
Breakfast with the enemy

"Want me to get you out of here?" he asked,

"Nope i cannot leave" she responded,

"Why not?" he asked,

"I do not want her to hurt the people, they are innocent and has nothing to do with all of this" she said,

"Yeah i know, i am going to keep my promise but after that will you be able to fight me?" he asked,

The girl hesitated to answer him " i will" she responded,

He sighed "oaky then, i suggest you prepare for some drama and look your lover boy did not come, if he really did care about you, he would have came before me" he said with a wicked smirk.

The guy in black left as he appeared back with the others, Cassius looked at him "is she okay?" he asked,

The guy looked at him sternly "yes, i do not need any army just a few people and i am going to free her tomorrow" he said as he left.

"Who does he think he is?" Cassius asked,

"He is right and i am going with him" Liam said and walked out of the room,

The queen sighed the king and i have to stay here" she said,