
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Confronting the Leaders


Atlas couldn't see it but Deios could. The corner of his eyes had begun to blacken. Atlas had begun his slow process of receiving his own Eyes.

Atlas could see the fear in Deios' eyes and he was loving it.

"What's wrong prince? You were speaking about killing me. Where did all that hate go? All I see is fear in your eyes now."

Deios couldn't even look at Atlas anymore. Atlas' [Aura] had changed. It felt so sinister. Atlas however didn't like this.

"Hey! Hey! Look at me! Didn't you want to kill me?"

Atlas was getting irritated. Prince Deios wanted a fight and that's what he wanted to give him. After a bit of waiting, Atlas grabbed Deios by his hair and pulled him in close. He lets out a yelp.

Within a second, four elves appeared in front of the two. Each of them was holding a spear. They were all within killing range of Atlas.

"You need to let go of the prince. If you don't then we will have to incapacitate you."

One of them called out to Atlas but he didn't care. He saw this as a opportunity.

Atlas hits the prince twice in the face, it didn't knock him out but he let out a cry.

The four elves tried attacking him but he waved Deios around the same way he was waved around earlier.

"Stay back. I don't mind killing a prince. I've done far worst for way less."

He made sure to let out his [Death's Aura] to make them freeze up. He wanted to freeze them up so he could teleport to where the leaders were sitting.

However, one of the elves regained control of his body and tried attacking Atlas. Atlas just looks at him.

"It's truly unfortunate that you do not wish to see tomorrow, [Begone]."

Atlas sent out a wave of mana that the elf couldn't dodge. The waves touched the elf and he exploded into tiny pieces. Atlas addressed the other three remaining elves.

"Once again, stay still."

However, the three weren't going to do that. They had an obligation to defend the prince, even though they weren't fond of the prince.

The three moved and tried to kill Atlas. Atlas whispers under his breath.

"Why do you make me do this?"


Atlas protected the elf prince and himself. The other three were too close and couldn't dodge the attack. They immediately breathed in the air that Atlas contaminated. Within a second, they all fell down, coughing and squeezing at their chest. The next second they stopped moving.

Atlas sighs.

"What's wrong babe?" Liza wraps her arms around Atlas' neck. Trying to flirt with him.

"Why did it come to this?"

"Don't worry son. It isn't your fault. They started it. If they just gave you the spell from the beginning then this wouldn't have happened." Miku tried cheering up Atlas. He brushes her off.

"Come on babe! Go do it! Make them give you that spell!"

Atlas just grins. He knew what he needed to do. He turns to face Deios, who was watching him the entire time. Deios was even more scared now. He just watched Atlas mumble and laugh to himself as if someone was talking to him.

When Atlas turned around to look at him, his heart sunk. The black part of Atlas' eye was spreading, his sinister grin creeped him out and the way he looked Deios up and down frightened him. It was as if he was a prey waiting to be eaten.

"Can you turn off those eyes of yours?" Atlas asked him a foreboding question. Deios didn't know that his eyes were still on. He tried turning off the Eyes of Kavac but it never did. His eyes stayed completely black.

Atlas instantly smiled gleefully as Deios struggled to turn off the eyes. "Good! I can use you for my plans then!!!"

Atlas holds Deios down to keep him from running, he slices off both of his legs at the knee. Deios screams and squirms. Atlas stopped the bleeding and then threw Deios onto his back.

"Let me get one of those eyes prince." Atlas reaches out as Deios tried getting away, but all hope was lost.

The quiet stadium was only filled with the cries of the elf prince.




Scene Change: area where all the leaders are.

Ivory gasped at what Atlas was doing.

'What's wrong with that boy?! He's lost his mind! Why would he do that to the prince?!'

She suddenly sees the image of Atlas towering over her son Saul. She had stopped him that day but who knows. Atlas might have done the same thing to her son.

A chill runs down her spine as she thinks about how grateful she was to stop him before anything happened.

She looks at Roxy to gauge her reaction. To her surprised Roxy showed no facial expressions but she was gripping on tightly to her chair. The other leaders were also on the edge of their seats. No one knew what was happening right now.

King Charred. Liza's father was shaken up.

'How can the boy be so strong?! Why did he refer to himself as the END? Isn't this all to much of a coincidence?!'

He prepares his mana and aura. Protecting his wife and daughter was his number one priority.

King Dan was mentally preparing himself. He has seen Atlas up close when he went on a rampage. He believed that him and Ivory were safe but it's always good to be safe.

Both Emperor and Empress showed no signs of fear. The total opposite really, they were both intrigued by Atlas. Even though they had stronger people under them, they wanted to keep tabs on the boy in case they needed someone with potential.

They watched Atlas intently on the screen. His back turned to the spirit while his hands seemed busy doing something to the elf prince. The problem was that they blinked and he was suddenly gone. Loki began shouting orders.

"Find him! Find that boy! Make sure the prince is safe!"

"That won't be necessary."

A voice that wasn't there before answered Loki. The entire room felt colder than before. Atlas slowly froze the walls of the room, making sure no one escaped.

Atlas stands up tall. In his right hand he was holding an unconscious Deios by his hair. He had his left hand behind his back.

"Don't look so frightened everyone. I'm just here to make a trade."

Atlas looked at Roxy specifically. He wanted her to know that she was the one that interested him.

"In exchange for the dear prince's life, I want you my Queen, to have Theo hand over his resurrection spell."

Everyone stiffened up. They knew how much Theo hated it when someone spoke about the spell. It was something that he held dear. Loki carefully raised his hand and spoke.

"That isn't possible. Theo has spoken about waiting for the right person to give it to."

Atlas nods and agrees. "You're right! He has been waiting. I am that person! He asked me to do one thing in exchange but I just find it to difficult you see."

Atlas raises Deios face up so that all the leaders could see him.

"This little bitch has been making it difficult for me. Theo wanted me to survive the Salvis and also changed the views that the elves had on humans. I thought I did a good job but-."

"Get him! Save the prince!"

Loki suddenly shouted. Some of the Queen's guards rushed Atlas. Atlas however wasn't having any of it.

"Look at those assholes babe! Kill them!"

"Purge them boy! Show me how much you've grown!"

Liza and Miku were watching everything unfold. They helped clear Atlas' conscious so he didn't hesitate to hurt others.


Atlas takes his left hand out and opens his palm. He had been holding onto Deios eye! The Eye of Kavac was still active! Everyone stopped moving instantly. They all began seeing visions of all the ways that they could die.

Atlas then closes his hands and attacks. He swiftly moves to eliminate all the elf guards that tried attacking him. Out of all the queen's guards, 4 of them had tried attacking Atlas.

[Shadow Stitching]

He uses their own shadow and kills them all. Four heads rolled across the floor within seconds.

Everyone looked at Atlas. They couldn't believe how nonchalant he was about killing people. They were also curious about his shadow magic.

[Shadow Possession]

Atlas takes all the mana from the air and uses it to his advantage. Using [Shadow Possession] he holds every single person in place.

"It looks like no one here is taking me serious."

Atlas brings the unconscious Deios up to his shoulder level. He reached out, getting ready to grab the other eye.

"Do it!! Yes!!! Take the eye!! Show them that you shouldn't be messed with!" Liza and Miku were cheering him on.

Atlas digs into Deios' eye and pulls it out. Deios woke up and began screaming again. Clawing at Atlas, doing whatever he could to stop the pain from continuing but it didn't work. When Atlas finished he tossed the eyeless Deios over to the side.

Atlas then takes both eyes and forces one of the guards to look at them. The guard stops moving and begins crying. Who knows what he saw.

The guard then stops moving all together and falls over. Atlas walks up to him and kicks him.

"Tch. Passed out that quickly. Weak." Atlas takes both eyes and tossed them towards Deios.

"I'm sure someone can heal you later."

Atlas was done now. He hoped that the brutality that he showed would force the Queen to make Theo give him the spell.

Instead of the Queen speaking though, he hears Liza. The real Liza standing by King Charred.

"Stop it Atlas! You don't need to do this!"

She was heartbroken seeing Atlas like this. She remembered the funny and handsome child that saved her when she was younger. Now she was witnessing him commit such acts.

Atlas was annoyed.

'How dare she! Why did she have to look and act just like my Liza!'

"Well princess. I need that resurrection spell."

He then opens up his shadow storage. This was where he was holding onto everyone's body.

The ground opened up and the bodies came flying out. They were carefully displayed before the group.

"Mars. Kiah. They were both killed inside the home I was staying in. Kiah was r*ped and Mars was forced to watch before they both were killed."

Liza stumbled backwards. Her mother embraced her from behind.

"This is Olivia. She protected the children with her life. It was all in vain."

"Casper. I found him not to far from Olivia. He was already cold and had a gaping hole in his stomach when I reached him."

"And finally Noel. My adopted little sister. She died fighting and protecting the only survivor!"

Ivory gasped. Eva never told her about this. Zen had advised her not to tell her mother. Ivory knew Noel so he didn't want to upset her.

Atlas collected the bodies and put them back in his storage. He faced Liza.

"That is why I'm doing this. Now will you tell me that I don't need to do this? When I am so close! I will do it! I will get my hands on that spell! Even if I have to wipe out the entire elf race!"


I want to add this here in case someone doesn't understand Atlas at the moment. He suffers from survivors guilt (from his time on earth). That was why he created the two girls (Liza and Miku) in his mind. He wanted to eventually accept it and move on. However, the [Death's Aura] has completely changed it.

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