
The Trashy NTR Dude's POV

Adult Content. Something that is arguably the biggest business in the entire online world. Something most, if not all humans who have internet access have watched, regardless of gender. Harrison is one such individual. He is a cultured gentleman who enjoys the artworks of Hentai and likes to play popular eroge games from time to time. One such game was 'Orion'. Orion was advertised to be an eroge, but it was so much more than just that. What started as a quick pleasure session for Harrison turned into a full-blown virtual adventure with twists and turns and very interesting game mechanics. Harrison found himself captivated by the game's world and continued playing it till he reached every ending possible. But, of course, not everything was good. One character. The one character that ruined Harrison's entire gaming experience was Zagan. He was one of those stereotypical bullies who appeared in games to be annihilated by the MC for quick character development. But Zagan was something worse. He NTR'd the protagonist. Not once but 3 times. In the end, he was brutally killed and his bloodline was ended. Which gave great pleasure to Harrison. But now... Suddenly... Harrison woke up in the body of the same character he hated from the depths of his soul. "What the hell... WHY AM I THIS GARBAGE?!?!?!", Harrison screamed.

AGENT_ALT · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Hidden Spells.

Harrison walked through the halls of the school building. His destination was the library of course.

'Damn this school... It's so damn big!', Harrison whined but his face remained stoic.

He could see a few students in the corridors along with the school's staff members like the maids and the janitors.

While walking through the corridors, Harrison even came across a guard.

The guard had a muscular physique, wore plate armour without the helm and had a sheathed longsword hanging from his waist.

Just his presence was enough to shock everyone in the vicinity.

'Yeah... Better not mess with them...', Harrison gulped as the guard walked off.

As he made his way towards the library, Harrison's mind wandered off elsewhere.

'What should I do if I accidentally run into Seraphine? Do I ignore her, apologize, or tell her that I can help free her little brother?', Harrison thought.

He shook his head at the thought.

'No... Saving her little brother is a mammoth task that could potentially kill me. Although I have died once, I refuse to die again. Saving her brother is none of my business... It's Sebastian's.', Harrison concluded.

With numerous thoughts in mind, Harrison finally made it to the gates of the library.

'Two guards...', Harrison thought as he looked at the two armoured individuals standing motionless on either side of the gate.

'It makes sense... This library contains the world's most pristine knowledge.'

Harrison took out the card given to him by the receptionist and gave it to the old lady sitting behind the counter of the library.

"You may enter.", the old lady smiled and said, returning the card.

Harrison nodded and entered the library.

'Whoa... Even though I have seen this in the game... Real-life graphics can't even be compared to any game!', Harrison exclaimed in awe.

Some students could be seen reading books, some searching for books, and some just chatting with their friends.

Upon Zagan's arrival, some of the students looked up to see him, but then quickly averted their gazes.

Harrison sighed and walked towards where the secret room was.

'Turn right immediately after entering, go 26 meters and then find a bookshelf that looks slightly weathered. In that bookshelf, take out 2 red books, 1 blue book and 3 green books, in that order. After that, the bookshelf will move from its position and reveal a ladder going underground.', Harrison recalled.

He power-walked through the library following the instructions his memory gave him.

Sure enough, he found a bookshelf that looked oddly weathered.

Harrison sighed and started taking out the books in order.

It didn't matter which books you took out, they just had to have the general colour.

After all the books were taken out, the bookshelf miraculously started to shake and shifted from its place, revealing a dark hole with a ladder going down it.

Harrison breathed heavily before entering the hole.

--- Cultist Receptionist's POV ---

'!!!! WHAT?!?', she exclaimed inwards. She had changed her face from an old lady into a young girl wearing student's clothes. She infiltrated the library, something she had already done previously, and followed Zagan.

But what she just witnessed was something extraordinary.

Zagan randomly started taking out books from a bookshelf and suddenly, the bookshelf moved!

It revealed a hidden ladder that went underground!

She had no idea how this was possible, but she knew for a fact that she should follow him down there.

As soon as Zagan was gone from view, she removed the illusion spell she had on and cast another, higher-level spell.

"Transparency.", she chanted and her body turned invisible, leaving only her clothes visible.

She quickly took off her clothes, shoved them under another bookshelf and jumped into the hole just as the bookshelf was about to close it.

She couldn't see where Zagan was because it was so dark, but she figured he was going down the ladder.

--- Harrison's POV ---

'Thank god I'm in this fit body... If I was in my old body, it would have been impossible to go down this many ladders without getting tired...', he thought.

'Just a few more steps...'

After a few more dozen seconds, Harrison felt his foot touch the ground.

He landed and suddenly, the darkness was washed away by ethereal blue light.

Harrison looked at the room in which he found himself.

'Just as I remembered...', he thought.

Torches with blue flames in them decorated the ancient walls. The floor had a red carpet on it. The ceiling had chandeliers that did not work anymore. No furniture but the walls did have ancient tapestries and whatnot.

On the other side of the room, there was a big painting framed in dark wood with gold embroidery. In front of the painting, stood a pedestal with two small books on it.

Harrison walked slowly through the room towards the pedestals.

But just as he was about to reach it-

"KYAAAA!!!!!", a shrill scream of a woman startled him.

Harrison jolted around to see where the scream came from.

'What...', he was dumbfounded.

A naked woman desperately covering her private parts with a red face.

'Isn't she... the receptionist?', Harrison was confused beyond belief.

The woman fell to the ground and looked at Harrison with a fearful and defensive expression.

"... What... Are you doing here?", Harrison broke the silence.

The woman looked extremely flustered and just shouted-


Harrison sighed and started walking towards her.

At this, she became fearful and started backing away until her back hit the wall.

She closed her eyes in fear and heard Zagan take off his own blazer.

She was currently unarmed but she could definitely kill Zagan if she wanted to, using magic. But if she did, her goal of getting revenge would be jeopardised.

So, there was nothing she could do but comply with whatever Zagan's wishes were at the moment.

And knowing Zagan, she already knew what kind of awful things he would ask her to do.

Her mind raced with fear, anxiety and despair.

But suddenly-


'Her being naked is bothering me... I am a man after all...', Harrison thought as he threw his blazer over the woman.

At this unexpected action, she slowly opened her eyes and realised what had happened.

"Calm down and cover yourself up first... Don't worry, I won't look.", Zagan said as he turned around.

'What... What just happened?', she wondered. She had never expected this kind of reaction from the perverted Zagan.

She expected to be disgraced and humiliated by him. But... he told her to cover up?

She didn't have time to think about such things as she was too embarrassed to even talk.

She quietly put on the blazer, covering up her body as best she could.

"Done?", Zagan asked.

"... Yes...", she replied.

"Now... tell me why you're here...", Zagan asked, still turned away from her, which made her a little less embarrassed.

"I...", she then proceeded to say everything.

--- a few minutes later ---

"Your spell was dispelled because this room has very high-level dispelling enchantments on it.", Zagan explained.

At this point, her mind had calmed down and deemed no immediate danger from Zagan.

In the meantime, Harrison's mind was racing.

'No way... I was suspected by a demonic cult member already?! This is bad... This is REALLY BAD!! How do I ensure this situation doesn't escalate...'

'Her name... Lucy, right?', Harrison tried recalling from the erotic pictures he saw in Zagan's notebook.

Apparently, Zagan REALLY liked her... There were quite a number of her erotic pictures in the notebook...



"Will you report this to the higher-ups?"

"... Why do you ask...?"

"Answer me.", Zagan's voice was filled with authority.

"... Yes..."

"... Hmm... Do you truly believe that they will grant you revenge for Angelica?"

At this sentence, Lucy's eyes opened wide and her hands trembled a little.

"How... did you know...?"

"Don't ask questions-"

"HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!", she shouted with rage in her voice.

At this, Zagan slowly turned around to face Lucy.

At this, Lucy saw Zagan's face looking down at her. Even in the blue light of the room, his crimson-red eyes still glowed an everlasting shade of red.

Lucy's face went from anger to fear.

'This room has very high-level dispelling enchantments on it.', that sentence rang through her head.

She soon concluded that she had made a very big mistake.

Lucy was an illusion mage. She used her illusion magic to deal with enemies. Her magic was so potent that she could create illusory weapons that dealt real, physical damage. Within the demonic cult, she was considered quite a force to be reckoned with.

But currently... She had no access to her magic... She was unarmed and her physical strength was laughable compared to Zagan's.

Her eyes started tearing up and she stuttered.

"s-sorry... I-I d-didn't mean t-to... p-please... f-forgive me...", she said, looking down at the ground.

She started crying. Zagan's silence was suffocating to her.

But then, suddenly-

She felt a warm touch on her cheek.

"Calm down... I won't punish you.", Zagan said in a calm tone.

He used his hand to caress Lucy's cheek and wiped the tears off her face.

Lucy's mind went blank again. This gesture made her completely dumbfounded.

Her legs gave out beneath her and she fell. But, just as she was about to fall-

"Careful!", Zagan yelled, catching her.

He then carefully sat her down and sat down beside Lucy.

"Calm down... It's alright... I won't hurt you.", Zagan kept saying, his tone never changing.

"Th-Thank you... And... I'm sorry for shouting...", Lucy softly said.

"It's fine. I understand.", Zagan replied.

--- a few minutes of silence ---

"So then... about you reporting this to the higher-ups... Can you not do that?", Zagan asked.

Lucy tilted her head in confusion and asked, "... Why?"

"I have my reasons... I don't want those guys knowing about this, that's all you need to know."

"... Okay... I won't report... but... I have a question... if you don't mind answering..."

"Go ahead."

"How did you know about Angelica?"

"... The cult told me. They have a good grasp of your motives and weaknesses. They told me it just in case you went ahead and did something stupid... like betray the cult...", Zagan explained.

'It's actually true... underneath Lucy's drawings, Zagan had written a plan to blackmail and threaten her into having sex with him... Man, Zagan truly was a piece of shit...', Harrison thought.

Lucy had her head down.

"They don't trust anyone, huh...?", Lucy muttered.

"Did I make a mistake... Joining the cult...?", she softly muttered.

"You did.", Zagan spoke loudly.

Lucy looked at Zagan with a defeated expression.

Suddenly, Zagan's expressionless face changed. His lips curled up and formed a smirk, sending a shiver down Lucy's spine.

"I think I also made a mistake, joining the cult..."

"... Oh..."

"So... why don't we... Betray the cult together?", Zagan put his arm around Lucy's shoulder and asked.

Lucy became flustered at his actions but carefully thought about the proposal Zagan made.

She compared her odds of staying in the cult or betraying the cult.

"They won't give you what you want, Lucy... But I can...", Zagan said with the same smirk on his lips.

At this remark, Lucy's face showed resolve.

"Let me think it over.", Lucy replied.

"Think it over thoroughly, okay?", Zagan said.

... silence...

Harrison got carried away while executing his plan. He understood that getting Lucy to join him would ultimately benefit him. She was skilled enough to infiltrate the Hero Academy and keep spying on them for 2 years! She was probably one of the best spies in the world!

On top of that, from the notes Zagan had of her, she is considered to be a 'force to be reckoned with' by the demonic cult.

'She's way too valuable to let go.', Harrison had thought before throwing his hands over Lucy's shoulders and proposing the deal to her.

Now that the deal had been proposed, Harrison realized what he had done.

'Shit... Why did I put my arm around her?!', he cursed himself.

Lucy still seemed to be deep in thought.

'Now that I look closer... She's really hot, huh? No wonder Zagan wanted her...', Harrison concluded after looking at Lucy's body.

Dark purple hair in a wolf cut, sexy face, voluptuous body and last, but not least, blue irises. He couldn't tell before because she was wearing a uniform and had thick glasses on, but-

'She's literally a busty Asian girl!', Harrison screamed internally.

'I don't wanna take me hands off her shoulder... Let's stay like this for a few more minutes.', Harrison thought.

'Man... she's so soft... and smells amazing...', Harrison thought.

Harrison was a virgin back on Earth. He did have some intimate connection with girls before, but nothing as intimate as what he was experiencing with Lucy.


'Ah damnit... It's finally here...', Harrison whined feeling the tightness in his pants.


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