
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Warning for the East

Atlas saw the man running towards him. He could sense the strong aura that he gave off so Atlas decided to face him. 'He might be the leader of this group. I should take him out.' Atlas was sure that the soldiers would run away or that the leader of the group would call for a retreat if they saw how strong he was but they all fought even harder. He floats into the air and begins making his way towards the young man.

While running towards Atlas, the young captain had been trying to gauge how strong Atlas was.

'As far as I could tell, he seems to have a lot of mana. This could be a problem if the battle drags on. I should go all out from the start.'

The soldiers were given to the young captain by his older brother. His older brother trusted him and he felt that he must show results. That was why no one had died up to this point. He made sure to protect every single one of them and conquered the Elf Kingdom so that he and his brother could return home safely.

'A few soldiers may die because of my aura... but it's okay. I can't hold back against an enemy that powerful.'

The captain knew what he had to do and was willing to sacrifice those around him to do so. The mana around him began to move towards his eyes. His [Death's Aura] shot up to 40% and began to creep towards 50%.

Atlas noticed the mana change around the man and the place where it was moving towards. Atlas could also sense the [Death's Aura] getting stronger and he knew what was about to happen.

'Those damn Eyes... I have to end this now.'

Atlas pushed all his senses to the max. Using all the affinities to it's full potential. Using wind magic and thunder magic, he quickly moved towards the captain. He used the thunder magic to momentarily incapacitate him. The captain had suddenly stopped and his [Aura] had also stopped rising but Atlas knew his time to act was short.

Atlas then concentrated and let his mana flow inside of the captain. His aim was to destroy his heart. He wanted to keep the body intact so that the soldiers could see their leader's lifeless body. He wanted to instill fear among the soldiers once the one in charge was dead.

His mana quickly made it's way towards the captain's heart. His mana had a vice grip on his heart. Atlas prepared himself.

[Inner Glow]

The captain suddenly felt a burning sensation from his chest, specifically his heart. He suddenly fell out of the sky while clutching his chest. Atlas followed behind, he wanted to be close just in case the man lived. The soldiers around saw their captain fall and all ran towards him.


"Protect the captain!!"

When Atlas landed, a group of soldiers had surrounded him but he didn't even look at them. He had his eyes on the captain that was still on the ground.

'AH!! My chest!! I don't know what he did to me but I need to hold out until it begins.'

The captain was waiting for his body to heal itself. The captain and many others that were called summoned heroes had the abilities to regenerate a part of their body. As long as there was still something left, their bodies could grow a new one.

Atlas was surprised when the captain stood up after only a few seconds. He tilted his head to the side as he looked at the captain. 'There's no way he's alive. Even if he could heal himself quickly, the [Inner Glow] would of stayed active and kept burning his heart. He would need to be constantly healing his body but I don't see any signs of him doing that.'

Even if the captain's recovery surprised him, Atlas still planned to use the man's death to his advantage.

'It's a good thing that I left some mana behind in his body.'

Atlas then triggered his spell.

Meanwhile, the captain was preparing his soldiers. "Get into your formations! Make sure to support your defensive guys! They will be the ones saving you in this fight! Long range attackers! Prepare your-."

The captain stopped talking. His men looked at him, waiting for his order. Everyone was silent until someone pointed out what should have been obvious to everyone.

"His chest! What happened?! Who attacked the captain?!!"

Everyone's eyes looked at the captain's chest. The left side of his chest had a giant hole. Everything was gone. His heart, the left lung and even his bones. Everyone watched as the bones and lungs began to regenerate. The heart was the only thing that didn't come back. This was bad of course, that meant the captain was dead. All soldiers looked at Atlas, they don't know what happened but they knew it was his fault.

Atlas just smiles at the group. The soldiers began to run away.


When the others heard this, they all turned and began to run as well. Seeing the group of less than 5,000 run away, Atlas stopped all of his spells.

"Man. I'm glad that worked. You can't heal something if there is not even a trace of it left behind."

Atlas had planned to blow up the captain's heart. He thought that the captain could heal himself earlier because a part of his heart was still intact but if he destroyed everything in one go, the captain wouldn't be able to create a new heart and he was right.

While watching the soldiers run away, Atlas decided to follow them.

"I should see who they belong to and try to negotiate with the next leader I come across."


Solus Straight

An army of 50,000 were sitting around and laughing. Some were drinking while others were busy playing with the elves that were left alive. The four Colonel were walking around, making sure their men were happy.

"Colonel! Want to have a go with this beauty?" A fat man was waving down one of the Colonels while holding onto one of the captured elves.

The Colonel just smiles and shakes his head. "It's all yours. I have other duties to attend to!" The fat man just nods and pulls the elves into an empty tent. The Colonel turns to see the other three giving him a hateful look.

"James! You said that we wouldn't kill anyone!" A woman with long blonde hair who seemed to be in her early 20s began scolding the colonel named James.

"Shut up Zoe! These people got in our way when we asked them to make way for us!" James was furious. He was told that the elves were peaceful beings that didn't want unnecessary blood shed. He thought he could strong arm them into letting them pass but they wouldn't budge, so he did what he needed to do.

Now he sent his brother ahead, in hopes that he could convince the other bases to surrender peacefully before the main army moved.

"It's disgusting seeing how the people of this world act." Zoe was disgusted and upset by how cruel everyone was. Just last year, she was on earth. She was prepared for her final year in school but now she was stuck in this world.

"It's okay honey. This is the only way back to our world. We must do whatever it takes to get back." A man with a deep scar on his left cheek was comforting Zoe. This man was Derrick, Zoe's fiancée from earth. He also had blonde hair that was on the longer side for a man.

Zoe smiles as he held her. Derrick has been her support every since they came to this world. Even though they weren't as strong as James, they knew that if they stayed together, nothing would could hurt them.

The fourth Colonel just stayed quiet as she watched her three colleagues. Her name was Nina. Taller than Zoe, Nina was a high school athlete before being summoned to this world. Just like the other three, she was also a summoned hero. At first she was shocked to know that there were other worlds but then she realized that she was stuck here until the East accomplished their plans. She was silent and rarely spoke, only spoke when spoken to. By doing this, she stayed out of trouble and it made it easier for her to reach her end goal, returning home in one piece.

As the four colonels mingled with their soldiers, a loud cry could be heard.

"Soldiers returning from the west!"

This caused everyone to stop and look in the direction that these soldiers were suppose to be coming from. Many thoughts ran through their minds.

'Did they finish already?'

'Will we still be rewarded?'

Many of their thoughts were positive ones. They were sure that the young captain wouldn't loose since he was Colonel James' brother. However, their face's began to darken when they saw how beat up the returning soldiers looked like. Soon, less than 5,000 battered and beaten men had returned. Unfortunately for James, none of them looked like his brother. He ran towards the soldiers.

"My brother!? Where is he?! Where is Russel?!"

The man looked up at James, frightened by what would happen to him if he told James that the captain was dead.

The man stayed silent. The others didn't want to look at James. Before James could yell and beat the man, something heavy suddenly hit the ground behind James. The people behind him gasped and stepped away. The other colonels also took a step back, not wanting to face James' anger.

"I killed him as a warning to all of you."

A voice that no one recognized suddenly spoke up. The voice came from above them so everyone looked up.

The person they saw was Atlas.

New chapter tomorrow

SamChang1creators' thoughts