
Better daughter

"Why are you smiling?" she asked. 

"Just feel like it" he responded. 

'Well get off of me and smile if you'd like, but get off of me and do it" she said and he laughed. 

"You okay?" he asked and she sighed. 

'Why won't I be?" she asked. 

"You look like you are lost in space" he responded. 

'I am fine, stop asking questions" she said. 

"You are clearly not fine, what's wrong? don't you want to go to the party?" he asked. 

"It's just a get-together, but I am having second thoughts" she responded then looked away. 

"That's not the only thing on your mind is it?" he asked and she sighed then smiled. 

"Quiet please" she responded and he smiled.

"Why don't you just lay down and relax a bit?" he asked then she smiled and lay down on the bed as he sat up looking at her. 

"Why are you staring?" she asked as he lay beside her and they stared into each other's eyes.