
I am the God Of Speed

My name is Alexander Young, and I am really really fast, let me explain, I died and I was reincarnated, I've been filled with knowledge, I am the strongest God, I control all forms of the speedforce, I have unlimited speed that can't be taken away from me, I control the still force and more, and right now it is around episode 22 of season 5 of the flash, so there is no still force, currently I have the reverse flash kneeling before me in fear, "What the Hell, Guys who is this guy?" barry says into his comms, "IDIOT, This is the God of Speed he controls everything time related and more, he has unlimited speed, there is no stopping him barry, if he wants us gone, we're gone."

"There's a God of Speed?" Barry asks.

"Well of course there is." I reply, as crimson lightning flows in my eyes, time is completely stopped Flash Is frozen and so is Thawne as I walk towards them. *THWOOSH* is all they hear as I walk in front of him, I watch their eyes widen, and I laugh, *Task: Surprise The Flash and Thawne: reward: Unlimited copy skill.