
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Old Friend Pt 2.

Atlas POV

Freeman just disappeared like that? I find that hard to believe. May also said that even though they haven't heard from him in so long, 10 to 20 gold still kept coming to them every month.

"Now it's your turn Atlas! Tell me what happened to you!" I look over at Noel, she was still eating and wasn't paying attention to us. I proceed to talk about what happened to me.

I told her about how I killed the slave trader and saved the princess of the Draco Kingdom. I told her about the elven prince also selling me back as a slave. May had her own commentary here. Things like, "You did all that for a princess?" to "I heard that prince was a jackass.".

Then came the stories of how I was forced to kill others to raise my Death's Aura. I told her that I basically spent 10 years there and she couldn't help but cry. She was crying so much that Noel couldn't ignore her anymore. She handed May some food to cheer her up. Noel then proceeds to fill herself again. After a bit of eating ourselves, I continue on with my story.

I told her how I snuck into the Beast Kingdom and what happened in the capital. She was shocked that I had all four elements. I wanted to tell her about the contracts but I decided against it. I didn't want anyone hunting her down if someone learned of the spirits.

"Oh my gosh!!! You're the Ghost of the Gods!!! I thought the story was so cool. Who knew that my own friend was the one in the stories!" I can't believe even May heard of that name.

I tried my best to ignore her excitement and continue eating all the food that came in. May then asked me a question that I wasn't expecting.

"Are you still able to sleep at night? It seems like you've been through a lot more than me."

I thought about it. I realized that I slept peacefully every night. Is something wrong with me? But when I told May this, Noel had her own input this time.

"What do you mean brother? Every night, you toss and turn in your sleep. Some nights you seem to cry as well."

"Really??? Why didn't you say anything about it to me?"

"I don't know. I didn't want to embarrass you."

AH! My heart, my little sister is so sweet! I could see May's facial expression. She had the exact thoughts as me.

"Well, you hear her Atlas. I hope you rest enough. Just know that you can always talk to me. You are like my little brother."

"Thanks May… you haven't changed at all. Always so caring."

I couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I haven't felt this kind of familiar love in such a long time. Right before we finished our meals, I remembered two things I wanted to ask her about.

"May, what happened to Jennie and Lucy? You guys are still living together, right?"

I was kind of nervous. If Freeman was gone, it wouldn't be shocking if those two were gone now too.

"They both became adventures! They are actually super strong adventures. They should be returning from their quest soon. It's been about a month since they left."

Noel's eyes twinkled. She swallowed all her food and started spitting out questions.

"What rank are they!? Can they use magic as well!? Do you think they can train me? Do you think they are stronger than brother? I think brother can still take them on!"

"Woahhhh! Slow down their Noel, I can tell you alright."

May began telling Noel about Jennie and Lucy. They were both A rankers. The only ones currently in the kingdom. They were constantly on quests since they were the only A rankers. She didn't want to tell her about their affinities or skills since she wanted me to spare against them when they came back. I agreed of course. I also wanted to see how strong they got.

Noel was all pouty after since May didn't want to tell her anymore about the other two. May told her that she will take her shopping after to make up for not telling her everything.

I asked her the other question that was really bugging me.

"May, why didn't you become adventures with them? How did you become a guild master instead?"

Noel was once again excited. She has never been surrounded by so many powerful women.

"Actually, I did want to but I after I met the creator of the commoner's guild, I had a change of heart."

"The creator of the commoner's guild was here?"

"YAS! She was so beautiful and wise! She looked so young but she was apparently over 50 years old already. Her guards were husband and wife too! The three of them were so nice!"

"That's interesting, I don't remember hearing anything about the commoner's guild when I was still here."

"That's because it was just created right after you were gone. The creator was going around establishing the guild in each kingdom. We were one of the last ones to receive one."

"That's interesting. But how did you meeting the creator lead to you becoming the guild master?"

"That's the interesting part. I actually heard her talking about her son named Atlas to her two guards when I went out to eat. I joined in because I thought that she may have been your mom or something. It turns out that they were from the Issey Empire and her son had died years prior. I ended sitting with them and talked with them all night long. At the end of the night, she surprised me by telling me she was creating the commoner's guild here and she wanted me to be the guild master. She said I was someone she could trust."

The lady just accepts May that easily? Who was she? Well, I shouldn't be surprised. If someone was able to establish their own guild, they must have an ability to figure out if someone was trust worthy or not.

"You decided to accept then. It does fit you though. You're someone who just radiates motherly love."

Noel nods enthusiastically. May begins laughing.

"I know, all of you said that to me while we were younger. It seems that you agree too Noel."

She reached over and started tickling Noel. I truly missed this. The innocent laugh of a child. Another person that I could call family was also here again. It feels as if the last 10 years was all worth it.




It was evening when we finally left the restaurant. Since May had promised to take Noel shopping, she showed me where her house was. Her house to my surprise was right outside the town market, which was right in the center of everything. She gave me a key to her house and told me to explore the city a bit while she took Noel shopping.

I agreed to her and then I tried telling Noel to not cause any trouble for May. Noel just brushed me off and told May to hurry. They both happily skipped towards the town market while I was sad by how quickly my own little sister forgot me.

After a moment, I had to switch my mindset. As sad as I felt about my sister leaving me, I still need to finish my work here. I promised Abe to find his family and I also promised Ivory that I would try to find her daughter. As far as I remember, owning a slave within any human land was illegal unless they were criminal slaves. General Noah did tell me that Abe's family was last seen here. I might as well try my luck.

I imprint my insignia onto a rock and set it in the backyard of May's house. I will use it as an escape if I must. How will I find some illegal slaves? The Nova Kingdom might be small since it used to be a town but that doesn't mean it will be easy to find someone. The kingdom itself and the land it owned was about the size of a small American state.

'Sir! You can ask the guild master of the adventure's guild! He may have some clue to where illegal slaves are being held.'

'I rather not Ceto. We just caused so much trouble for him. He was the only nice person when we were there. I don't want to burden him more.'

'Don't worry sir! He won't be bothered by it. I even put one of your insignias in his room. Just feel your mana that is in his room and go.'

'Why are you so sure? Did you do something to him?'

'Teehee! I don't know what chu are talking about sir.'

This child… Since she already set up an insignia, I might as well attempt to teleport there. I usually use the item as a visual since it makes it easier than just feeling my mana. Let's see how easy it will be.

I spread my mana sense. I can feel my mana coming from the rock I placed in May's yard. I kept spreading it out and eventually I could a faint mana similar to mine in the guild masters' office. I focus on that mana and then I feel my body move.




"What the hell?!"

The moment I opened my eyes, the elf guild master was standing in front of me. I could see that he had circulated his mana around his body. Looks like he was going to attack me.

"I'm sorry about that sir."

The elf was weirdly being kind to me?

"Sir are you okay?"

"I'm fine!! No need to come in!"

A voice could be heard behind the door but the guild master quickly dismissed them.

"Now. Sir Atlas, please, sit down. What can I, Ior, do for you?"

I sit down and tried to get a read on him. Still not understanding why he was so accommodating.

"Ior huh. I just heard that you could track some people for me. I was wondering if that was possible."

"Of course, sir. Who are you looking for?"

"Can you find anyone running a illegal slave trade? I am looking for some people who were sold off."

Ior turned more serious. His demeanor changed.

"I can sir. I was actually looking into it myself. I have all the information here."

Ior pulled some files from his desk and handed it to me. After looking through them, only one thing stood out to me. I look back up at him.

"Are you sure that this information is correct?"

"Yes, this information is correct. I had plans to raid them soon, would you like to join us?"

"No, I will raid them tonight by myself."

"But Sir Atlas-."

"Do you understand! I will do this by myself!"

Ior was going to argue but decided not to.


"Okay sir. But please if you need anything then do not be afraid to call for me."

I nod and get up from my seat. I then use my teleportation and return to May's yard.

'Prepare yourselves you fuck. This is only the beginning.'

I set the files on fire. No one needs to know that the Red Shanks Gang are involved in the illegal slave trade.

Just a little story detail. Ceto was threatin... *clears throat* I mean she was talking with Ior the entire time so that Atlas would have an easier time getting info from him.

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