
The Trashy NTR Dude's POV

Adult Content. Something that is arguably the biggest business in the entire online world. Something most, if not all humans who have internet access have watched, regardless of gender. Harrison is one such individual. He is a cultured gentleman who enjoys the artworks of Hentai and likes to play popular eroge games from time to time. One such game was 'Orion'. Orion was advertised to be an eroge, but it was so much more than just that. What started as a quick pleasure session for Harrison turned into a full-blown virtual adventure with twists and turns and very interesting game mechanics. Harrison found himself captivated by the game's world and continued playing it till he reached every ending possible. But, of course, not everything was good. One character. The one character that ruined Harrison's entire gaming experience was Zagan. He was one of those stereotypical bullies who appeared in games to be annihilated by the MC for quick character development. But Zagan was something worse. He NTR'd the protagonist. Not once but 3 times. In the end, he was brutally killed and his bloodline was ended. Which gave great pleasure to Harrison. But now... Suddenly... Harrison woke up in the body of the same character he hated from the depths of his soul. "What the hell... WHY AM I THIS GARBAGE?!?!?!", Harrison screamed.

AGENT_ALT · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


"Ow...", Diana whined as she rubbed her head.

She had bumped into Harrison, or Zagan, and fallen on her butt.

She looked up to meet eyes with Zagan.

Zagan's crimson eyes seemed to have no emotion behind them.

"Z-Zagan... Sorry...", Diana got up, dusted herself off and apologised.

'Damnit... Why did it have to be him?! I hate this guy! He's a pervert!', Diana thought constantly in her head.

"Hmm.", Zagan made a noise with his nose and walked away from the scene.

All the surrounding students noticed Zagan.

Most girls looked away in disgust while some others looked away in embarrassment, their faces flushed red.

'GOD-FUCKING-DAMNIT! Now I have all of their attention! The spell card's right there! Please just let me get it! Please! I'll never come back here ever again!', Harrison yelled internally while maintaining a stoic and cold expression on the surface.

But, of course-

"Zagan Gray.", another, more mature feminine voice spoke up.

Harrison stopped in his tracks and turned his head to meet eyes with a woman.

'Long purple hair, deep purple eyes, around 6ft tall... and... Enormous breasts!', Harrison recalled from the description of the woman from his erotic drawings.

"Professor Zenith. Did you call me, ma'am?", Harrison spoke with a calm and collected tone, paying careful attention to not show any change in emotion on his face.

"Yes, indeed I did... What are you, a swordsmanship department student, doing here, in the alchemy lab?", the professor didn't show it on her face, but Harrison could just sense the malice dripping from every single one of her words.

Zagan had done some despicable things in front of the professor before and even tried to do it directly to her once or twice. But because he was a somewhat promising cadet of the academy, she couldn't hurt him too much. The most she could do was to punish him by giving him extra work to do.

"... Apologies if my presence offended you, respected professor, but I genuinely do have something I need from here...", Harrison said in the most diplomatic tone he could muster.

"And what might that 'thing' you need be, if I may ask?"

"... Research files from the old records of the stamina potion experiments... I need them for making a dish that will help me have more endurance...", Harrison made up a lie. No such dish existed, but it was more believable than saying that he was there for a 'spell card' that no one in the academy knew anything about.

This lie was more meticulously crafted than it might initially appear. The spell card was located inside one of the research files of the stamina potion experiments. He could both evade the professor's interrogation and get the spell card both in one go.

At this answer, Zenith was taken aback a bit. She hadn't expected the fuck-boy to have any interest in actually growing his strength. But then, a disgusting thought came to mind which seemed like the most likely case from Zenith's POV-

'He wants to increase his stamina so that he can play around with girls more... Fucking man-whore...', she thought.

Regardless, she couldn't stop the student from acquiring the materials provided by the school.

"Go ahead then... And please don't bother any of my students while you're here...", Zenith said and stormed off.

'*Sigh... Close call... Now, let's jus-'

"Hey, Zagan!", yet another feminine voice.

Frustrated internally, but stoic externally, Harrison turned to face his caller.

'Green hair, green irises and a decent-looking body... Adrianne... What the fuck does she want?!', Harrison once again recalled from the erotic drawings.

'Zagan had slept with her by saying that it was a 'Payment' for the ingredients Zagan had brought her for her research...'

"Adrianne... Need something...?", Harrison asked.

"Uhh, yeah actually... hehe... Umm, could you get me 5 medium-grade healing potions, 2 nocturnal herb dust, oh and they need to be fermented... and a flask of Cinder Flake Wine?", Adrianne spoke.

"And... for the payment... Haha...", her face flushed red and she pointed towards her mouth and did a VERY NSFW gesture.

"Sorry, I am a bit busy at the moment. Maybe if I get time afterwards, I'll consider it. And that form of payment won't work anymore, I want Gold.", Harrison promptly dismissed the indecent offer and kept walking towards his goal of getting the spell card.

Adrianne stood there speechless and then started tearing up.

"B-but I don't have any gold!!!", she cried out, to which Zagan paid no mind.

After a few more steps, Harrison FINALLY made it to the spell card.

'HEHEHEHEH FINALLY! AFTER ALL OF THOSE HURDLES! HERE IT IS!', Harrison screamed in joy internally.

After calmly sliding the papers into his bag, he swiftly started moving toward the exit.

This time, he skillfully avoided the paths of the potential hurdles that might catch him lacking.

After the display of masterful evasion, Harrison emerged from the lab with success in his bag and satisfaction in his heart.

'This fucking eroge world... I wouldn't be surprised to find out that most girls in this world are perverts...', Harrison sighed internally.

'Now... Let's get the other Spell card...', Harrison steeled his resolve and decided to just tank through the ordeal.