
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Prince Deios

Prince Deios POV

That damn Atlas! How can he use magic?!I was there when we checked his affinities! How is this possible?!

"How? I can use magic because of these two." He pointed to the two humans in front of him.

Who are they? I don't recognize them at all. Only elves were allowed to participate and they didn't look like prisoners. The two were well dressed and prepared for battle unlike most prisoners.

I tried sensing the aura around them. Maybe they were some special beings that protected Atlas.

When I looked though, I saw it instantly. I felt my legs grow weak and my hands were shaking. The two humans had the auras of a spirit! I wouldn't mistake it for anything else.


All elves go to the same academy here. There we learn many things but what all kids look forward to is the spirits class. There we form contracts. We also learn about the spirits.

The spirits were created by the World Tree. The World Tree used its own mana to create the spirits. When we make a contract with them, we get stronger. It is thanks to the World Tree's mana that flows within all spirits.

We elves are affected by it. The mana from the World Tree allows for us to grow stronger and faster than the other races. But there is a negative side to it all as well.

In the past, during the times of war. Many elves abused their spirits. To save mana and energy, they would overwork their spirits by forcing them to fight in their stead.

This caused an uproar among the people. Eventually, all contracts were rewritten. Originally the spirits couldn't harm the elf but now if they feel overworked, they are allowed to unleash their spirit aura. This aura was so strong that it would leave the elf immobilized, in pain and bloody.

At the academy, the new students would feel the aura of the spirits, this way they would understand the fate that awaited them if they would harm their future spirit companions.


This spirit aura coming from the two humans in front of me reminded me of that. But that can't be.

"We're in our origin form boy. You know what that means right?" The man called out to me. I took a step back, not willing to accept that reality.

"No!… I was suppose to save them!… a human! A human!?? I won't allow it!!"




Atlas POV

The prince was shaken. Genesis alluded to the fact that I was the Sage. As much as I hated the prince, I needed his help. If I can work with him then it will be easier for me to fulfill Jonathan's wish.

"Genesis, Juno. Please take the kids back to where Ceto and the others are. Please take that elf along with you."

The two just nods. Genesis picks up the elf that they fought and Juno went to the house the kids were in. I never take my attention away from the prince. With every passing second, he seemed more and more unstable.

Once I was sure the prince and I were the only ones here, I put my full attention on him.

"Look, I know we aren't the best of friends but now that you realize it, we can work together. I want to help the elves and bring peace to the both sides."

I tried being friendly and wanted the prince to understand that I meant no harm. However, the prince was still shaken it seemed.

"No!… I won't accept a human sage… I was suppose to be the sage… I have to prove that I'm capable of being the Sage just like father!"

He seemed to be speaking out incoherently. Father? Is Jonathan his father? Why didn't he tell me before? If he was here then it would make it easier for me to convince the prince to help me.

The prince stood there motionless. Just slowly swaying with the breeze passing by. It seemed almost peaceful. That didn't last.

I suddenly felt an extreme sense of dread. The prince slowly looked up at me, before I could see his face he rushed at me almost instantaneously.

He made no sound as he passed me. No weapon was drawn, no mana was used or so I thought.

"Arghh…" I was felt the warm liquid run down my neck. I tried breathing but I only heard myself gargling on my own blood. I reach up, trying to stop the blood flow.

I turn around to look at the prince. He was gone though. A voice echos throughout the area.

"You see, you're unworthy of being the sage. Look how easy it is for me to kill you."

The prince's cold tone sent a chill down my spine. It was as if a monster was speaking down on me.

I fell down, desperately trying to heal myself but it wasn't working.


I suddenly felt the darkness take over. Is this it? Why wasn't I more careful? The moment I felt my consciousness fading away I suddenly felt it.

My eyes opened once more. The prince was still in front of me, looking down and swaying with the breeze. I felt a strong sense of deja vu.

'I died but now I'm back? Why?'

I tried to understand what happened. I just died? How did I get back here? That was when I heard someone whispering in my ear.

'Watch out.'

I looked around, confused. The voice belonged to a child. The thing was, it sounded like three voices in one. I suddenly heard it again.

'Sage, please save us. Save the prince.'

I once again looked around, I tried sensing the mana in the air to see if anything changed. Nothing was different. After a bit I couldn't hear the voices anymore.

I looked back at the prince to see if he reacted to the voices. But he was looking up now, I saw his eyes… they were all black. The pupil and the whites of his eyes were completely black.

They looked different but I now understand why I felt this way. Why I died and came back. I didn't die. It was those eyes.

The Eyes of Kavac.




Sorry for the short chapter. IRL stuff is stressful so I haven’t been able to write. Nathan that I introduced not long ago is also getting scraped for now. He will stay in the character sheets as an alter ego.

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