

"I am not going to argue with you anymore Michael, you are going to give me a damn headache, anyways sorry that we kept you guys waiting, you go ahead and eat, then i will catch you guys later, i am going to take a bath, oh and i forgot my manners all because of this dummy, good morning" she said then walked away as they all stared at her. 

"She seems to have a great deal of energy today," said Liam. 

"It's probably because of the amount of chocolate she had yesterday," Michael said. 

"By the way, gather up your head or you'll have trouble with her," said Cassius and Michael frowned.

"I'd better stay away from her or she'll cut my head off for tormenting her," he said, and then went to his room for a bath. 

After Octavia had finished dressing, she went to join the others for breakfast. A little while after even Michael came then the maids served the breakfast and they began eating.