
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

The King of Dragons

*thank you once again SnusDax and b_cobb for the powerstones!!

Liza had a noticeable reaction to what I said. I don't know what was going through her mind but her eyes never left me after that. I could feel her eyes trying to burn a hole into me. It doesn't matter though, my main focus isn't her right now.

"YOU! Where were you this whole time?! What do you mean my husband let you get kidnapped!?" The elf queen yelled at me. Which came as a shock to me. If I recalled she had a calm demeaner. She tried marching towards me but the king stopped her. I couldn't help but laugh.

"That elf Prince kidnapped me. Sold me off! Your fucken guards let them take me. It took my 10 years to escape the Beast Kingdom and return home to the Nova Kingdom!"

"Huh?" The queen and Liza gave the king a surprised look. "You told us he left the kingdom and didn't want to say goodbye to Liza!?"

"The boy was getting in the way of-." I hate this guy. I hate hearing him speak.

"Hey fuck you old man. I spent 10 years. 10 years! Do you know how many people I had to kill?!" It looks like my [Death's Aura] got through to them because Liza and the king tensed up. I once again let out an exhausted sigh.

"I'm leaving. I just wanted to see if the people being rude to the manager and receptionist really were you three." I turned to leave. I heard Liza call out to me but I didn't care. I don't know what happened to her but she isn't the same goofy girl from before…. The fact that she has the same face as her also doesn't help me.

I return down stairs and see that everyone is already packed.

"Sorry about that. Let's go! We are almost-."

I suddenly fell down, it felt as if I was being held down.



I could hear Lucy, Kat and Princess Eva calling to me. Before I can reassure them that I was okay, I felt someone hit me from behind. I felt myself losing consciousness. I look to Zen, praying that he knows what to do.




Lucy POV

Atlas finally came back down but the moment we saw him again the same fallen dragons that took him up, tackled him down. Even knocking him out! It was Princess Eva that tried to intervene.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"He insulted the king and then accused him of kidnapping! He also accused the elf Prince of doing the same! We are taking him under our custody!" What is this? How can everything go downhill so fast? We were suppose to reach the border today but now Atlas was getting taken away. I hold onto Kat, making sure she was okay.

I look to Princess Eva and Zen. Princess Eva was about to say something but Zen stopped her.

"Zen! What are you doing?! We can't let them do this! It's wrong!"

"Zen understands but we can't forcefully go against the Dragon King. Let's get to the border and meet with your mother. She's suppose to meet us there correct?"

Princess Eva nods. I was reluctant to let those guys take Atlas but Zen was right.

Princess Eva told us this morning that her mother was invited to the elves' Salvis Event. It was apparently an event held every 100 years in honor of some historical event. We were going to tell Atlas when he returned but now he was being taken away.

The fallen dragons had already locked him up and dragged him off. I could only stand there and watch.

"If only I could help." I heard Katherine talking to her self. "Katherine, don't worry. Your uncle is strong. I'm sure they won't be able to do anything to him." She didn't say anything. She's still afraid that she will loose more people.

"That's right. Zen believes your uncle will be safe Kat. So please believe in him too." Zen also tried to comfort her. I see him signaling me to follow him. We went outside where our carriage was ready to go. I sit in the back with Katherine and Princess Eva. Zen takes the lead and exits the town.

"Zen. Will everything be alright if mother learns of this?" Princess Eva was still unsure about everything. Zen was however, adamant and sure that it would be fine. "Zen is sure Princess. Let's quickly meet your mother."

I hold on tightly to Katherine. I'm sure Atlas will be safe and find a way back to us. I need to protect Katherine until he returns.




Atlas POV

My head hurts. It's been a while since this has happened to me. I look around and try to figure out where I was. It looks like I was thrown into a carriage that they used as storage. There was cargo laying around. My hands were tied behind my back and my feet were tied together. Maybe Ceto could help.

'Ceto! Are you guys here?'

'Sir!!! You're finally up! Why do you always get into trouble huh?!' She goes on and on, scolding me for being reckless and annoying the dragon king.

'I'm sorry Ceto. Seeing that bastard king and remembering that he was the reason I was kidnapped again made me mad.'

'I sigh sir. I guess I understand but you need to control yourself. You lose your composure to easily sir.'

'Fine. Ugh. If it was just Liza and her mom I wouldn't have lost myself there.'

Now that I think about it, I wonder if the others made it safely across the border?

'Ceto. Are the others okay?'

'Don't worry sir! The others reached the elf kingdom a day ago, Zen protected everyone!'

'That's good to hear then! I need to find a way to meet them. How far am I from the elf kingdom?'

'Uh. Sir you're a day away from the kingdom but I wouldn't recommend you trying to escape.'

'Why is that? I think I could do it. As long as.-'

'Absolutely not sir! Trust me just this once! You must go along with all of this!'

I guess I could. Ceto wouldn't tell me to do something that would hurt me or be disadvantages to me.

'Fine I will. But why do I need to?'

'You will know when you see it sir!!'

'How can you be so happy when I'm here like this?'

'Sir!! It was your fault anyways! This will teach you to control yourself!'


I try to position myself so I could feel more comfortable. I think the best thing to do is think of an escape plan. I don't want what happened in the Nova Kingdom to happen here too. Maybe the best thing would be to set up insignias around the Forest of the Elves? I could escape after seeing what Ceto was so excited about.

'Ceto! Could you set up insignia around the entire Forest? A lot around the elf city would be great too. I could use it as an escape plan if I really need too.'

'Ohhh! Good idea sir! But do you really want to put it everywhere? The Forest of the Elves is a huge place. It will take a few days before I finish, even with the help of the other three!'

'Hmm. That's fine. I'm sure not much will happen to me while you guys are gone. The escape plan is more important.'

'If you say so sir!! Once we finish I will come back to you! Let's go everyone!'

I felt the four brat's presences fade away. It looks like they left. Hopefully nothing happens during the few days that they are gone.

Right then, someone enters the carriage. It was a fallen dragon. He sees me, walks over and drags me out without saying anything. I didn't resist since Ceto told me to go along with everything.

When he dragged me out, the first thing I saw was the beautiful moon. It was a beautiful bright blue. A lot different compared to Earth's plain moon.

The wagon I was in was located in the middle of the caravan. Off to the side, there were tents set up. It looks like this is how they slept every night. I quietly observed the area as I follow behind the man.

The fallen dragon stops in front of the biggest tent and shoved me in without saying anything. In front of me once again was Liza and her parents. There were two guards inside the tent.

"What do you guys want?" After a few minutes, no one was still talking so I asked them first.

Liza's mom spoke. "Liza wanted to talk to you about that family you knew. The one living in the Draco Kingdom." Liza looked uncomfortable. Her voice was unsteady and shaky. "Atlas… they disappeared. After my dad recommended Pollux's grandfather's workplace to Queen Ivory, they all disappeared before reaching the Beast Kingdom."

Wait. The king recommended them? I look at the king but he just stared blankly back. He wouldn't right?

"I know, I met them a year ago in the Nova Kingdom. Why weren't you there with Pollux? I heard you two worked together."

"Wait! You met them?! Are they still there? Can I meet them?!" She was surprised of course. I guess she probably didn't know where they've been the entire time. "Answer me first. Why weren't you with them on that mission?"

Liza calms down and begins to explain to me what happened. "I was suppose to but my dad adamantly refused. As much as I wanted to he didn't allow me to. Now tell me! Where are they?"

I looked at the king. Why would he do that? The king seems to dislike humans but he wouldn't set them up right?

"They're all dead. Casper. Mars. Kiah. Dead. Pollux is missing."

A small commotion occurred. I could see every single emotion run through Liza's face. Her mom supported her to make sure she didn't fall. Through all of this, I heard a small voice.

"Good. Perfect."

We all turned to that voice. The voice of the King of Dragons.

Sorry for the delay. I changed the beginning of arc 2 since the original way it started added nothing to the story. The chapters might be a bit delayed until we get passed the beginning.

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