
A maid who looked like a true princess

She got her dresses and showed them to him but apparently, he did not like any of them, instead, he showed her the dresses he got her, they were all princess type and beautiful, but she knew that was above her league and wanted to refuse,

"Sire these dresses are pretty but I prefer something more simple," she said,

"Do not tell me what you prefer, here you will be wearing this dress, it is blue long, sparkly and are perfect for girls with good body shape, which you do not have but it does not matter, you will let your hair down in a nice style and wear this diamond necklace and bracelet " he replied.

Octavia got depressed, the only way she would be happy is if she had gotten to choose one of the dresses he got, "as you wish sire" she said,

"the party is 8 pm I expect you to finish before okay" he replied,

"okay," she responded.

The prince noticed that she was depressed "what the hell is wrong ?" he shouted,

The girl jumped in fear "nothing" she replied,

He got angry and threw the glass he had in his hand on the floor which caused it to break and a few pieces of it cut the girl's feet,

"ouch!" she said in pain.

But unfortunately, the prince did not care he left her then and walked out of the room, she walked into the balcony with the first aid kit, sat down crying as she looked after the cuts, after she was finished the girl wrapped it in bandages and left for the throne room for the king had summoned everyone.

"I am sorry that I just called you without warning but it is the wolf again," Ronald said,

"he is back ?" Octavia asked,

"yes I am afraid so" Caria replied,

"What did he do this time?" Christoff asked

"he attacked a few people earlier in the mountains, the people are getting worried," the king said,

"We have to do something about it then" Cassius replied,

"yes I have my general planning something but we will have to help when the time is right," Ronald said,

While everyone was talking Octavia's body started to pain, so much that she could have hardly moved, prince Christoff saw that something was not right about her "hey are you okay?" he asked as everyone looked in her direction,

"uh... yes I am fine" she replied,

"you are not okay, what is up with your feet?" the queen asked, Cassius immediately looked at her in a stern way

"I got cut and I will be fine thanks for asking," the girl said as she walked away,

"Ronald I am telling you something is wrong," Caria said to the king,

"it is okay do not worry i will handle her" Cassius replied,

"okay if you say so, I have a meeting with some people at 5 pm, we will catch up later," the king said as everyone left the throne room.

As for the prince he went after the girl into the room, "what is it with you?" he asked,

The girl looked away ignoring him, he then grabbed her by her hand and pushed her into the wall,

"you are hurting me," she said,

"Do I look like I care, let me see the wound before I hit you really hard" he replied in anger as he grabbed onto the sleeve of her dress.

The girl did not want him near her so she moved the other direction which led to her sleeve ripping off, "oh I guess you should not have moved, but it is okay after all it is just your sleeve" he said.

He placed her to sit down as he took a look at the wound "hmm it is healing pretty fast, is it hurting?" he asked,

"uh.. a little" she replied,

"well you were lucky that the wolf did not catch any veins, the pain you are having is because your skin is pulling back together, quite normal, stop acting like a child," he said,

"oh really you should have been the one in my space, then you will know, bloody idiot," she said to herself,

"oh and by mistake, if you mention that I am the reason your feet is wrapped in bandage then you know that I will not take it light sweetie," said the prince as he got up and walked out of the room heading to the bar.

"I think I am starting to hate him," she said as she went to take her horse for a ride, even though her feet is all cut up, after she got on to her horse, the stable boy saw her feet,

"ma'am you were not supposed to be riding like that, it is a rule," said the boy,

"I will be fine thanks for your concern" she replied,

"okay and be careful the king warned us not to go near the mountains" the boy shouted as she rode off into the valley of flowers.

After having a few shots the prince came back to the palace and started preparing for the party later, as for Octavia she picked flowers and slept for half an hour when she got up and checked the time it was already late so she headed back to the palace and prepared herself for the party.

When she walked into the room the girl noticed that the prince was not there, so she took a bath, gathered her clothing and started to get dress, it took her a little while and she finally finished just before the sun went down, the prince was all decked up waiting for Octavia in the throne room, when she got there, he could not take his eyes off of her.

The dress was blue, long, had a little flair at the bottom, with sparkles on it, it was a contrast between her glowing milk-white skin and gray-green eyes. Her raven black was curled and seemed flouncy and admirable just enough to fall in love with. The dress was absolutely perfect and went with her body shape. She looked like a true princess.

Everyone was amazed at the way she looked, no one could ever know that she is just the prince's personal maid. As for the prince, he wore a black suit with a white shirt and silver cufflinks that went perfectly with his body and skin color. He was looking more handsome than ever. The prince had caught the eyes of the girl.