
The True Dragon (TenSura – Hiatus)


chianlao · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Fighting A Primordial [HORRIBLY REWRITTEN]

After Chimon had left, he soon discovered a cave leaking magicules of a (peak) calamity class monster.

Walking up to it and taking a gander inside the cave, he went inside and when Chimon finally reached the end, he saw a brain embedded on a rock podium.

Slowly and warily walking to the brain embedded in the rock, he then hovered his hand over the brain and used both [Gluttony] and [Degenerate] on it.

{Due to the individual having a better skill, the skill [Magic Sense] has been discarded and is being turned into excess magicules. Due to the individual having a better skill, the skill [Ultraspeed Regeneration] has been discarded and is being turned into excess magicules.}

{Because the excess magicules from [Magic Sense] is too low, the skill [Universal Sense] can't evolve so it has been rejected and has stayed as is. Because the excess magicules from [Ultraspeed Regeneration] is high, it has created the extra skill [Heal].}

{The extra skill [Gravity Manipulation] has been acquired.}

{The summoning magic [Summon Megalodon] has been acquired.}

{The acquisition of acquiring skills has been completed.}

Nodding because of the new skills he got from devouring the brain of that monster, he started walking to the exit. Almost at the exit, he saw that it was getting dark so he got out and found a place where there weren't any monsters nearby.

Though since it really wasn't that far from where he was, he finally decided to use his skill: [Limit Breaker].

Using [Steal] which was on [Limit Breaker], he stole all the common skills he needed and he also wanted to get a new while he was at it. So, using [Steal] again he took a skill called [Overwrite].

And if you couldn't tell by the name [Steal], it's actually stealing skills from people and monsters by ripping into their soul.

Having [Overwrite]'s information flood into his brain, he looked them over and thought that it was an O-K ability.

'So the skill [Overwrite], by just looking at the name, can overwrite whatever the user desires. But the two downsides to the skill is that it has a one month cooldown and it depletes my magicules by a fair bit.'

'But to be honest, that's not much of a downside to me since I have an abundance amount of magicules, and I have all the time in the world since I'm a true dragon.'

'So in other words, it's similar to [Limit Breaker]'s inner skill called [Breaker] in that it can break and do anything to The Voice Of The World. Of course, that's just a summary of what it did.'

Diverting his attention from the skill since he didn't desire anything right now, he looked at the black sky and for some reason didn't have stars today which was weird.

Getting up from leaning on a tree, he quickly traversed the forest and found a group of adventurers.

'It looks like these adventurers got a quest for the Jura Forest and it seems they're only C to B rank in terms of power altogether.'

Wanting to take a closer look to see if they had any unique skills, he watched for a minute but was disappointed sicne he wasted his time.

Leaving the adventurers since they had nothing useful for him, he remembered he had wanted to visit the demon lord named Clayman. So he did just that.

(Someplace Near El Dorado)

When he was going in the direction of Clayman's territory, he had heard explosions in the distance and wanted to see what was causing it.

Stopping and changing where he was going, he looked in the direction of where the explosions were heard and started running.

Reaching where he heard the explosions, he saw a city being bombarded with magic which looked nuclear. It was supposed to be fast, but to him, it looked slow.

But since he didn't see where the magic came from, he used [Universal Sense] and saw a smiling blonde haired girl making more magic. Which now that he saw her making it, he was sure it was nuclear magic.

Though when he did that, it seems the blonde haired girl sensed she was being watched and stopped smiling. She then looked around and when she couldn't find him, her mouth grew to a frown.

Finding her rather peculiar since she was easily making nuclear magic, he used [Magic Measurement].

After a second had passed, he found out she had the magicules of a (peak) disaster class monster, so he checked her potential. And when he did, it looks like she had better potential than Benimaru.

Analaysing her using [Greater Sage], it seems he had her beat in physical strength, skills, magic and manipulation of magicules.

And judging by her frown she just made, it seems if things didn't go her way her she would get angry.

Back when he was researching about the demon lords in Blumund, he found a rather old and unkempt book at the back of the library.


The book read 'The Seven Primordial Beings'.

Being interested in the word primordial, he grabbed it off the shelf and cleaned the book using magic. Now that it looked brand new, he went to a table, sat down, and opened the book.

Then after reading the entire book, he found out there were seven deadly demons called the Primordials. It was also stated they were born since the dawn of time.

(End Of Flashback)

When he read that whole entire thing, he thought since they were beings who were born since the dawn of time, they must be strong.

And the description of the Yellow Primordial matched the characteristics of the blonde haired and blue eyed girl.

With his finger and body trembling from excitement since the girl might be a Primordial, he started walking to where she was at.

So wanting to not have an advantage against her, he made himself known and released his pure magicules.

When he released his magicules to make himself known only to her and not the people inside the city, the area around him was getting destroyed slowly but surely.

When Jaune had been looking around trying to find the person spying on her, she felt an insane amount of magicules abruptly appear from behind her.

Then when she looked at where it was coming from, all she saw was pure magicules coming out of the forest. But another thing that made her slightly surprised was that the pure magicules coming out of the forest, even though it's far away, was damaging her spiritual body.

She looked both excited and confused as to why such magicules were coming out of the forest, but that was when the magicules calmed down.

She saw a man walking towards her and he also seemed to be excited by something, but he soon calmed down.

So taking his excitement as a sign that he wanted to fight her, she started accumulating magicules above her hand. But that was soon stopped since the man had done something which made her stop.

It seems the man had one thing he wanted to say so he opened his mouth and spoke.

"I would like for you to become my subordinate, and if you refuse my offer...I'm afraid I would have to use force."

"But of course, since you're quite the powerful person I doubt you would want to be beneath someone."

"I would also like to ask something once I release you. Though you'll most likely attack me when I do release you, so...are you a Primordial?"

Deactivating [Dragon Spirit Haki] on the blonde haired girl, anger started surging through her as she yelled out in frustration.

"Haah?! You want me to become your subordinate? I'd rather kill ya rather than listen to ye yapping to me

"Since yer gonna die pretty soon for wanting to make me your subordinate, I am one of the Primordials."

Pausing to look all over his body, she smiled and said "You also said that if I refused your offer you'd use force...So here I come ya bastard!"

Finishing her sentence, she finished making her nuclear magic and she then threw it at Chimon's body.

Grabbing the three incoming nuclear balls with one hand, he devoured it with [Gluttony] and looked back at the Primordial with a smile.

With the Primordial seeing the man nonchalantly grabbing her nuclear magic with his bare hands, she started running towards him.

The standing man and the running Primordial both threw a right hook. Creating a massive shock wave, the Primordial got blown back with the man still at his spot.

With the Primordial getting back up and running back to the man, she threw another punch but was out-sped as the man went for a kick to her side.

Feeling her instincts telling her to block the left side of her stomach, she brought down her fist and redirected his leg. Though she had to use almost all her strength to do that.

Then an even faster attack came for her stomach which she couldn't dodge or block. As the man's fist connected with her stomach, she was launched hundreds of meters away with her barely making a barrier in time.

Seeing that the Primordial had made a barrier and reduced the damage, the man added magicules into his fists and his legs. The added magicules for the fist was to amplify his attack power and the legs was to make him faster.

{The skill [Coat] has been acquired.}

Finally moving for the first time since their fight started, the man ran towards the Primordial and saw her making nuclear magic.

When the nuclear magic was hurriedly made, the Primordial aimed it at the floor and amplified it with more magicules.

With the nuclear magic touching the ground, it created seven ravines as small ravines were made from the larger ones falling on each other.

The two now separated from each other, the Primordial jumped from ravine to ravine as she reached the man.

As her face was close to the man, she sent both a kick and punch with the kick heading for the man's upper thigh and the punch for his jaw.

Moving his head back an inch to avoid her punch, he grabbed her shin and slammed her against the ground.

Picking her back up by the neck, he activated [Double] and sent a heavy kick with more than half his strength towards her abdomen.

Taking the full force of the kick as she tried to get out of his grip, she spat out blood even though she didn't have a real body. But what the man had hit wasn't her physical body, it was her soul he attacked.

When the kick had connected, the area around them started collapsing even more as sonic boom was made. Even the people in the city had heard the sonic boom.

Throwing her far away so she could get back up and fight him again, the man saw that the Primordial was slowly getting up.

Blood was dripping down her mouth and her hands and legs were shaking.

Looking into her eyes which was staring at him. It had a look of anger, confusion, and most importantly pain.

Seeing that the Primordial was about to say something, he enhanced his hearing and listened with an emotionless face.

"What is this sensation? I haven't felt this before-- pain. Atleast I think I haven't felt pain since I have [Pain Nullification]..."

Giving him a small sigh, she continued. "I think the only time I ever felt this was when I was born and when I fought against Black and Red."

Laughing, she grabbed her hand and closed her mouth but opened it once again.

"Even Red wasn't even able to do this when I fought him, but it's possible he might've learned how to in the long but eventful years."

Now that she was actually done saying what she wanted to say, her shaking stopped and she started walking to the man with a smile.

Doing the same as the man--sloppily covering her body with magicules, she then ran towards him.

Jumping up in the air with her foot facing the man, the man brought up his leg and retaliated by using 88% of his strength. When the two attacks had connected, the Primordial got launched away as the man was pushed back.

With dust collecting up, the man was untouched while the Primordial was shaking even more as more blood came from her whole left leg and mouth.

"You must want to know why your [Ultraspeed Regeneration] isn't working." said the man as the Primordial looked into his eyes.

Seeing that he got her attention, he says "It's because I have magic that can negate anything. And do you know what it's called?"

"The magic that negated both your [Pain Nullification] and [Ultraspeed Regeneration] was..."

"My chaos magic."

Seeing that her eyebrows moved up, he wanted to clarify something. "You don't have to know what it is. All I'll say is that I can turn off skills other people have."

"Now, I'll let you heal."

With her feeling her body getting better, the blood had went away but the pain was still there. So with the both of them running towards each other, the two started throwing punches at one another.

Due to one of his skills. He was quickly learning how to use his hands to either defend, deflect, or attack.

As a punch came for his right shoulder, he brushed it away as another came.

It was a right hook for his head, so he grabbed her forearm and pushed it away as he wrapped his arms around her neck. Knowing she couldn't get out of his choke hold, she summoned a sword which made him let her go.

Seeing that they were now using weapons, the man also took out his own as it was the chaos sword and not his physical one.

With the two clashing head on, sparks came off as the swords were sliding down to cut each others hand.

Knowing she didn't have the strength to cut off his hand, she did a frontal kick as the man blocked it with his sword.

Now wanting to end the fight, the man blitzed towards the Primordial and grabbed her head, smashing it into the ground.

Not giving her enough time to retaliate, he swiftly cut off her left arm and right thigh.

As she was about to knee him in the stomach, he put back his chaos sword and held onto her knee with his left hand while he held her wrist with his right hand.

Feeling that someone strong was watching their fight, he stopped and looked over at the city which looked untouched. Well, if you could call their surroundings and walls untouched.

Looking back at the Primordial since the person had walked away, he looked into her eyes and said "Have you decided now?"

Staying quiet for some time, she turned her head to the side and said with a sigh. "Fine..."

(Someplace In Ingrassia)

When Rimuru was in Ingrassia, he got informed from Souei that a large battle was happening.

But when he heard that the person fighting was Chimon, he wasn't that worried because he didn't want to be collateral damage in his fight.

Next chapter

-Meeting a champions and a deal-

Chapter name is undecided.

This is a short chapter and sorry for the long wait. I just couldn't think of what to put in this chapter. This was also my first time writing a fighting scene so I hope it was good.

chianlaocreators' thoughts