

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

The boss

As the battle with zorvath ended, he drank the second potion to recover his health and stamina.

He then check his hell watch and saw that he still has 3 more hours before his battle in pit of conquest start, so he then went toward the boss room.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a very dark room, Klein still went in without no hesitation, as soon as he entered the door closed with a loud bang.

Klein did not even feel concerned that his exit has been blocked, he then continue moving forward, as soon as he moved forward everywhere lit up.

He saw that he is standing in an arena, he could not see any sit stand, he only saw the boss, who is a large lizard man holding an axe.

"Well done, Klein Orion, "the boss said(whose name is Gorvath), it's voice low and measured. "I am sure defeating my son is not an easy feat, I congratulate you again".

Klein narrowed his eyes. "Firstly how do you know my name, and secondly are you saying that old man his your son. "Klein said.

"As for your first question, I used my inspect Skill to know, and also from the prophecy, and as for your second yes he his my son. "Gorvath said.

"So you are saying you could see everything about me with that inspect Skill of yours, and what is it with you and your son with that prophecy shit? I am just a guy looking to take revenge on some fuckers and find my sister, how I enter your prophecy I don't understand. "Klein said.

"No I can't see all your profile, and as for the prophecy it has start to happen, Klein know that since you have been chosen by the bloodline, it is now more than your thirst for vengeance and your desire to save your sister, what that bloodline stands for is more than what you could imagine. "Gorvath said.

"Okay I understand, as long as it gives me power, I will take it, so enough of the chitchat let's fight.

Gorvath then looked at klein and said "I feel pity for you, but what that blood stands for is more important than you or i', he said all that in his mind, he too then took a battle pose and gesture for Klein to start if he is ready.

Klein faced off against the boss, Gorvath axe emitting a chilling aura from it with his water attribute at the ready. Klein wielded his daggers, their poison and paralysis abilities at the ready. He knew he had to be careful, he could sense that his teleportation has been blocked since the time he entered the room, also his passive effect "vengeful fury" is still on cool down.

Klein charged , his dagger slicing through the air with deadly precision. Gorvath dodged and weaved, his agility boosted by his lizard bloodline. He struck back with his axe, but Klein quickly use evade to escape.

Gorvath unleashed a massive water blast, but Klein dodged again, but this time with his aerius celer boots granting him speed. He counterattack with his dagger, striking Gorvath neck, but it was blocked by the scale on Gorvath neck.

But Klein did not give up, he strike consecutively, until Gorvath neck scale broke, he then paralyze him with his dagger. But Gorvath water attributes healed him a little, he then use is axe to attack, his axe slicing through the air once more.

The fight intensified, both combatant exchanging blows that shooks the entire arena. Klein's power were spent, his strength waning, but his determination burning brighter than ever. He knew he had to end the fight quickly, or risk getting overwhelmed by Gorvath 's water power.

In his final desperate bid to turn the tide, Klein activated his fog manipulation skill, creating a thick mist that obscured Gorvath's vision. Klein struck at Gorvath with all his might, his dagger sliced through the fog to find their mark. But it was blocked by Gorvath water shield.

Even though Klein saw that his last strike was blocked, he tried to stand up but he was too weak, he then heard Gorvath voice.

"I guess you were never meant to be our saviour, don't worry the blood will chose a new successor to save us. "Gorvath said.

He then went toward Klein, but he still erected a water barrie protecting himself, after all you can never be too careful.

As he took his axe ready to strike, Klein saw his life flashes around him, his time in school, his parent death, and his sister. He thought that he will die without taking vengeance on the PAIRESE.

But suddenly he met himself in a different place, the place looks very dark. He could see a mature adult man with golden eyes and a speck of green in his eyes appeared. The man introduce himself as Arkea, the patriarch of the osseous bloodline.

Arkea then shared his story with him.

He said they were once a powerful and revered race, known for their mastery over bones. They were the guardian of ancient knowledge, keepers of the secret of life and death. Their power was rooted to their connection to earth and the circle of nature.

However, the pairese, fueled by their mad jealousy and desire to dominate all, sought to eradicate them. They saw the osseous bloodline as a threat to their own power, and they beleived that by destroying them, they could claim the secret of life of death for themselves .

The pairese launched a brutal campaign of genocide, hunting them down, and slaughtering them by the thousands. The osseous led by their powerful leader Arkea, fought valiantly, they destry the fleet sent to them, but more keeps coming again and again, overtime they were overwhelmed. As the stronghold of the osseous bloodline fell, he was forced to make a desperate decision.

Using the ancient knowledge of the osseous bloodline, he created a powerful spell that would hide the bloodline from the PAIRESE, allowing the survivors to escape and go into hiding. The spell which is known as the "great concealment," degraded the bloodline purity, making it difficult for the pairese to detect.

I guessed the bloodline became diluted through Cross breading, making the bloodline to disappear overtime.

Arken then end the story.

"Why is then the mysterious man who gave me the vial, and what happened to you after you used the spell. "Klein said.

"I guess that's the bloodline trying to save itself by looking for someone worthy, and I guess it found you worthy for it own reason, and after I used the spell I can't remember what happens after that. "Arken said.

"So what am I doing here, you know I am supposed to be dieing right now. "Klein said.

"Oh yeah, I am here to grant you the awakening of your bloodline, and know for each evolution of your bloodline I will be hear to grant you the power, but I don't think we will have a long talk again, and remember do not allow the pairese to catch you using the bloodline. "Arken said. And when he was done Klein saw him transforming into a large jaguar like beast, with almost 32 bone protruding out of it's body like an exo-skelecton, it also has a third eye at the front of it head.

After transforming, it then use one of it's claw to stab Klein chest, it pains Klein very well, immediately after he transform to a normal jaguar like beast with 2 bones protruding out from his body.

This time as he saw the formal patriarch, he felt a large weight on his body, which makes him to bow down.

(Assimilation 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%)

(Assimilation complete)

(Congratulations, you have Awakened the osseous bloodline)

With that, the world dissipate, and Klein found himself back in the boss room, he could see the axe heading to him.

He did not know what to do, but he just strench his hand forward, and suddenly bones came out as shield to protect him, he then quickly use camouflage, he then quickly give the boss consecutive slashes with his daggers.

Making the boss paralyze and poisoned in the end. He did not waste the chance and quickly head in for the final slash.

He slash down at the boss open throat, ending the boss. He then heard the voice.

(Congratulations you gain 500exp)

He then went toward the boss, he dug out his attributes crystal, he absolved it, he then gain a skill.

(Congratulations, you gain the level 2 inspect Skill)

After that two doors appear, the dungeon administrator then ask.

(If you want to leave enter the white door, if you want to stay enter the bl.....)

Klein did not allow the dungeon administrator to finished, he entered the white door immediately.

His brain was spent, and he was tired from all the surprises.


Here is Klein updated profile 

Name: Klein Orion 

Age: 17

Occupation: high school student (formerly)

Affiliation: The Tree of Evolution 

Power : Awakened - "cosmic void"

Mana: 250/250

Power level - level 4(250exp/1000exp)

Bloodline: Osseous bloodline awakened: lykos stage - absolve 100 bones of your enemy who are stronger than you (0/100)


. Strength : 50(+15)(average)

. Agility: 50(+20)average)

. Stamina: 45(+10)(average)

. Intelligence: 25(+3)(average)

. Endurance: 35(+25)(low)

. Charisma: 20(very low)

Power attributes:

. Darkness: 80 - granting increased resistance to darkness and ability to control the darkness in your surrounding, low resistance to darkness base attack.

. Water: 70 - granting increased resistance to water and ability to control waters in your surrounding, low resistance to water based attack.


. Hand to hand combat - level 4(amateur level)

. Dash - level 2 - use 2 mana point 

. Evade - level 2 - use 2 mana point 

. Inspect - level 2 - used to inspect any body - can't use to someone 10 levels above you.

° Darkness manipulation - level 1(basic manipulation to darkness)

. Camouflage - level 2 - 2 mana point per minute 

° Water manipulation - level 3(basic manipulation to water)

. Fog manipulation - level 5 use 10 manipulation per minute 

° Space - time manipulation - level 1 (depends on the level of assimilation).

. Teleportation - level 1 (can disappear to any location in 100 meter distance of your lower)(increase with comprehension of space law)

Equipment :

. Weapon: glint(poison dagger): poison the victim with every 2 strike(depends on the victim).

. Weapon: paralysis dagger: paralysis the victim with every 2 strike (depends on the victim).

. Weapon: sword 

. Shoe: aerius celer: a boot worn by a lizard man warrior( it grant the user the ability to move fast) - it requires 10 mana point per minute.

Status effect :

{Passive effects}

. Vengeful fury: Klein's desire for revenge grant him temporary increase in strength and agility in combat, but also makes him more prone to reckless decisions.

. Cosmic void: Klein can create small distortion in space-time allowing him to travel small distance through teleportation when the user is on the verge of death door (only works when the user has mana)

. Level too low .

. Level too low.

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