
A demon

"Brianna put your sword down" Cassius said,

"Why?, afraid your little princess gets hurt?" she asked,

Jacob's eyes turned black and a darkness came out of him as the girl was about to strike the princess one of his shadows hit the sword out of her hand.

Upon seeing him floating in the air, the king swallowed deeply "you have a demon in your home" he said,

"Guards kill him" Brianna said,

The princess eyes glowed red, as the guards struck the buy the princess grabbed them by their neck and threw them into the wall,

"Are you okay?" Jacob she asked,

"Yes i am fine" he responded,

"If you lay another hand on him, i will kill you Brianna" she said,

"How about we settle this, you know i am not weak princess" she replied,

"I do not think that is a good idea" the king said,

"You should listen to him before you end up six feet under" the princess replied.

As they began arguing the king's men came in to the castle and seized the queen, "what the hell are you doing?" she shouted,