
The True King of Games

“Have you ever hated life.” That is the thought of one Scott Eustace after having been pulled into the world of a fanfiction after upsetting its author. He must now compete with the chosen protagonists to prove he can guide the world to a better conclusion or perish. *** Volume 1: Let It Rip! volume 2: Let’s Duel!

Nevermore101 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Don't argue with gods

Have you ever hated life.

I don't mean 'woe is me', 'I hate everything', 'why can't the universe put me out of my misery', emo kind of way. And I don't mean the 'I hate my life, I want to die' kinda way. I love myself. What I mean is to have such a profound hate of everything around you, you can almost see the atoms in the air just so you can curse them.

So, what's got me in such a mood? Well, starting from the beginning, I am someone who enjoys reading and writing fanfiction. There was this one I was reading called King of Games. What drew my attention was that it seemed to combine every game-focused anime I loved as a kid. Digimon, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Beyblade, Cardfight Vanguard, Future Card Buddyfight!!, Bakugan, and Duel Masters.

So, I read it, and I got through the first ten chapters I usually give a story before deciding whether it is good or not. Now, I'm not a troll who just harassess creators. Normally, I don't even leave comments even if I want to. However, this story was different. I just felt I had to comment on how absolutely SHIT the story was. On top of that, I couldn't stop reading. If you don't like a story, drop it; don't keep reading and just constantly bash on it. But that's exactly what I did. Hundreds of chapters later, I finished the whole book and almost every single one had a comment from me ranting about how godawful it was.

No. That's not quite right. Not only did almost every chapter have a rant in the comments about how aweful it was, they had me and the author arguing about it. His screen name was TrueTetofNGNL15678 - a reference to No Game No Life. And just so everyone knows I wasn't just being a troll, the guy never argues against my arguments. He would just explain the plot - that I was wrong because I didn't understand it - and say how it was good because he wrote it. It didn't matter how nonsense the story became, because he wrote it, it was supposed to be like gosspel.

I mean, at one point of the story, the main character is told he has to meet some conditions to get this power boost. Later, he just wills into it. No convienent plot device, no explination, not even DBZ-style screaming. Just some lame 'trust me' line and - poof - power upgrade. Kinda like Goten revealing to Gohan he can turn Super Saiyan. That level of 'that's just the way it is'. The author flat out said in the author's note that they were bored and wanted to speed things along.

Other times, we have a random ass character who shows up out of nowhere who is suddenly vital to the plot and everyone just acts like he's been there the whole time. Once it happened in the middle of an action scene. Imagine that! Your in the middle of reading some big action thing with the established cast, then there's just another random character that everyone says was there all along; even referencing earlier scenes you remember where they definantely weren't where they supposedly played a big role!

For one section of the story, the author literally just started reading TVTropes and started incorporating every one he found into the story. He wasn't even subtle about it as he kept dropping the names of the tropes he was using. The whole section devolved into a nonsensical mix of genres. The main story had getting sent to another world and fighting an evil empire. Then in the span of three-to-five chapters they were dealing with an alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, and like three other things on top of it. They resolve the evil empire plot…and that was it. All the other stuff just suddenly disappeared and is never mentioned again…Until it's relevant to the plot and the characters refer back to it without explaining what happened to those plots.

Anyway, long story short, good premise for a nostalgia story but terrible execution.

Back to why I hate everything right down to the atoms right now. I got to the end of the story I for some reason felt compelled to read to the end and I was in another argument with the writer. And that's when this topic comes up: "I could make a better story with my hands tied behind my back!"

The author took that as a challenge and asked, "So you think you'd do a better job in my story."

Then, like a shloob I said 'yes'. Wanna know what happened next? The screen of my iPad stretched like someone was reaching through it, grabbed me by the face, and pulled me through it.

Turns out the writer was an actual god. So, skipping the part where I asked 'where I was', 'what was happening', and 'who was the glowing white Ken doll', god guy says that if I thought I could do such a better job, then I should prove it. Obviously, I was a little freaked out and tried to backpedal. I tried to apologize and say I shouldn't have complained so much and explain I just couldn't stop reading.

Then the asshole says, "Of course you couldn't. Anyone who reads my stories are compelled to finish them." Fucker actually uses his 'all-mighty' power to brainwash people into reading his shit.

So, me and the god guy start arguing again. My point was he can't do that and get mad when people shit all over his story. His point was 'he's a god and should be able to do what he wants'. I ask 'what he expects to gain from any of this', he says 'people recognizing his greatness'.

Then I called him an idiot.

That's when he seemed to snap. Apparently the guy doesn't like being directly insulted. He gave this big rant about how he would not tolerate my disrespect and if I thought I was better than a god, then I should prove it. Honestly, the edge was kinda taken out of it by how over dramatic it was. He was kinda acting like how those stereotypes of theater kids are portrayed on sitcoms.

Anyway, god guy said I would be sent into the world of 'King of Games' where I would have to contend with the main characters of each story and guide events to a better outcome. If I succeeded…bragging rights. If I failed, I die. That's right, success equals nothing and letting the protagonists do their jobs means I die. And that's not even considering all the other potentially life threatening or world ending bullshit I'll have to deal with to surpass the main characters.

That brings us to now. Do you understand my hatred? I've been forcibly isekaied into a world where I have to compete with main characters. If I fail at any point, I drop dead, and if I prove I'm right, I get…nothing.

Worst part is, this is a world that runs on rule of cool, power of friendship, random power ups, and dramatic DBZ screaming. That's not even my opinion; those are literally the exact words used in the the synopsis of the story. It'd be one thing if I could use those cliques, but apparently 'since I think I'm so much better than the MCs' I should be just fine without them.

In other words, I have to contend with MC's who have every bullshit, 'heroes win in the end' plot armor in the book at their disposal and I don't.

Am I being too dramatic?