
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Infiltrating the Palace

After a day of traveling, I reached a tavern right outside the borders of the Beast Kingdom around noon. I wait outside to see anyone who could give me some information about the capital. After a bit of waiting, I see two human soldiers come out.

I approach the two. Since they are the first guards I've seen, they might know the fastest way to the capital.

"Excuse me sirs, I wanted to head to the capital for the first prince's coronation. I was hoping you guys could help me figure out the fastest way there."

The two guards look at each other. The give each other a knowing look.

"We can, but I can't seem to recall the fastest way. If only I had something to help me remember."

Both of them smirk at me. These pieces of shit. All I wanted to know was the fastest way.

"Ah yes, I do have something but it's in that dark alleyway over there. Come with me."

These guys. The must really think they can get something from me if they are following me that easily.

"Alright, how much do I need to give you for you to talk."

The guard that was talking to me earlier looked at me and said,

"I don't know? If you don't give me enough, I might just leave this ally way after I don't find, let's day ten gold coins in my hands?"

Ten gold? What the hell, talk about scam. I don't have that much.

"Ten gold? Don't be ridicules, I'm just asking for directions. I figured you would know the fastest since you guys are guards."

The guards look at one another.

"You serious? We don't help for free you know? We've protected these borders for years. If you're not willing to pay for information, we can send you to the capital instead. As a slave of course. We will get paid either way."

The two guards had already blocked the exit out of the alleyway. Looks like they intend to get money from me. Whether I give it to them or I make it for them once I'm sold off.

Well, it doesn't matter. I've already figured that this would happen, no matter who I asked.

I wrap my mana around each of their arms and break one each. I then ask them again.

"Well? Will you tell me the fastest way? There is no reason for you guys to suffer like this. Or do you want me to send you home to your wives in pieces?"

The guard that was initially standing quietly answered me this time.

"Do you know who we are? We were assigned to work here by the first prince himself! Don't you think for a moment that we will let you get away with this!"

I break his other arm instantly. He begins screaming and cursing at me.

Those who say stupid things without assessing their own situation are fools waiting to die.

"That's for say something stupid. Now once again. Tell me, what is the fastest way to the capital?"

The other guard quietly says to me.

"We need the money, so for one gold I will-."

I break his arm before he could finish.

"So, will you tell me now? If not, I'll gladly find your families and make them suffer in your place. You know, since you both don't look to well now. If you still insist on some gold, I will gladly give it to you after I sell your family off. Go ahead. Pick."

Both of the guards were in tears. Hoping to make some money after either selling off the peasant to an Eastern slave trader, they tried bullying him in an attempt to get more out of him. Little did they know that it was someone they should of just bowed their heads to and bark when told.

"Okay okay! I'll tell you... just stop. Ugh… the veteran border guards are being called back to the palace. Most likely being assigned as guards to protect the first prince during the coronation. They have to be there within the day, if you join them now, you can get there by nightfall."

Oh? The First Prince wants to crown himself soon huh? Someone must be rushing him to do so. He probably has the extra security in case the beastkin learn that he betrayed them.

"Now would you look at that! It wasn't that hard. Thank you then, I'll be going now."

The two men goes limp as I leave. Must have passed out after they figured that they would live. I looted them as well. They had more than 20 gold pieces combined. Probably from extorting other citizens as well.


I went through the entrance with no issues after paying a toll. Apparently, the town you enter is named after the first prince, the city of Saul. I would look around; it would be interesting to see how a beast society would live. However, I don't have time for that.

I look for any signs of a large group preparing to leave. After running around, avoiding crowds and stall workers, I come across a gathering of men wearing light armor. This could be what I was looking for.

I run up to the group and talk to the closest person.

"Excuse me, are you guys headed to the capital? I need to get there before tomorrow morning. I was wondering if I could get a ride with you guys."

The guy turns around. The first thing I notice is his wolf ears sitting on top of his head. Now that I look closely, he had a tail as well. I think this is the first beastkin solider I've seen since coming into the Beast Kingdom.

He looks me up and down. He nonchalantly nods and says to me.

"Sure but we'll be riding thunder birds. You can ride with me but you have to pay."

Thunder bird huh… I guess this will do. I take out only two gold coins.

"How's 2 gold coins? That's all I got."

"Just give me 1 gold coin. Keep the other coin for yourself. Prepare to leave, we'll be leaving in 30 minutes."

He takes the one coin from me and then tells me to go buy whatever I need.

I go to a stall close by, which was run by a little girl and her mother it seemed, to get some food.

"Excuse me little lady, how much for these meat skewers? They smell delicious."

"Those meat skewers are 2 silver each sir."

If I remember correctly the coin conversions goes something like this:

Bronze Coins, Silver Coins, Gold Coins, Heavenly Coins

100 Bronze Coins=1 Silver Coin

100 Silver Coins=1 Gold Coin

1,000 Gold Coins=1 Heavenly Coin

Food is usually less than 1 silver. Only the rich could afford food that cost more than that. So, these skewers are rather expensive.

I look at the mother and see that she seemed rather sick.

"Could I please get one skewer please?"

"Coming right up sir!"

The little girl grabs the meat skewers, brushes some sauce onto it and hands it to me.

"Thank you very much."

I give her the pouch filled with the rest of the gold coins. She tried to give me change back but I insisted that she keep it.

"Don't worry little lady. Keep the money. I don't need it."

She looked scared.

"Don't think about it, just keep it."

I say that as a pat her head. I walk by the stall and talk to the mom.

"Excuse me, could I ask you something?"

"Uhm, of course customer. Please ask away."

"Is the situation in the capital bad? These skewers seem rather expensive."

The mother looks away shamefully. Looks like I was right. It seems like everything has gone up since the King was poisoned.

(Just a reminder. The general that attacked the facility told the truth to Atlas and those there at the time.)

"I see, no need to say anything. Please use the money to get yourself some medicine. I don't want to see your hard-working daughter sad."

I wave goodbye to the mom and daughter as I head back to the area where the thunder birds are supposed to be.

'Hmmm. These skewers are great…'

'How did the economy of this kingdom get so bad? I believe it hasn't been a year if not nearly two since the King was poisoned by the first prince. I guess replacing the first prince will not only keep the mysterious people from the Eastern Continent out but also save the people of the kingdom.'

Meeting up outside the gates, I look for the old wolf demi human. After searching through the crowd, I finally found him. It took longer than expected since it seemed like other soldiers were bringing citizens as well.

"Hey sir, I'm here. It seems like other soldiers are taking citizens along with them."

The wolf demi-human looks at me and answers me in a patronizing tone.

"Mhm, observant huh?"


I didn't talk to him after that. We wait around for these thunder birds to arrive. When they arrive, it was like a movie moment.

About 15 thunderbirds appeared over the horizon. They were as large as a school bus with a wing span of at least two school buses.

'These things are huge. The thunderbird cores I've seen are way smaller.'

I hop on with the wolf demi-human. There were enough thunderbirds for one soldier and whoever else they were taking with them. I thought of getting to know the wolf man but he never once acknowledges me while on the thunderbird. So, I just prepare a plan for what I will do once I get to the capital. It looks like it may be time to put Kai's blessing to use and use shadow magic.


The shadow magic given to me by Kai worked just as the magic in this world. The only difference is that instead of the elements, I use my own shadow as a source for the shadow magic.

It seems that Kai had a lot of time to create his own spells. Most of them required a lot of mana control and perfect concentration while using these spells as well. It will be sometime before I can completely learn everything.

The ones I have learn are:

Shadow Possession- The ability to connect my shadow with my victim's shadow and possess it temporarily. I can manipulate their shadow and even use it to attack the victim.

Shadow Control- The ability to control my shadow. I can stretch my own shadow out and even fight with it. The more mana I put into the shadow, the more solid the shadow becomes.

(Basically, it works the same as when Atlas fights with mana. However, using shadow possession with shadow control will lead to more interesting fights.)

Shadow Merger- This ability is just as it seems. Using shadow control and a lot of my mana, I am able to merge into my own shadow. I can then use shadow control to merge and move between shadows. When I merge with my shadow, it feels like I'm floating in a pool and I'm poking my head out to see what's around me.

(Basically, a combination of shadow possession and shadow control but used to travel instead of attacking)

There are other shadow magic spells but there are two that catch my attention. The Shadow Realm and the Shadow Weapons. I wish I could use them but they both require me to get my Death's Aura over 50 %. I am currently at 37 % Death's Aura so it will be sometime before I am able to use it.

After landing, the soldiers made the group of citizens who came with them, leave the palace. I was not among that group. The moment we landed, I jumped off and activated all the spells and released all the required mana to be able to perform shadow merger.

I move to the wolf demi-human's shadow. It seemed like he knew something was wrong but he showed no aggression, so I stayed in his shadow.

Staying in his shadow, the wolf demi-human orders the rest of the human guards to go to the throne room. He also followed not to far behind.


When we were just outside the throne room, he allowed for the others to go in first and he just stood there. Once he was alone, he said.

"Come out, you've been following me for some time now."

After he said that, I felt an amazing Death's Aura strike me. It was at 40 %. Logically, he should feel just a bit stronger than me but the power that hit me did not feel like 40%. I quickly left his shadow and slowly emerged from the walls shadow instead.

"You're a lot stronger than you seem. You're most likely the strongest person in this palace, no?"

"I'm stronger than you. Even with your weird shadow technique I could still take you on. Now, why did you need to come here so quick? I would guess that you came for the prince's coronation but since you're here with me then you might be an assassin?"

'He's not wrong. Something tells me that his instincts would beat me in a fight, even if I use my strongest moves first.'

"Ugh, I hate that you're right. But I guess you're right? I'm here for the prince's coronation but not an assassin. I'm here to get revenge for my friend Abe."

The wolf demi-human looks right into my eyes.

"You don't seem to be lying huh. What do you need to do? Why don't I help you?"

"Help me? You were just threatening me earlier. How can I trust you?"

"Abe… was my friend. He asked me to find his wife and daughter after he was executed but I lost track of them when they went towards the Nova Kingdom. He wanted me to free them but I couldn't even do that. I've failed him… with you here, I could redeem myself…"

'Can I trust him? He seems genuinely sad. This is the most emotion he has shown this entire time. It will be easier if I have someone to help me.'

"Alright… if you lie to me just know that Abe will roll in his grave!"

The wolf man nods and I continue.

"I need to talk to the royale family. I need to understand what is truly going on. After that… I will kill the first prince and restore the royale family. After they are restored I will fulfill Abe's promise and find his wife and daughter."

The wolf stands there for a moment. Thinking about how he could help me.

"So Abe must have suspected that I couldn't fulfill his final request huh. I can't argue with that... Anyways I have a plan but you have to trust me."

I nod and then he walks behind me. I then feel the 40% Death's Aura attack me and I can't move.

"Hey what-."

It was like a long-lost friend meeting me again. I feel something hit the back of my head and I go unconscious.

The wolf then picks up Atlas' body and walks through the door.

"Prince Saul, sorry for the tardiness. I felt the presence of this assassin."

**FUN FACT: Atlas likes to emerge slowly from the shadows. He saw it in animes/movies in his past life and thought it was cool so he does it everytime now.

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