for me?" Ray asks Barristan looks suprised for a moment before sighing "I'm sorry your grace but I can't im a neutral party in this as are all of the kingsguard" Barristan says earning a glare from Mandon "very well them Sandor are you with me" I turn to the burned man he looks at me and nods "of course your grace im always at your command" Sandor says with a slight smile making some look confused, I just smile and thank him.

"Very well to the training grounds" Robert says getting up and heading to the yard happy to see a fight as usual.

The fight didnt last long Beric put up a good fight and held out longer then I thought he would but of course Sandor took the day having Beric yield instead of killing him

"The gods have spoken Raymont is innocent and is free of all charges by order of the gods and king"Robert said getting up and heading back to his chambers probably to fuck a serving girl or whore.

"Good job Sandor i'm glad i can rely on you" I say smiling at him he nods and heads over to Joff whereas I head to my room to be alone.