
The forest

After he said that to the man, the prince turned to her saying "seems like I will have to teach you how to defend yourself", tears came to her eyes but she did not let him see, the man got back up "you made a big mistake by hitting me, why would you want to protect her?" he asked, "I am not a coward like you, picking on young girls" the prince replied, one of the other men took out his sword, the prince held onto his, waiting patiently for the man to strike.

When he did the prince pulled out his weapon and strike him across the chest, he got blood on his clothes and the man fell to the ground "wow he is fast, how did he know when to strike back" the man asked himself, "I do not mind killing all of you, so I suggest that you back off and let us pass" the prince said, all of the men got scared and moved away from the door, letting them pass.

The prince and the girl got on to their horse and left, they traveled for a few hours, they traveled through some villages and they were now going through a forest "this forest has a lot of dangerous creatures hope you are ready" the prince said, "I am" she replied, as they rode into the forest, after riding for a while, the prince along with the girl stopped to have lunch even though it was half an hour past lunchtime. She got off of her horse spread a blanket on the ground and prepared the food, she then went and fed her horse, "hey come and eat, I do not have time to waste" the prince said to her, the girl went and sat opposite him.

He looked at her with his piercing eyes, the horse neighed, "is there any combat skills that you know?" he asked, "I am a village girl what do you think" she replied, "hmm you need to learn to do different things thank baking, reading and so on" he replied, she stared at him in disgust "why don't you teach me?" she asked, he looked directly into her eyes, she felt weird "okay I will train you farmer girl" he replied, for some reason he kept staring at her "what's wrong?" she asked, "are you tired?" he said, she looked at him saying "we have been traveling for a while" she replied, "fine, we can relax here until night, we will continue traveling again, it might be safer then, and if you are planning on walking around mark your track" he said, "thank you sire" she replied, "just call me Cassius" he said.

She smiled and served him his food. After they finished eating, the prince went to the stream, Octavia stayed with the horses because the prince was just 2 minutes away, she then sat near her horse thinking about a name for him, "hmm you are as black as the night so, yeah it is not perfect but I will call you night" she said,  as he neighed in agreement, she then rubbed his head, a few minutes later the girl felt as if something was watching her, she got scared as she saw a shadow passed across, she held on to Night and the prince horse, well while every other girl would probably run away she stood up and looked to see if anyone was there.

Unfortunately, there was no one there "hmm something is not right here, the place is bright but yet it feels as if a darkness is around, hmm maybe I am just imagining things" she said to herself as she sat back down, a minute after the prince came back when he saw Octavia's face he laughed, "what's wrong?" he asked laughing, {sigh} "nothing is wrong" she replied, "you are lying" he said, "why makes you say that?" she asked, "because you look like if you saw a ghost" he replied, "I thought I did" she said, "oh umm tell me exactly what you saw" he replied, "I felt as if someone or something was watching me and then I saw a shadow passed across" she said, "what!" the prince exclaimed, she stared at him "why are you yelling?" she asked.

He exhaled deeply "Octavia do you believe in magic along with werewolves?" he asked, "yeah i do" she replied, "well these kind of forest is full with those things" he said, she swallowed heavily "so it could have been one of those i saw" she replied, "yeah, look i did not mention this earlier but there is a rogue werewolf on the loose a blood thirsty one" he said, she started to tremble, he held her by the shoulder "do not be afraid, i will teach you a few things, it is almost night, i think we should leave" he said, they packed up, got onto their horses and rode off.

Octavia held on to her horse really tight as they rode, the prince noticed that she was scared "we will be out of the forest in a few minutes" he said, "okay" she replied nervously. The girl looked around as she was riding, she noticed the place was getting more dark "it is already night, that is when some werewolves begin their hunt right?" she asked, "yeah" he replied, "she tries to be tuff but she does not really know much about the outside world, hmm she is my responsibility, i will not let anything happen to her" he said to himself, a while after she saw the same shadow again, her eyes widened with fear "Cassius" she called out, he turned and saw the shadow, "do not look at the shadow just ride as fast as you can" he said to her, the rode as fast as they could until they came out of the forest the shadow disappeared.

They were relieved "you okay?" he asked, "i will be fine thanks for asking" she replied, "oh are you okay?" she asked him, he smiled "yeah i am okay" he replied, "come on there is a really big village nearby, we will spend the night there" he said, she nodded her head in agreement. As they entered the village of Malda, people stared at them, he went to the inn, booked a room for them to stay in, he only got one because the inn was full. He went to Octavia, who was putting the horses into the stable and feeding them, "hey i only got one room, is that okay?" he asked, "umm yeah it is okay" she replied, both of them then went to get some food at a restaurant in the village called Dunkin's delicacies.