
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Blue Reaper 2

**Thank you to SnusDax and b_cobb for the powerstones!!! You guys truly help motivate me to keep writing!

On his cue, the six monkeys howled in unison and began their attack. Atlas' golem stood by and protected him from blind spot.

Atlas stood there and watched the monkeys do work. One monkey ripped a woman's arm right off and then stabbed it through her chest. Another one had torn a man's chest right open. The hall was filled with screams of horror and cries for help.

"Please! We didn't do anything! We didn't take part in the quest!!" One man had begged Atlas but he just shoved him away.

Atlas, for the first time, took out Lily's dagger. He stabbed the man right in the neck. The man fumbled backwards, trying to stop the bleeding but he stopped moving soon after.

He then creates a floating water ball. He sticks the dagger in it to clean the blood off. Once the dagger was clean, the blood slowly drips out of the ball, leaving the water clean again.

The monkeys had clear a path for Atlas so he could confront the 15 mercenaries. "Nice job. You guys did well." Atlas speaks out to the monkeys. The monkeys dropped everything they were holding and ran to him. They all bowed down and slowly lost their physical form, turning back into a puddle of water. The puddle jumps up and merges with the ball of water that Atlas made earlier.

The 15 mercenaries were frightened. Atlas didn't know this but they escaped when he had appeared in the slums. They witness his power when all their comrades were killed by his [Majestic Water Show]. One of them tried to explain to Atlas.

"Atlas... please let us live! We didn't know what we were doing..." Then it looked as if he thought of something. "That's right! It was the guild master that caused all of it! We only accepted this quest because he forced us to." He turned to the others, "Right guys? It was the guild masters idea."

The others agreed. They didn't want to betray the guild master but they didn't want to die either. Atlas didn't care though. He just silently stared at the man as the group continued throwing blame on someone else.

"Are you done? If it makes you feel better, the guild master and all the higher ups will follow you to the afterlife. You can argue with them there." Atlas didn't care what their excuse were. He didn't care if they had family or children. He was going to make sure that all who took part in the quest died today.

The 15 mercenaries heard what he said and started to panic. One of them even tried to limp away on his crutches but he soon fell down dead. His body was warm, almost as if he burned from the inside out. Atlas had prepared [Inner Glow] and currently it could be used on all of them at any moment.

"Three affinities?! Humans can only have two at the most..." This was when everyone understood what kind of monster they had provoked. "No... he must of set up the wind barrier outside too! He can use all four affinities!! Why did the guild master antagonize such a monster?!" The room had gone completely silent. All eyes were on the monster in front of them. The remaining 14 mercenaries had accepted their deaths now. They couldn't do anything against Atlas!

He appeared out of thin air. Coming here to collect the souls of his enemies. Killing anyone who got in his way. He seemed to imbody the qualities of the Grim Reaper himself.

Atlas prepared 14 water bullets. Aimed at each mercenary that had taken on the quest. The mercenaries closed their eyes, waiting for death. The bullets came flying forward, aimed at the heads. But they never made contact. A mud dome stopped all 14 bullets. All eyes turned to the new group that came from the guild master's office.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! Coming in here and killing our people?!" One of the higher ups started screaming at Atlas.

"The leaders are here!"

"We're saved!"

'These are the leaders? Nine people. Assuming one of them is the guild master, that means 8 of them are the higher ups.' Atlas noticed the old man in the back. 'He must be the guild master. Hm?' Behind the old man was another person. Who was he?

"Answer me boy!" The higher up was annoyed. The man in front of him didn't even pay him any attention. Atlas looked at him. He then decided to take care of the remaining 14 mercenaries first. He would need to get rid of the mud dome first.

[Blistering Roast]

Atlas created a thin layer of mana that he placed over the dome. Using [Blistering Roast] he set the dome on fire with the hottest flames he could conjure up. Everyone, including the guild higher ups had to step back. The flames were to much for them.

After a minute, Atlas extinguished the flames. The mud wall had hardened and was crumbling just a bit. He increased the mana density around his hand and punched the dome. With one punch the dome came crashing down. Atlas quickly moved.

Using his shadow and the shadows of the mud dome, he solidified his shadow and changed it into a giant shadow monkey.

"Kill them."

The shadow monkey sunk into it's shadow. It moved under all the mercenaries and dragged them all inside the shadow. Everyone in the guild saw this. They didn't understand what just happened. Even the higher ups were worried. Then it happened.

The shadow began spitting out the mercenaries. Well, only the upper half of them. The lower half was completely missing. Everything from the waist down was gone. Each dead mercenary had a face of shock. The monkey slowly reemerged from the shadow. It gave a bow to Atlas and then returned to Atlas' shadow.

"Shit, we need to stop him!!" The guild higher ups moved to stop Atlas. They didn't care if they killed him or not, they're goal was to survive.

Eight of the leaders rushed at Atlas. They wanted to use magic but was afraid that it would destroy the guild hall. They pulled out their swords and daggers. Atlas also prepared. He had complete control over his magic so if he used it, it wouldn't hurt anyone but the guild leaders. However, he wanted more. He wanted to end the lives of the guild leaders. He wanted to see the life leave their eyes. He had Lily's dagger in his hands, ready to fight.

The first person that reached Atlas swung their sword horizontally, hoping to slice him in half the same way he did it to the mercenaries. Atlas saw the sword coming at him from his right so he held Lily's dagger in a reverse grip. He used mana to strengthened the dagger's blade and used it to block the sword. He put his weight into it and pushed the man back. He swiftly took the opening and threw the dagger, aiming it at the man's heart. The man couldn't react in time and the dagger stabbed right into him. Atlas used his mana to push the dagger deeper in, making sure he died.

Atlas then used his mana to pull the dagger out and brought it back to him. To Atlas', left three more guys appeared using earth spears. They saw how Atlas swiftly dealt with the sword so they wanted to keep distance between them. Two of them stabbed the spear towards Atlas but he was ready. Atlas caught the two spears between his arms, holding it between his armpits. The third spear was aimed right at his throat. The three men thought they had him.

Atlas flexed and broke the spear head off the two spears. He caught the two spear heads in each hand and then turned his head out of the way to dodge the last spear. He used his arms to catch the last spear and broke that spear head off too. He threw both of the spear heads at the two men that fell when their spears suddenly broke. The spear head penetrated the back of their heads, killing them instantly. Atlas then takes the last spear head and threw it at the remaining man. The man couldn't react in time and he also died.

'Four down, four to go.'

The other four were working as shields to protect the guild master. These four were ordinary mercenaries that were given the role of higher ups by the guild master. They were shaking. They just saw the four strongest mercenaries in their guild get killed.

Atlas was ready. He created four earth spears that would pierce through the shields. However someone stepped forward to block him. It was the man that was behind the guild master earlier.

"Please stop this! We didn't want to do this to you either!" The man was sad. He was sad to see his comrades slaughtered like animals. But Atlas didn't care. He sent the spears around the man and aimed for the four holding the shields. However, the guild master finally moved. He blocked all four spears. He then addresses Atlas. "Let's stop this Atlas. We never wanted this. We only did this to pay back a debt."

Atlas was tired of hearing excuses from them. "Stop? What about the grandparents you killed? Your people raped the grandmother and killed the grandfather? What about the mother and the three kids? She died protecting those kids. She believed they were safe! You killed two of those kids! You killed my sister! Do you think I will just stop?"

Many of the mercenaries didn't know this. They just knew a quest was given to "intimidate" Atlas. Now they were glad they didn't accept the quest.

The guild master looked sorry. He thought that paying his debt back would be better than making an enemy of Atlas. Now he knew how wrong he was.

"Enough of this." Atlas vanished from his spot and reappeared near a spear close to the man. He snatched him by the neck and reappeared in the spot before. The guild master was terrified, the man Atlas snatched was his grandson.

"No!!! Please!!! Don't hurt my grandson!!" Atlas couldn't help but smile. He took out Lily's dagger and stabbed into the grandson's face. Making sure to leave a scar even if they heal it.


The grandson tried enduring the pain but he couldn't any longer. He let out a painful cry. He tried hitting Atlas but he just kept digging the knife into his face.

"LET HIM GO!!" The guild master tried to intimidate Atlas by using his [Aura] but he just shrugged it off. He took out Lily's dagger and held it up to the man's neck.

"Tell me why I should? You said this isn't what you wanted right? Then who wanted it?" The guild master was ready to sell out if that meant his grandson could be safe.

"The king… the king wanted us to kill your friends and family…" Atlas' hand suddenly trembled, leaving a scratch on the grandson. The guild master tried not to overreact when he saw the cut left behind. He needed to be careful not to agitate Atlas anymore.

"Why did the king do it?!" Atlas probably guessed it had to do with him turning down his offer. The guild master however, didn't know why the king ordered him to do it. He just needed to pay the debt back when the king didn't punish them for the Red Shanks incident.

"I don't know!! Please just don't hurt my grandson!!" Atlas just let's go of the grandson. As much as he wanted to kill everyone, it's obvious the mercenary guild was used by the king now and he was Atlas' true enemy. He should have realized it sooner when he saw the royal guards standing around not doing anything to stop them.

Atlas leaves the mercenary guild. Heading for the royal castle.

"Grandpa… what's going to happen to us now?" The man was worried, would Atlas come back to kill them?

"Don't worry. We should be safe now."

'However, it's most likely that I lose my position as guild master now. The other two probably know already.'

With Atlas' departure, the total killed were 219 mercenaries, 15 who were actually a part of the quest, 4 higher ups and 1 guild worker.