
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Salvis 2.0

Atlas carefully puts Lucy and Kat into his shadow. He vows to resurrect them along with everyone else. After doing this, he just stands there, slowly swaying back and forth. Atlas was focusing on the shadows and waiting for them to capture all the citizens.

He already got his revenge against Prince Saul, the person that was responsible for his 10 year stay in the Beast Kingdom. Now he plans to take out the elf prince here. Along with many others.

There were many people captured by Atlas, just standing around the stadium. They all couldn't understand what was going on but they felt many emotions running through them. These emotions weren't there own, no they were Atlas' and it made them all worry.

'What kind of person would be normal after feeling these emotions?'

They all stayed silent, staring at the one person who was still walking freely.

Near the World Tree, Jonathan had sensed a great danger that suddenly took over his kingdom. He quickly left Rowan and went to find the source of it. Rowan just sadly sits on the tree, waiting for the storm to pass.

When Jonathan reached the source, he was shocked to see that it was none other than Atlas. He could sense that something changed within him. He couldn't understand what it was but that wasn't the main issue. Stopping Atlas was his priority.

"Atlas! Stop! Let go of these people!" Since no one could see or hear him, he began shouting at Atlas.

Atlas didn't pay any attention to Jonathan. Ever since he saw Lucy and Kat, he's felt as if something new had awakened within him. He was trying to focus on it.

Jonathan didn't like that Atlas was ignoring him. He approached him from behind and tried grabbing him but Atlas suddenly turned around. He grabbed Jonathan by the neck and held onto him tightly.

"Arghhh!" Jonathan didn't know that Atlas could touch him, let alone hurt him.

"I guess I'll use you Jonathan. Keep producing some mana for me." Jonathan suddenly felt his mana leaving his body. The ghost/spirits of this world used mana to self sustain themselves. He could feel his mana depleting fast so he began trying to replenish it. He didn't want Atlas to do anything crazy, but the two were so busy that they didn't notice everyone around them.

"The Elf Sage?!"

"Is that the Elf Sage? How's that possible?"

Everyone could see Jonathan. Whatever Atlas awakened helped the others see Jonathan. Roxy, the Elf Queen was the most distraught. She tried moving, she tried screaming but nothing worked. Her husband, her dead husband was right in front of her and she couldn't even speak to him.

Jonathan realized that the people were staring at him. He tried addressing the people but Atlas' shadow silenced him.

"Shhhhh. I'm about to clean up the mess you left behind. Hmmm. 10,000 years huh? For 10,000 years you two ignored your people." Atlas gave an annoyed look at both Jonathan and Roxy.

"Oh! It's time to begin. Make sure all the people in this city is brought close to the stadium okay? Make sure you guys put me on that screen of yours."

Atlas seemed to be speaking to the air but if the elves focused hard enough, they could see that millions of spirits had gathered in front of Atlas, following his every order.


Atlas went inside the stadium, he used Natures Magic to move all the homes and plant life. Once cleared, he had a huge empty area to work with. He approached the one person in the middle of the stadium. Theo was stuck, unable to move because of his own shadow.

"Atlas. Don't do this. I'm already going to give you that spell!" Theo didn't want to see what Atlas had plans here.

"I know but even if you give me that spell, what's stopping others from trying to take it from me? I need to show them how far I am willing to go to defend myself. If I don't then even if I resurrect everyone, someone will target them again." Theo didn't know what to say. What Atlas said made sense to him but he still felt that Atlas could be planning something to crazy.

"Now, relax Theo. I don't blame you for not knowing. I don't blame you for being so slothful. It seems like Loki did a few things to you." Atlas then looks up at the millions of spirits that were waiting for his order. "Teleport everyone here, use my mana if you need to."

In a blink of an eye, the stadium was once again filled. All of the races were sitting next to one another. Since all the citizens of the kingdom couldn't fit in the stands, Atlas also had some sit inside the arena. The rest were forced to stand outside the stadium and watched.

Atlas actually built a special place for all the leaders to sit and watch him closely. He created six chairs for them to sit on. From left to right sat Ivory, Dan, Charred, Roxy, Emperor Solomon and Empress Momo. He also made sure that Pollux, Valerie and the others were also close. He wanted everyone to see, friend or foe. Ceto and the others also tried contacting Atlas the entire time but he ignored them. He didn't want them trying to stop him.

With all eyes on him, he walked towards the crowd and spoke to them.

"Dear citizens of the Western Continent! I hope you enjoyed the Salvis! I surely did! I enjoyed fighting to death as a prisoner!" The crowd were no longer being held back. They could speak freely and yell but no one spoke. They feared what Atlas would do to them if they did.

"Now, I came here, as a regular human to look for the spell that I heard of! The resurrection spell. Theo and your dear Elf Sage over there," Atlas points to the two people sitting now far from the leaders. "They asked me to help you guys. To change your views on the humans. I tried my hardest, I really did! But even those two lost faith in you. Didn't you hear Theo? He said you guys are hard headed!"

There were mummers but nothing more than that. Atlas continues on.

"At this point, even though I am the sage and some of you accepted me, I knew that wasn't possible. Changing your views wouldn't be possible. Hatred sometimes wins over your other happy emotions and I get that. So I was going to leave with the spell and never return here."

Atlas gives it a long pause. After no one says anything, he unleashes his [Death's Aura]. Everyone suddenly sat up straighter than before.

"UNFORTUNATELY, that didn't happen! The last two people I cared about died right in front of me as everyone was escaping."

The crowd looked at each other. No one knew what Atlas was trying to say. Many of them also lost someone as well.

"Make it easier for everyone to see you guys!" Atlas suddenly gave a command and millions of spirits became visible for all to see.

He looked up at the sky. It was beautiful but that wasn't what he wanted to show off.

"As the Sage, I am able to work with these spirits. All these spirits have either made a contract with an elf or have traveled around the kingdom for a long time. Do you know what they told me?"

Atlas faced Roxy when he said this. Her eyes glued onto him. She seemed terrified by what he would say next.

"Loki has been planning this attack ever since he got Jonathan killed! 10,000 years! Loki, one of the few high elves left, betrayed your kingdom and was going to use you guys as an excuse to go to war!"

The voices grew louder as they talk among themselves about Loki. The spirits all began moving around in response to all the noise.

"That's not even the worse of it! He recruit many of you here! Not just elves! Oh no, he recruited beastkin, fallen dragons and even a few humans that were willing to submit to him. You were all going to betray your kingdoms and have him be your new leader!"

Many uncomfortable faces could be seen in the crowd. They didn't know that someone knew of their betrayal and now they were worried that Atlas would expose them.

The leaders all had different reactions. Ivory couldn't believe that she still had traitors. She thought she took care of them when the throne was given back to her. Dan tried his best to look surprised but he knew that his father had some ties to some 'not so great' people. Charred was also taken a back. He found himself trusting in Atlas' words and even tried looking at some of his people. A few weren't willing to look at him in the eye. The Emperor and Empress both showed no interest in what Atlas was saying.

Roxy was the one that showed the most lively reaction. She knew that she hadn't been a good leader since Jonathan died but she didn't expect this many people to betray her. She now felt regretful. She shouldn't have closed herself off.

Atlas pointed at four elves. The spirits had them forcefully walk over to where Atlas was standing.

"You see Roxy. A little spirit told me that you foolishly allowed Loki to raise your own son. You also allowed for your older son to leave the kingdom? Such a shame. You were so caught up in your own world and now you have to see the consequences of that. Maybe if you realized it sooner… my two girls wouldn't have died. Maybe more of your people could of been saved."

Atlas turns to four elves and throws them two knives. They look at it, worries about what Atlas planned to do.

"My very own Salvis is about to begin. Only two of may live. Please try to survive."

Sorry on the slow updates! I’ve been trying to plan out the ending of this arc. I will upload the next chapter when I can.

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