
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Return to the Draco Kingdom

*I think I'll make a character sheet with notable characters and what they've done in the story so far. For you guys of course, yeah totally not because I will forget if I don't do this.*


Atlas POV

I went back to the library and looked for the books Abe used to teach me about the history of mana, magic and Death's Aura.

'I can have Pollux read these. He should at least know about these things before I teach him how to manipulate his mana.'

After collecting the books, I returned to where the family was. I hand the books to Pollux.

"Here, make sure you read these. Once you've read through them, I will begin teaching you the first step in perfecting your magic. For now, you four should rest. We will leave this place tomorrow."

The family returns to one of the rooms together, I stay outside to work on this Dreamer's Blessing. I've been holding off on receiving this ability that Kai talked about for a long time now.

I walk down the road, about half way between the remains of the army and the facility. Resting underneath a tree close by, I mentally prepare for the blessing. Ceto flies out of my body.

"OOOHH. Are you finally going to receive your ability? It's about time! When the Sage receive his ability, he became so wise."

"Yeah, I am finally doing it. Before that though, could you tell me about his ability?"

"Gladly! When he received the ability, he was by the World Tree. Hoping for some answers to end the long war between the elves and the Fallen Dragons. Then a voice claiming to be the Dreamer told him to think of an ability he would use to helpful. He thought that he could see the future, he could end the war. Just like that, he received an ability called Clairvoyance. With that he saved the elves!"

"It's such a great story, the sage's wisdom is known to all in the Forest of the Elves!"

'I better stop her before she goes on a rant.'

"Thanks Ceto. That was interesting."

"Yup! I will watch over you while you receive the ability. The sage didn't move for half a day so you will probably do the same."

With that, Ceto disappears into my body again and I think about the ability that I want.

Thinking about everything that has happened, I think the best option would be an ability to travel faster. Something like instant transmission. I might have escaped this place sooner and save Lily and Abe's family sooner.

While I think of all this, I feel some knowledge begin to enter me. It looks like I learn everything in one go, I just need to train it so that it will be more effective.

This teleportation is rather complicated. I will try to explain it since all the information was forced in me.

To start I saw an insignia appear in my mind. I need to use it a medium to be able to teleport. I have to imprint it onto an item. Once it is imprinted onto the item, I can teleport to that item no matter how far. After six hours, I finally could move again, so I get up and try it out.

It was around midnight when I could finally move again. I get up and lean against the tree. While leaning against the tree, I think of the insignia. When I remove my hand, my insignia appeared over where my hand was. It was a dragon swallowing the moon. I then create a spear with earth magic. I put my insignia on that as well.

I aim the spear towards the sky and throw as hard as I can. While the spear is in the air, I think of the insignia that is on it. Suddenly I feel my body move and my vision blurs for a second.

Before I knew it, I could no longer feel the ground beneath me and I saw the spear in front of me. Looking down, I was at least 30 feet in the air. Reaching out for the spear, I think of the insignia on the tree. I once again feel my body move and my vision blur.

When I opened my eyes, I see the tree in front of me again. I see how this works now. As long as I have the insignia imprinted on an item, I can move to it without trouble. I thought about testing it by imprinting the insignia onto a human but the information I had said it wasn't possible to leave it on a living being. I look through the information given to me for another hour and then I went to sleep.


The following morning, I was the first one to wake up. I put my insignia on a lot of items and began practicing and getting used to the sensation of teleporting. After another two hours, Pollux finally wakes up.

"Atlas! I finished reading all of the books last night."

"Really now? I guess I can help you learn to manipulate your mana."

I walk over to Pollux and wrap him around my mana. I can't do what Abe did and cut into Pollux to teach him…

"Alright Pollux, you're going to feel my mana wrap around you. Did you read on awakening the mana core so you could control your mana? Also how they felt as a spirit had merged with it?"

With enthusiasm, Pollux nodes.

"Okay then. I will use my mana and wrap it around you. I will simulate what you will feel when you awaken your mana core. Once awakened you'll be able to manipulate your mana."

After an hour of helping Pollux, he went off to try it on his own once he got the hang of it. It was then that Mars and Kiah both approached me. I could feel them watching us earlier but I didn't say anything. Mars speaks first.

"We watched you with Pollux. Thanks for helping him. No one in our family ever had an affinity for the elements. So, we were surprised when the people here tested him and the rock glowed two different colors."

"Two? The rock was glowing two colors?"

"Huh? Why are you surprised? Most humans have one affinity but some have two affinities as well. It's nothing special compared to you. I saw you use all four elements last night."

"Ahaha, I guess you're right. I guess I'm still tired and my brain hasn't fully woken up yet. Why don't we get breakfast ready? We can head towards the Draco Kingdom after. It will take about two days from here based off of what you told me last night."

Mars and Kiah both nod. They head off to prepare breakfast.

I hope I didn't come off suspicious. I don't know anything about this world since I've spent most of it in the slums and locked up here. So when Mars said it was normal for humans to have two affinities, I was caught off guard.

'Woah sir! Why didn't you tell them that we were contracted to you? That would explain how you can use four elements and other stuff they may question you about.'

'Well, I can't do that Ceto. No human has ever contracted with spirits. The family may be harmless but what if they tell someone about me? They will hunt me down and make me tell them how I did it or worse, take you guys from me by force?'

'I don't want to live like that. Don't underestimate human greed Ceto.'

'… Sorry… I will remember that.'

Ceto seemed sad. She must have felt like I was scolding her. I train using water magic for a bit since Ceto likes fighting with me, that should make her feel better.


I went to the lake to train with Ceto. After finishing my training session and Ceto finally felt better, I sat by Lily's grave one last time.

'I hope you're well Lily, it's been a long time but I'm finally going to leave this place. I can go look for your family. I still remember their names. Tiffany, Noah and Noel. I can finally make sure they are fine and fulfil my promise to you. I still got your knife with me. I'll make sure to give it to your family.'

After just relaxing and taking in the view of the lake, I hear someone shout for me.

"Teacher! My grandparents said that it is time to eat!"

"Okay! You go on ahead!"

Leaving for breakfast, I take one last look at the lake before I go.


After breakfast with the family, we began our travel. Once we had traveled for what seemed like hours, we stopped for lunch.

"You guys can start a small fire; I will try to catch something for us all."

I let the family rest and I begin my hunt.

Walking around the forest was sort of scary. In the books left in the library I read that when humans learned how to use mana again 100,000 years ago, animals began evolving rapidly. Some getting stronger, some getting faster and some even began using magic. With that in mind, there are still regular animals that are around.

Carefully I stay close enough to still hear Mars and the rest. After 20 minutes, I've caught enough rabbits for everyone to have one of their own. Going back, the fire is already made. I see little Casper helping his grandparents while Pollux sits a little way away training.

"Hey Casper, helping your grandparents? Do you know how to clean these?"

"Uh huh. I'm super good at it. My grandma said I could be a chef if I wanted to since I'm so good."

"Oh yeah? Is that right? Can you teach me how to clean these rabbits then?"

"Gladly! But you have to promise me that you'll train me as well, okay? It's not fair for you to just train Pollux alone."

Letting out a laugh, I pat Casper on his head and say,

"Of course! If you guys stay in the Draco Kingdom, I promise that once you turn ten, I'll come back and train you myself. Until that day, keep watching Pollux and learn from him."

I sit down with Casper as he teaches me how to gut and clean the rabbits. While cleaning, I feel the mana around Pollux change.

"You keep cleaning Casper; it looks like your brother is finished."

Casper continues working as I walk over to Pollux.

"Looks like you already awakened your mana core. You're a natural. It took me a week to do it."

"Really? Does that mean I'm more talented than you?"

Oh, the hurtful words of children.

"Yeah, you're defiantly more talented than me. Now you will fight me. Your job is to land a hit on me only using mana manipulation before we reach the Draco Kingdom. That gives you one whole day."

Determination could be seen on Pollux's face. He may not understand it now, but this will help him comprehend mana and quickly understand his body so that he can manipulate mana better with overexerting himself.

After lunch, I ask Mars and Kiah if we could rest for a bit while Pollux and I train. They both nod and I turn to Pollux.

"Let's train for a bit. Come at me with just mana. I won't move, I will only defend. Your job is to land a hit on me with your mana. I saw you already manipulating it pretty well earlier while we were eating."

Pollux seemed hesitant. Is this how Abe felt when he made me fight him?

"Come at me with all you got. Don't worry. You can't hurt me anyways."

Pollux just looks at me and then the mana gathers around him and comes at me.


After another day of traveling and training, we can see the gates to the Draco Kingdom from here. I turn to the group to say my final goodbyes.

"Well, I guess this is where we part. You guys take care of yourselves, okay?"

Mars and Kiah step forward first.

"Thank you so much for protecting us on the way here sir."

"No need to call me sir Mars. You're older than me. Please just call me Atlas."

Mars nods and shakes my hand.

"Thank you for entertaining Casper on the trip. As well as training Pollux even though we didn't pay you."

"Don't worry about it, Kiah. Casper is a great kid. Pollux is also talented, there's no need to pay me for such a mundane thing as training him."

Kiah as well shakes my hand.

Casper rushes towards me and hugs my legs.

"Why can't you come in with us? You can still train Pollux and play with me as well! Pollux is too busy training now and never has time to play with me."

I bend down so that I'm at his height.

"Sorry Casper. I told your grandparents but I didn't tell you or Pollux. I was kidnapped and sold off while I was in the Draco Kingdom's capital. So, it wouldn't look good if I came back here."

Even though Casper seemed sad, he reluctantly agrees that it wouldn't be good if I went with them.

"Hey man, don't worry. Once you turn ten, I promised that I would be back to train you right? Until then be good to your grandparents and Pollux, okay?"

He nods again. I put him down and he runs to his grandparents. I look at the last person that I need to say goodbye to.

"Okay Pollux, you better keep training, okay? Next time we see each other you better land a hit on me."

"You bet I will teacher. I will be so awesome the next time you see me."

This kid will be amazing in the future. I can't wait to see him again.

I go back to Mars and whisper some words to him. He looks at me, a sense of fear, worry and confusion could be seen at once.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup, make sure you say exactly what I say. Just let them know it was me who sent you and they will not be able to refuse you."

I had him all the gold coins I found in the facility to Mars.

I turn to leave the group. As I walk away, I hear little Casper and Pollux screaming bye to me. I turn around and give them one last wave.


After walking about a mile away from the Draco Kingdom's gate, I create a platform of dirt and climb onto it. Using my mana, I coat the platform and use it as a spring board. I use some wind magic to help me push myself a bit further each time. When I get close to the ground, I would create another platform and repeat the process. Doing this is quicker than walking. With this, I should reach the Beast Kingdom within a day or two.

When Atlas was hunting, Pollux secretly followed him around and watched how his teacher manipulated his mana to hunt.

Thanks for reading this chapter of The True Dreamer! I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment down what you liked and disliked about the chapter. If you really like the book feel free to rate it and leave a review so others will know what you think. You can also add it to your library so that you will never miss an update.

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