
A drunk prince

The girl knew deep down that she was jealous and did not like when his ex is around him.

While they danced his hands slid around her waist and he pulled her closer to him, seeing that made Cassius really angry, it pissed him off so much that he nearly hit Brianna when she came near him.

After the dance finished the prince grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to his room, he shoved her in then locked the door, he turned and looked as his eyes glowed black and red.

"He cannot just do as he pleases, after all i am the one night stand" she said to herself as she got angry and her eyes started to glow white.

"Open the door Cassius" she said,

"I do not think so" he replied.

They were both getting really angry at each other so Jacob came looking for her.

"How can you be so selfish?" she asked,

"I am sorry that's just how i am" he said,

The girl folded her cuffs in anger, she was about to punch a hole through him but at the same time Jacob came into the room.