
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Blue Reaper 3

*Thank you to b_cobb once again for the powerstones!!!

Inside the castle.

"Father! Why would you do that?" Prince Dan was shocked by what he just heard from his father.

"It's because of that filthy peasant. I offered him multiple times to work for me and he just kept refusing. How dare he!"

The King was a man who valued strong people. That is why he worked with the mercenary guild leader and Darren as well. When Atlas refused him, he wasn't put off by it. He knew that eventually he would join him. However, after almost a year, Atlas had continued to refuse him. This infuriated him.

"That's why I did it boy. That's why I had the mercenary guild take out his friends and family. I figured that's why he never accepted. He had to many people holding him back."

The King thought Atlas refused him because of the people around him. His pride wouldn't let him accept Atlas' refusal so he prepared this attack for the last month.

Prince Dan was worried. Unlike his father, he made sure to keep tabs on events that happened in the kingdom. The one that stood out to him was the fight at the adventure's guild and the death of a baron.

Both events involved Atlas. Both events involved violent and gruesome deaths. The adventure guild had plenty of eye witnesses but the baron's death had no witnesses. He only knew because Atlas was spotted leaving the area with a huge group of people.

Due to these events, many of his people steer cleared of Atlas and even had a nickname for him. The Blue Reaper.

"But father! There were kids as well! You can't have them involved! You know how the people of the kingdom are! Children shouldn't be involved in adult problems!"

"Who cares? They will just think that the mercenary guild is going against the kingdom again. I can just shut them down for good once everything calms down."

The king was smug. He felt like he was truly untouchable and that he created the perfect plan.

"Father… we are Forsakens though. We can't protect ourselves if Atlas finds out it was because of us." This was a problem that the public didn't know. The royal family has only birthed Forsakens. For generations they hid this secret from the public.

"Don't worry! That's why these four are here. The strongest in our kingdom!" There were four people standing by the door. They were the strongest warriors the King found and raised.

Prince Dan really didn't like this. That's why he sent his son out before meeting with his father. He feared Atlas will kill the royal family. He wanted someone to survive.

'I can only pray that father's attack plan fails and that Atlas wouldn't look into it anymore than he should.'

It was here that a knock came from the door. One of the guards checked to see who it was and then let the man in.

"Oh you're back! How did it go?" The King had sent a scout out to see how the mercenaries did.

"Your Majesty. The mercenary guild carried out your order. The survivors are May, Jennie, Lucy and a little girl named Katherine. Everyone else was killed. There is currently a meeting happening at the mercenary guild. They are trying to figure out how to get the remaining survivors."

"GOOD! How about Atlas? Where is his current location?"

"Current location is unknown. He was last seen in the Blue Soul five hours ago."

The king had a satisfied smile. He felt that he was now one step closer to pulling Atlas to his side. Prince Dan was disappointed. His father succeeded and not only that, kids were killed.

'What will happen to this kingdom now?'




Atlas POV

When I teleported to the insignia near the castle, I appeared right by the bridge that led to the gate of the castle. There was no one I could see.

I walked across the bridge, my every step echoed throughout the cold night.

'The king must think that he's safe. I'm sure he thought the mercenary guild would take the fall. He would sweep in, "deal" with them and I would be grateful to him. Was that his plan?'

The only thought I had was to kill the man responsible and return to protect the others. I wasn't in a rush though since I knew Zen could protect everyone. I've never seen him fight but I've spent enough time with him to understand him.

As I cross the bridge and enter through the open gates, I see guards running around. There were five guards and another person. Based off of just the height, the person must of been teen or young adult. They looked like they were in a hurry to leave. I decide to call out to the group.

"Where are you off to so quickly? Almost as if you were trying to escape from something."

The group stopped and look in my direction. The men looked at me like I was a ghost. The one that didn't look like a guard, had turned pale. He whispered something to the guards. The guards formed a tighter circle around him. One of the guards answered me.

"We are just leaving for the town over. Please leave now… sir. Civilians… are not allowed behind the castle walls." The man tried to get me to leave. However I noticed his hesitation.

"Don't you know me? I saw some of your guards out and about today. They spent a lot of time around May's home today."

The man took a moment to think about what to say. "Ah! Atlas correct? I did see that as well. I'm not sure what happened but if you want to meet the king about them then please do it tomorrow." He tried once more to get me to leave.

I went ahead and let my [Aura] out. "I'm sorry but that's not happening. I have suspicions that the mercenaries attacked my family with the help of the royal guards. I am here for answers."

The five men readied their weapons. The one from earlier called out to me again.

"How dare you accuse us of something like that! If you leave now we won't report you for what you just said!"

I could see the sweat building on their faces. The man in the middle was also sweating. They're trying desperately to make me leave. Maybe that man is important? I unleashed all 40% of my [Aura] to keep the guards from moving. I approach the group and drag out the middle man.

"Prince Jared!!!" The five men called out to the man I dragged out. 'A Prince huh?' I look at the Prince. He looks as old as me but he was shaking and crying.

"How old are you dear Prince? Please answer me. I rather not kill you okay?"

The Prince didn't say anything. He was frozen stiff with fear. The guards called out to me instead.

"Prince Jared is 16 years old! He looks a lot older for his age! When he gets scared he is unable to answer to anyone!" I see, these are some good guards. They are trying their best to keep the Prince safe.

"Is he the son of the king?"

"No sir! He's the son of the crown Prince."

Oh! That works as well. "Prince Jared. Please hold your breath okay?" I held onto the Prince as I melted into my shadow.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE PRINCE?!" The five men called out to me. They all tried moving but my [Aura] was still suppressing their movement.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't hurt your dear prince. I'm just here for your king." I go ahead and hold onto the prince as we go into my shadow.

I move my shadow through the halls. I see a lot of guards walking around but none seem to notice us. I squeeze under the door that lead to the throne room. Inside was Prince Dan and the king. I made sure my shadow stayed hidden in the shadows of the room. We sat there and listened to them.

I got sick and tired of listening when the scout came in and gave the king the news. The king had a nasty smile throughout the entire conversation. I dragged the prince out. Making sure my [Aura] was felt by everyone.

The king felt it. He had plans to bring me to his side apparently but his face changed.

"What are you waiting for?! Protect me!!" The guards by the door ran at me. Looks like my [Aura] wasn't doing much to them.

"I rather not kill you four. Please try to stay alive." I summoned a golem using [Golem Creation] and [Majestic Water Show] to summon some flying fish. I used these things to distract the four guards.

Looks like I don't have much time. The guards will probably be done in 5 minutes. I need to move now.

I saw the king shaking while on his throne. Prince Dan was only looking at his son who I kidnapped.

"Atlas!! Please, let my son go! He has nothing to do with this!!" I could see Prince Dan unwavering eyes. The eyes of a father. Someone who was willing to do anything to see his child returned safely.

I took out Lily's dagger. I made sure to hold it near Prince Jared's face. I wanted to make sure the king and Prince Dan could see it.

"Why should I? What about the children your father killed? They had nothing to do with this either."

"My father didn't do-."

I hate this. At this rate, this conversation wouldn't go anywhere. I gouged out the Prince's left eye.

"Noo!" Prince Dan moved without thinking. I wanted to let him know that they were no longer in control.

"Relax there Prince Dan. He only has one eye now. It would be unfortunate if he could no longer see out of the other one as well." I put the prince in a choke hold using my left arm and place the dagger in my right hand, close to the prince's remaining eye. This stopped him.

"Good, like I said earlier. I was here the entire time and heard what your father said. I know you and Prince Jared here had nothing to do with it. All I want is for your father to pay."

The king scoffed at me.

"Do you think I will bow down to you?! You filthy peasant! If you accepted earlier then those kids would still be alive!"

I tightened my grip around Prince Jared, which caused Prince Dan to stiffen up more.

"STOP!! Don't worry!! I will make sure my father pays!!! I will hold him responsible for everything!"

"Then give me his head."



The two looked at me like I was a lunatic. Almost as if I said something absurd.

"Why's it so shocking? You just admitted to killing children and killing people living in your kingdom. How will the world react when it is known that the King did all this because his stupid pride wouldn't let him take no for an answer?"

Prince Dan was gritting his teeth. He looked over at the king. The king though showed no signs of giving up. It didn't matter to me if the King was willing to or not. I dropped Prince Jared down, his eye was still bleeding. I used my mana to grab onto the king's leg. I dragged him off his throne and made him kneel down before me.

"Your Majesty!!"


The four guards and Prince Dan called out to him. I just ignored them. I go ahead and take my anger out on him. I kicked him over and over. I created a baseball bat with earth magic and used that to beat him down. I kept swinging until I felt better.

When I finished, the king was still alive. Barely moving. Prince Dan was standing in the same position as before. I knelt down so the king could hear me.

"Apologize. Apologize to Mars and Kiah. Two grandparents who just wanted the best for their grandkids. Apologize to Casper. A young boy who just wanted to become a strong warrior. Apologize to Olivia. A woman who lost her husband and now had to leave her only daughter alone in this world. Apologize to Katherine. The girl who now has no family left in this world. Apologize to Noel. My little sister who joined her family in the afterlife to soon. APOLOGIZE."

The king didn't go anything. He just kept laughing. I saw him when he looked up at me. He was unfazed. He was battered and beaten. Yet his stupid pride as a King was still intact. I could see it in his eyes. I took the bat and swung it again. This time I aimed for his head.


Before I knew it, the king stopped moving. I couldn't destroy his pride. He never once lowered himself and apologized. I took a moment to catch my breath. I looked over to Prince Dan. He had called for other guards to heal Prince Jared.

The four guards then surrounded me.

"You are under arrest for murdering the King!"

"No, let him go." It was Prince Dan who stopped the guards.

"But my Prince! He-."

"That's enough. My father brought this upon himself," he then looks at me. "You won't tell the world what the king did correct? Now that you got your revenge?" I just nod. I teleported out of the throne room once Prince Dan didn't say anything else.




Prince Dan POV

I can't punish him. My people already told me that the adventure's guild and the commoner's guild learned that the mercenary guild was working for father. It wouldn't take them long to find enough evidence that the king was corrupt. If the public learned the king had been turning his own citizens into slaves the other kingdom leaders will have no choice but to attack us.

It will lead to the Nova Kingdom's eventually downfall. Our people would be forced away from these lands. I look at my father's body.

'I'm sorry father. Hiding the true reason of your death from the public will keep this kingdom from total destruction. I should at least tell the other leaders about it. I will warn them about the consequences of angering Atlas. Hopefully they can let go of their stubborn and prideful selves, something you couldn't do father.'

He sat down and started writing a letter. He had the letter copied three more times. Two for the human empires to the south, one for the Beast Kingdom and one for the Elves. He reread the letter one more time before letting the ravens take them.

"Dear World Leaders, Atlas, also known as 'The Blue Reaper' in the Nova Kingdom..."




Atlas POV

I just kept walking, it wasn't long before I ended up in front of the church I grew up in. I take a look around. The bodies from earlier was still littered around. The church had crumbled over time, leaving behind just a few small walls and pillars. I walked around the area until I saw a spot of blood.

'This is where Noel was... when she died.'

Huh? Why do I still feel empty? I did it didn't I? I took revenge. I killed the person responsible for all of this. I suddenly hear a whimpering noise. I look around but there was no one. That's when I feel my face. Tears?

It was me that was whimpering. It was me that was crying.

'Why am I crying? I did my best right?' I suddenly hear two female voices.

"You did your best Atlas."

"You tried silly!"

I look up and see two faces looking back at me.

"Miku? Liza? What are you two doing here? Your spirits shouldn't be in this world?"

A few more chapters until Vol 2 starts

SamChang1creators' thoughts