
Glow in the swimming pool

"Well there you are right, they are family, John especially" she replied, 

"Is it because John took you in when you left?" Luka asked, 

"No I know John from long before" she responded, 

"How I don't exactly get it?" Luka asked, 

"It's from my past, if I explain it to you now I am not sure you will understand, later I will give everything in details" she responded, 

'Okay I will wait then, patiently too" he said and she smiled. 

"I am going back now we have another glass, I feel like quitting college," she said, 

"You don't need college" Luke replied and she laughed then Jack got up and they went to the second period of Math for the day. 

"Come on," Emica said then they went to class. 

Upon arriving in class the girl sighed and sat down. 

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, 

'Yeah I am fine, I just hate Math" she responded,