
The True Dragon (TenSura – Hiatus)


chianlao · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Fairy Queen Ramiris, Trouble? [REWRITTEN]

When he was about to leave the village he remembered that he had assigned Kurobe to be the blacksmith. So, not really wanting to one-shot everything with his chaos sword, he asked Kurobe to make him both a sword and dagger.

Giving him two of the purest magicule ore he had on him and with Kurobe admiring the ore, Chimon stood outside the workshop so Kurobe could finish.

Opening his eyes since he had to wait some couple hours, he looked at Kurobe and then at the hands that were dirty from work.

Looking at the sword that was as tall as his collarbone, he took it and started swinging it to feel it out. Nodding, he then looked at the dagger that was only slightly shorter than his forearm.

Grabbing the handle of the dagger which was as long as his forearm, he tested it out and gave a nod since both the sword and dagger were peak unique grade weapons.

Done testing both the sword and dagger, he put the dagger in his [Stomach] since he was most probably not gonna use it for the time being. For the sword, he made a sheath and had it on his right since he was ambidextrous and didn't need to care. He was also secretly sending his magicules into to sword so it could turn into a legendary grade weapon.

Looking back up at Kurobe, he says "If any of you try to find me, you won't be able to do so since I'll hide my tracks. I'm also going somewhere so don't send anyone to search for me."

"Of course. I'll inform the rest of your departure."

'Now I need to find where the Queen Of Spirits lives since I can't sense a powerful spirit inside the forest.'

'I also want a contracted spirit of a light spirit so I can get a hero's egg. I won't be able to evolve from getting it, but it'll be nice to have if I want to give it to a human.'

So without further ado, he used [Universal sense] and started searching outside the forest. After just a couple seconds, he found a tall tree surrounded by other trees with it having a blue portal embedded in it.

Flexing his legs and marking the tree's coordinates, he ran from somewhere in the Jura Forest and reaches it in a minute.

Stopping in front of the blue portal, he continued to stare at it but stopped and went inside. Now being inside, all he saw was an endless hallway with large pillars on the side.

Barely feeling something behind the walls from [Universal sense], he hears "I, the Queen of all Spirits called Ramiris have deemed you worthy to enter my labyrinth."

"It is where people come in, but never come out ever again!" said the high pitched voice, trying to sound menacing. But to Chimon, all his focus was on the name 'Ramiris' since she was the one he wanted to talk to.

Still wondering what the 'Demon Lord' and 'Queen Of Spirits' wanted, he stood still and crossed his arms.

Ramiris was waiting for what his reaction was going to be, but got nothing from the indifferent faced majin who was standing still. And as if he already knew where she was, he started slowly looking at the walls one by one.

Still waiting for his reaction even though ten minutes had passed, all she got was a crossed armed dead faced man staring into the endless hallway.

Getting impatient since she wanted to troll and test the invention she sto--made, she finally says "To pass and leave the labyrinth alive, you need to subdue something!"

"And that 'thing' is totally some-thing I made because I'm so smart. Yeah, I totally made it all by myself." said Ramiris as the last part was whispered to herself.

Being forcefully sent into a room that looked the same as the hallway, he saw a pink golem in front of him. So seeing as he just needed to destroy that golem to talk to her, he uses [Black Flames] which engulfed the elemental golem.

With the [Black Flames] going away and the elemental golem being destroyed, he says "I want to get a spirit."

To become a hero's egg bearer you have to get a light spirit or dark spirit, but the likeliness of that happening is less than your dad coming back from getting milk. You also need to have a pure unclouded heart on wanting to protect humanity. Then after these conditions have been met, a hero's egg will form in the candidates body.

If anyone has a hero's egg, they will be as strong as a demon lord seed.

And when the power of a bearer of the hero's egg reaches its limit, the candidate can 'hatch' the egg and achieve a form of awakening by completely merging with their elemental and making its power their own.

If anyone hatches the hero's egg, their power will rival that of an awakened demon lord/true demon lord.

But the second part of his explanation won't be happening since he won't and cannot evolve from a hero's egg.

Remembering that he was being tested, he heard a loud and squeaky voice coming closer to him. "Hey! I didn't say for you to destroy it!"

After some time of yelling, she sighs and says "Fine. But if the spirit you wants doesn't answer your call, it's not my fault. Okay?" with a dejected face.

Seeing that the man was still quiet, she turns around and teleported them someplace else. "Follow me up the stairs."

Walking up the spiral staircase for a minute and reaching a relatively sized circle, Ramiris says "Stand in the circle and pray for a spirit."

Walking in the center of the circle, he stood and did as she said and wanted the light or dark spirit to come.

Praying for what felt like a long time but was actually just a minute, he hears a voice inside his head.

{A light spirit is trying to answer your call.}


{Reason: Race is not human.}

{Your unique skill called [Limit breaker] has been activated.}

{The light spirit has successfully answered your call.}

As golden light started appearing in front of Chimon, he uses [Analysis], [Thought acceleration] and [Stomach] on the light spirit.

He then hears a message from the Voice Of The World.

{The acquiring of hero's egg has begun.}


{Reason: You are not a hero's egg candidate. You do not want to protect humanity with all your heart.}

{Your unique skill called [Limit breaker] has been activated.}

{The acquiring of the hero's egg... has been successful. The acquisition of the hero's egg has been completed.}

And Ramiris who was watching this whole ordeal freaked out, but she freaked out even more so when a light spirit came to him.

Now that he was done with what he wanted, he took the light spirit out of [Stomach] and looked at it in its full glory.

The light spirit, not even wanting to question why its new contractor just ate him and spat him back out, he says "Are you the one I answered?" just to make sure its decision was correct.

"I am."

"Even though you're not human? But I'm pretty sure you were a human when I answered your call though..." Questioned the light spirit as he put a hand under his chin.

"Anyways, you should have acquired my [Light Magic] since whenever a spirit answers someone's call, they automatically enter a contact for life."

"Oh. It's not that downgrade [Light Magic] that only lights thing's up so people who can't see in the dark can see."

"Can I ask a question."

"Go ahead, my contractor."

"Did the dark spirit try to answer my call as well?"

"Now that you mention that, they (light spirits) and the dark spirits were trying to answer but once they saw me, they backed off."

"And why would they back off from just seeing you."

Pondering if he should answer this question, he looks over to Ramiris and she gave him a nod which seemed to have been unconsciously made. "Well, you see...I'm one of the oldest and strongest spirits in the spirit realm."

"But I wasn't always one of the strongest spirits. It all happened when Veldanava disappeared and he took some of the oldest--wisest and strongest spirits with him."

Looking at Ramiris for confirmation to continue the story, she gave another nod and she seemed to be not listening.

Continuing, he says "Two-thousand years ago was when he disappeared and that was when the spirits also left. We wanted to stop them since they were the ones protecting the spirit realm if the demon or human realm were to attack."

"Though once we heard it was a command from Veldanava, we and the rest of the spirits--including Ramiris, backed down."

"So not wanting to die if the demons or humans attacked us out of the blue, I and the strongest spirits at that time started training."

"If you're one of the strongest spirits here...How powerful do you think you are?"

Looking down into the white marble floor, he began thinking and after some time, he says "I would be a disaster threat monster." (Peak pseudo)

"So you're one of the strongest and oldest spirits here, yet you're only a disaster class threat?" (Peak psuedo)

"That is correct."

"Then in the past, who was the strongest and how strong were they?"

"They didn't have a name. But they're as powerful or even more powerful than a high awakened demon lord."

Eyes going wide, he thought 'If that was the strongest spirit they had two-thousand years ago, others would be near that rank. And since I'm a new true dragon, that one spirit would be able to defeat me.'

'I'm also fairly weak for being a true dragon. But I still wouldn't lose to that spirit since I have perfect control over magic and magicules.'

"Alright. I'm done asking you questions so go wherever you go when I don't want to summon you." said Chimon as he got out of his thoughts.


Seeing that the two were now done talking to each other, Ramiris says "How did you get him specifically? What did you do?! Come on! Tell me!"

Waving off Ramiris' pleas for him about how he got the light spirit since he wasn't a human, he says "Can I go now?" And not waiting for an answer, he jumped off the platform and landed on the ground feet first unharmed.

Now on the bottom of where the spirits were summoned and with Ramiris quickly following him, he says "As to compensate for the golem I destroyed, I'll give you something in return."

Hearing that she was getting something, she completely forgot why she was bugging him and waited with open arms.

Summoning a greater demon, Chimon gave it a body made out of orichalcum and named it Berreta since it was a name he got from [Greater sage]. (Really from Rimuru's brain since it got permission from [Great Sage])

Staring at the arch doll who was awaiting his command, he says "You're going to serve Ramiris for one-hundred years and after that, you can do whatever you want."

Done with that, he explained that the arch doll was going to serve her for one-hundred years and asked about the hierarchy of spirits. Obediently giving him the knowledge he needed, she was happy she wasn't alone anymore since the arch doll could speak.

Being teleported out the labrinth from Ramiris because she quickly wanted to ge t acquainted with Berreta, Chimon started going back to the village.

As he was heading back to the village, he made various weapons out of the newly acquired [Light Magic]. One thing he made was a bow and it seemed pretty powerful. Another thing he made was a spear and it was also pretty powerful.

He didn't run into any monsters since even without having any aura around him, any monster that saw him would run.

After a travel of four days, he reached the village and got some new information from Rimuru since he didn't have [Universal Sense] active.

Getting told orcs were being troublesome in the Jura Forest, his face stayed indifferent since everyone in the meeting room could decimate the orc army.

Seeing a sword on Chimon's right hip strapped on a thin tight belt, Rimuru says "Is that sword the one Kurobe was talking about?"

"Yes." dryly answered Chimon. "You seem to have got one yourself." said Chimon as he pointed to the katana behind Rimuru.

"Is it to your liking?"

"Ah, it's a pretty good katana."

"That katana is only at the grade of being a mid unique grade weapon. So let magicules inside your body flow into the weapon so it can evolve into a legendary grade weapon."

Doing as what he was told with the help of [Great sage] by letting magicules flow into the katana, he asks "What were you doing?"


Sighing because of that dry answer, he says "Souei says the Marshlands wants to meet us in three days but Gabiru overthrew his dad just after that.

"And even though Gabiru didn't get hit in the head, he seems to have gotten brain damage in the process from falling on the ground."

"He also said he wasn't allowed to interfere since he was told only to follow and that he was the envoy if something happened."

Easily processing the information he got from Rimuru, he says "When are you going?" because he knew it would only take a minute or two to get there.

"Actually, I thought we could go right now since I didn't want to deal with a brain dead person in the middle of combat."

{But isn't that you?}

"Who said that?!" said Rimuru as he looked around, only seeing confused faces staring at him.

Coughing because of the embarrassment he was currently feeling, he says "Sorry about that. I thought I heard something."

Leaving the village, Chimon brought Rimuru, Benimaru, Shion and Hakuro while the rest were left to protect the village.

Running through the trees, they came across a lizardwomen fighting orcs all by herself while the other orcs were just watching on the sidelines. And Rimuru wanting to help the lizardwomen, he took out his katana and sliced down all the orcs.

The lizardwomen, not even knowing what happened, she watched all the orcs randomly fall down dead sliced in half. Rapidly looking around to see who did that, she saw people(?) walk towards her.

And when Rimuru had killed all the orcs, [Emotionless] took effect and made him stronger. Though it didn't make him too strong since the orcs weren't strong.

Walking closer to the mind blank lizardwomen, Rimuru showed her a full potion on his hand and said "Drink this, it's not harmful."

Looking at what was in Rimuru's hand, she carefully took it and decided to slowly swallow it as she heard "My name is Rimuru Tempest. Are you from the Marshlands by any chance."

"Are you the co-leader of the village that had the kijins?"

"Uh, yes. Yes I am." answered Rimuru.

"Please help the Marshlands. I don't know what my brother is doing, but he overthrew out father and is planning on fighting the orc lord all by himself." said the lizardwomen with hope and desperation.

This took a while because I was doing some other stuff and was side tracked.

The rough draft of the next chapter is being edited.

Next chapter

-Geld and Guild-

chianlaocreators' thoughts