
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Old Friend Pt. 1

Atlas POV

"Here we are Noel. This is the commoner's guild. The guild master of the adventure's guild said that they allow for children to sign up as well."

"Does that mean we can go on quests together?"


"YAS! Let's hurry!"

Noel cut me off and began dragging me inside before I could even answer her.

"Hey, no need to push. It's not as busy so we shouldn't need to worry about anything."

When Noel finally stopped pushing me, I could take in the surrounding and the building itself.

The building reminded me of a lodge. It was made entirely of wood. It was a bit dirty around since the building was located near the slums. The people that were coming and going were mainly children. The youngest I saw was probably 5 or 6 years old. There were some young adults and some elderly walking in and out as well.

When Noel and I went inside, the layout was similar to the adventure's guild. The only difference was that there was no bar and the entire area was just a kitchen. There was also no second floor so there were offices next to the desk. I assumed that a lot of the guild workers were behind those doors.

"Hello sir! Can I help you?"

There wasn't a line for the front desk so Noel and I didn't need to wait.

"Yeah, what are the requirements for joining the commoner's guild?"

"Anyone under 15 must have a guardian present when they sign up. Other than that, there is no more requirements. No affinity tests or any other tests requirements. Are you here to sign up the little girl next to you."

"Yes, please sign her up. I would also like to sign up with her."

The girl behind the counter quickly goes into the back and brings out a form.

"Please fill this out sir."

I take the form and fill it out. It asked for standard stuff. Name, age, reason for joining and if we understood the potential dangers of going on quests. When I finished, I returned it to the girl.

"Now, you both will start off as E rank members. The ranks are E rank, D rank, C rank, B rank, A rank and finally the highest rank, S. To raise your rank, you will need to complete a certain number of quests as well as pass the promotion exam. The guild master is the only person that can bypass all of the rules and promote you directly."

I was listening but none of it really meant anything to me. I just wanted to sell some items and have a way to make money in the future if needed. Noel however was focusing on every single word she heard. I asked the girl a question since it looks like I will be doing quests with Noel in the future.

"I was wondering how the quests worked? What quests can children take?"

"That's a great question! Children under 15 aren't allowed to take any hunting/killing quests unless they are accompanied by an approved adult from the guild. When we first opened 10 years ago, some children were lured to hunting/killing quests by others. The pay for these quests were general a lot higher so the children were easily swayed to join in. When they joined though, they were used as bait and many died. The guild master was only 16 years old at the time, so she was distraught by the lost souls. She caught all the people responsible and had them all jailed or executed. She implemented more rules that would protect the children."

A 16-year-old guild master? She must be strong if she was able to become guild master at such a young age.

"If that's the case, then could I be the one to accompany my sister if she ever chooses to go on these types of quest?"

"Of course sir, let me write it down on here that you will be her appointed…"

The girl suddenly stopped after she looked at my paper. She looked back at me and then the paper once again.

"Atlas? He has blue hair and blue eyes… I can see some scars around his arms, there was nothing about scars… A sister as well? A half elf sister? That was never mentioned either??"

Is everything okay? What was she muttering to herself about?

"Are you okay ma'am?"

When she heard me, she jolted back up. Her face was all red.

"Ah… yes! Uhm, I need to do something right now. Take this! These are your guild cards! They will work as identifications when you come here or enter another kingdom. Please come back another time."

The girl quickly pushes Noel and I out. We were both confused.

"Are you hunger Noel? Want to go eat?"

"Yup! Let's go brother."

She was so happy. She kept looking at her guild card. Showing me the card over and over, saying that she can now work to become as strong as me.

"Haha, you must become stronger than me now understand?"

As Noel and I was about to enter the main road and look for food, I hear someone call out to me from behind.


I turn around to see who was calling me. They sounded like they were crying. When I turned around, I was greeted by a beautiful lady. She was wearing some leather armor over her clothes. She had a pouch around her and I also saw a dagger on her right. She had a blonde hair that was styled into a wolf cut. She had a well-defined nose that complimented her pretty face. She ran up to me and her face was within inches of mine.

"Atlas?... is that really you?"

Huh? How does this lady know my name?

"What happened to you? Where have you been all this time? How did your hands end up like this?"

Wait… this all feels familiar… beautiful blonde hair… overprotective motherly instincts?

"May? Is that you?"

"You finally recognize me huh?"

I couldn't help but hug her. After so many years, I finally see one of my friends! While we were hugging, I could feel Noel tugging at me. She looked like she wanted to understand what was going on.

"Sorry Little Noel, let me introduce you. May, this here is Noel, she's my little sister. Noel, this is one of my friends I had business with, May."

Noel had begun to feel less shy when meeting new people now, especially if I seemed familiar with them. She reached her hands out first to shake May's.

"Why aren't you cute! It's nice to meet you Noel."

"It's nice to meet you to Ms. May."

After they shook hands, May pulled me to the side.

"You have a lot to explain Atlas! You disappeared for 10 years and now your back with a sister!?"

I tried to calm her down. Every emotion seemed to be running through her at the moment.

"May, please relax and calm down. Why don't you join us for lunch? We were just about to eat. I will explain everything over lunch."

May agrees and offers to take us to the best restaurant she knows.




May took Noel and I to a fancy restaurant where she said the food was amazing. When we walked in, we got stares but when they saw that May was with us, they all got back to eating. One of the workers greets us.

"Hello guild master, do you want your usual room."

"Yes, please. Make sure to bring us one of everything on your menu."

"Certainly ma'am."

We followed behind as he walked us to the back. There was a closed off area just for VIPs. He stopped right at the first door and welcomed us inside. Once we sat down, he told us the food will be coming at any moment. Not even 5 minutes later, food began coming in.

"Go ahead Noel, you eat first."

Noel couldn't wait anymore. She started chowing down on her own.

May was sitting on my left so she leaned in and demanded how I have a sister all of a sudden. I whispered to her about the promise to Lily and her parents, May understood and stopped asking about it. I then asked her about what happened that day they were attacked.





After Lucy and I got back to the alleyway with the help of Jennie. Lucy and I both rolled our ankles when we were running away. Thankfully they should heal on their own with some rest. Jennie was crying so I pulled her in for a hug.

"Jennie, don't worry. We're both okay."

"But! You're hurt! If Freeman wasn't there then-."

"Don't say it Jennie, you would have helped us. I know how brave you can be."

Jennie and Lucy were always crybabies. At least Lucy had a bit of confidence and understood herself well. Jennie however, lacked confidence and always felt like a burden since she was the youngest before Atlas came. Even when Atlas came, Jennie still felt like a burden, especially after Atlas grew up and began protecting us.

"Don't worry about us Jennie, go help Freeman and Atlas. Freeman was struggling on his own. I'm sure that Atlas will help a bit but they are still facing three adults on their own."

Jennie understood what I was saying and turned to leave. I think I was to tired so I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. I looked over at Lucy and she was already asleep. I felt myself falling asleep too. The last thing I heard was Freeman running into our alleyway.

Later that night, Lucy and I had woken up. Freeman was leaning against the wall near the alleyway exit. Jennie was close by but she was still crying. Lucy crawled over to her and sat down.

"What's wrong Jennie? Why are you crying?"

"Atlas… he… he's gone! We think those guys kidnapped him and sold him off somewhere. Freeman and I searched the entire slums but couldn't find him. What do we do? It's all my fault!!"

Lucy began sniffling a bit. I could see that her face had a hint of guilt as well. I also felt guilty. It's our fault that Atlas was taken. I stand up and limp towards Freeman.

"Freeman… what happened? What did you see when you got back?"

Even though he was only a year older than me, he had suddenly aged 10 years with the look he had. His usual well groomed silver hair was a mess. He had all his wounds wrapped up. His eyes were red, it looked as if he had been crying.

"May… Atlas was gone when I returned to the spot. One of the men was already dead but there was so much blood… I don't know if Atlas is safe but… I think it's better to believe that he was sold off as a slave."

Freeman began crying again. I didn't know what to do.

"Is it wrong of me May? Is it fucked up of me to wish for a 10-year-old boy to be a slave rather than be dead?! I'm the oldest here and I couldn't even protect you guys. I couldn't even protect him!"

Freeman was sobbing at this point. I hugged him from behind.

"It isn't your fault, Freeman. We all had something to do with it. We all got too cocky and it caused Atlas his freedom…"

"No! All we wanted was to give Atlas a birthday present. That's the least we wanted to do since he never had anything. No toys, not even his own book. He had to become an adult at such a young age just because Sister Samantha died. Now… we don't even know if he is alive!"

I couldn't hold it in anymore either. I hid my face in Freeman's wide back and silently cried. That night, a certain alleyway was filled with nothing but heart wrenching wails.

After a few weeks pasted, we had learned to accept that Atlas was no longer coming back. Freeman one day came back with 10 gold and keys to a home. He gave it to me and said that he will be leaving the kingdom to find work elsewhere. He took me and the rest of the girls to the home. The house was located in the near the adventure's guild, so in the heart of the city. I couldn't help but question him.

"Freeman? How could you afford this?"

"Don't worry May. It's just an advanced payment. The house was given to me but since I won't be in the city anymore, I thought you three could live here."

This is too good to be true. Atlas disappeared and now we are living a better life? That can't be?

"Alright guys, take this money and buy furniture with it. I will send you guys money every month. I need to leave right now, please take care of one another."

Freeman just ran off and said goodbye. That was the last time we heard from him.

If you like the series so far, remember to add it to your library to know when the next chapter comes out!

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