

"If i did not do anything then why are you behaving like this Octavia?" he asked,

"I am sorry if i am making you feel that way but i have to go now" she said,

His eyes glowed red "you are not going anywhere, i do not care how important it is" he replied,

She sighed "whatever" she said,

He then released her hand "do whatever you want" he replied.

She then walked out of his room and he walked out after her, both of them went to the throne room and there she saw that they had the guy in black hands chained up,

"What the hell is going on here?" she asked,

The guy i black looked at her and smiled, she knew it was a smile even though she could not see his face.

"We did that for our won safety" the king said,

"He is right" Liam said,

"Yeah i think they did the right thing" Jacob said,

"Guards take him to the dungeons" the queen said,

"Octavia" the guy in the black called out gently,

"Hey if you are not up to something, then go quietly" Cassius said.