
The Transmogrified Plane

The Earth was declining. Resources could not be replenished; the abuse of humans was not tolerated. With this, humanity will have to face the punishment of a higher being. All organisms living in the world have mutated, enhancing all their capabilities to grow and adapt. Ancestors of the creatures have been reborn into the world, establishing races that devour humans. The food chain has been renewed, with humans being at the bottom. The changes to a planet were noticed by all the gods of the universe. All of them joined together and picked special organisms from different biomes. With their individual blessing, these special creatures obtained new abilities corresponding to their gods. The special creatures having to obtain such unknown and bizarre abilities, they lead their own races to fight against the evolved creatures. They even gave the way on how to obtain the powers of the Gods, upon the birth of mana in the world. Humanity was abandoned by the first waves of newly evolved creatures. Many perished in this tragic event. Until an unknown God has sighted these weak and fragile creatures and given them his blessings. Ephraim Hughes was an idealist young man. He wanted to explore the mysterious abyss, the origins of the evolved monsters, and the creator of the new world. Join him as he gains the ancient ability of the Unknown God, The Joyful Sun Clown.

Bored_Priest · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Poker Face


The rustling sounds, eerie scenery of the dead forest was Osbert's perspective. Walked to these tall black naked trees, the young master was not scared. Used his leather boots, that seemed to be dirtied by snowy terrain of the place, he was headed somewhere in the backyard of their mansion. But he was not scared. It is because he has always been here ever since he moved to the region.

He fastened his paced after he felt that the snowfalls were getting stronger because of the snowy night. He was not afraid of hypothermia since the young master was wrapped with luxurious thick clothing and kept warmed of the temperature regulator magic device.

The yellow-eyed youth saw the familiar snowy mountain. There were no mutated creatures living in these forests as it is part of the duchy, a well-protected region. He walked to a dark large tree. It was dead, not showing any signs of vitality. The roots were almost not visible as it was buried with the overlapping snow. It's black naked branches full of snow on top, and it is much identical to the world tree, a home for the elves.

Osbert stepped closer to the black tree, pressing his right hand to cold wood. As expected, it glowed, and the hands went in. When he pushed his body inside the tree, his yellow sun pupils saw the lanterns. It was the source of light in Osbert Edmund's secret hideout. The lights were headed to somewhere, illuminating the underground-like place. His footsteps followed where the lights headed.

The young master heard various of sounds; it was the loud machines. Tubes, smithy, and smelting machines entered the eyes of the youth, along with the unpleasant smell of the processed metals. He then walked to where metals were solidified and varnished, Osbert saw a teen.

The youth he was eyeing did not notice him. He was working over a thing, Osbert did not see what it was. Having to use a gadget that enhances the sight that hardly be called a microscope, Osbert predicted that the youth was detailing something.

"I see…you're still very busy doing something even if we are to leave in like, few hours."

Osbert Edmund's joke surprised the youth, as observing him, he flinched. The really familiar face finally noticed him. The identical, yellow-eyed youth stared at him.

"Ephraim, how are you doing? And what is that?"

Osbert walked closer to Ephraim, curious about his latest project. He then saw a golden bracelet, shining and glimmering with the sapphires imbedded in it.

Now, the young master was the shocked one. It was a beautiful artifact that any high-class noble would bid a few thousands for it! He did not expect that this, white-haired guy was capable of making such jewelry!

"Master Osbert, Welcome back to our private place! You're in the right timing. I made a mana enhancer bracelet for you! I learned this from the book you've red, my master! I feel grateful for the opportunity to invent such elegant goods!"

Osbert was happy to the non-human – who was made partly from his consciousness. Ephraim came from a reward after conquering a dungeon 4 years ago. All his thoughts, actions, ideals, mental and physical capabilities was also Ephraim's. He was a golden ball that Osbert hid from this hideout, eventually it hatched and formed to look identical to him. Basically, they were both linked. Any changes from both of each other, affects them. If Ephraim learns how to create jewelries, then Osbert would also too. However, the downside is that the mastery would be halves in numerical number.

All gifted people have this advanced hologram of magic that shows their experience, rank, skills, and capabilities. It is part of the gift that unknown gods have given. It can be seen only by the owner, but it is made from mana – making Osbert unable to activate it in public as he was hiding his gift, obviously.

Blacksmithing was added to the hologram, in the skills section. Like ranks and gifts, skills can also evolve. Though ranks are different, that can be accumulated through experience, while gifts and skills are for proficiency. If a person uses their gifts and skills effectively, proficiency will go higher in percentage. Talents are the natural passive skills inborn with a person. They cannot be evolved but quite efficient in many ways. While arts are made on how the awakened person take advantage of their gifts.

Name: Ephraim Hughes / Osbert Edmund Age: 14 years of age

God Serving: (Unknown), title; The Joyful Sun Clown Rank: Class F – 350 / 1, 000

Gift: Light Manipulation (Class ???) – 2.1% proficiency

Price: Poker face – unable to show emotions

Skills: Mana Control – 26.7% proficiency Talents: Advanced Intellectual Capacity – Passive

Whipping – 11% proficiency Immunity to Curses – Passive

Craftmanship (new) – 13% proficiency

Arts: Light Whip Artifacts: The Golden Sapphire Bracelet

Fast Dash

Meditation of the Sun

"Master Osbert, I have been bestowed by a God with a gift."

The young master was surprised again by the achievement of the non-human! A gifted species must mean they are not abandoned by Gods. The whole thing about Ephraim was a mystery. A prize from a dungeon is actually a living thing.

"To be honest, I did not expect that. So, we conclude that you are a being, right? Though, you are different from the human species, but you are able to awaken powers. Interesting."

"Yes, my master. I have gained the hologram identical to yours. Additionally, upon the bestowal of my powers, I have become independent from you."

"What do you mean, Ephraim?"

The identical eyes looked straight to Osbert's. The difference is that the non-human was glowing while the young master's was dull.

"I am no longer part of the subconscious of the master. We can now freely think of our own. I am relieved that I won't be able to bother the master! Though, I can remember all the memories – anything under from yesterday. Also, the gift that I was bestowed is this."

The silky light skinned Ephraim morphed into a tall, muscular, and brown-skinned teenager. These golden eyes turn into black – duller than the young masters. The white hair also turned black.

Osbert was bewildered by the fascinating teen's gift. It was really useful for disguise!

On top of that, he was slightly disappointed because of the fact that they can't communicate inside their heads anymore. This must be why he felt the strange silence that used to be full thoughts of his and the non-human Ephraim. That is why he immediately came to the hidden base, secretly. Worried that the non-human was discovered and got slaughtered.

"That's amazing, Ephraim! I am glad that you are now free."

Osbert said calmly. He genuinely happy but the expression of his face betrayed him.

"Master, what's with the poker face?"

The named, brown-skinned non-human was actually joking in relation to his master's price. As the null expression that the young master was giving meant that he attempted to have this cheerful expression, but unable to do so. It was rather funny. Ephraim explored many emotions after being an independent individual. Of course, he was not able to express before, as any qualities from Osbert has, was also shared to him. Therefore, he had the poker face before.

"Wow. Now, you're quite comfortable to disrespect me like since you've been bestowed a gift. How funny."

The expressionless face of Osbert became hard, frown was formed. He looked serious as if he was really hurt by the words.

"I am sorry, my master! This filthy mouth of mine did something insulting! I deserve to die as I made fun of my owner's price! Please don't forgive me!"

"Hmm... I am considering the words from your filthy mouth, Ephraim. But wait, did you say that you were grateful you are out from my consciousness? So that meant that you did not like my thought at all! How embarrassing of me!"

The panicked Ephraim was kneeling in front of him – his head on the ground. He was chaotic!

"I was kidding."

The muscular shoulders under Osbert stopped shaking. Ephraim heard the freaky laughs of his master. They weren't normal laughs but an evil-type one. Like an antagonist chuckling after they massacred a whole family! Ephraim mentally noted that joking with his master was not a good idea.


It was embarrassing that he got fooled! The dangerous glares of the young master made him thought that he was being serious! He realized that guessing the thoughts of Osbert Edmund was difficult.

"You, spar with me."

Ever since Osbert received his Light Manipulating gift, his opponent had always been Ephraim. They were both self-taught by books the young noble had bought. Because of the unnatural physical prowess of Ephraim, he always won. However, with the force of light, the battle was unpredictable.

"With pleasure, my lord."

The bulk teen-looking Ephraim follow all the wills of his master. As his parasite, he learned that the consciousness and thoughts of the boy was marvelous! Everything can be easily understood with high intellectual capabilities of his master. However, anything they learned from the expensive textbooks like martial arts, was useless without experience.

The two walked to the large space, which was further inside the cave. They passed the failed experiments they have done during the past 3 years. Amazingly, all of it was mana bombs. However, all of it was a failure that caused them partially to give up on creating such dangerous things.

Both were on the opposite sides. Silence can only be heard as they stared their opponents' eyes. They treated this sparring like it was serious. No. they treated all their battles like they were actually fighting.

The first who initiated was Ephraim. He walked forward to the enemy.

"By the name of the Clown, become faceless!"

"Wait, clown?"

Ephraim chanted those words. Using his new gift, his body changed into a furry brown animal. It was a medium brown bear. The downsides of it were morphing into bigger and stronger creatures depleted almost all his mana inside his body. The non-human's physical strength is roughly on par to the referenced vicious animal. He can last, at most, for 20 minutes before returning to his own body.

The brown bear growled at the white-haired youth. It ran towards the small-built boy. Taking out its claws, he strikes his right dominant beastly arm on the direction of Osbert.

The young master was expressionless as usual but, he was not calm at all! Who would have thought that his opponent turned into a beast! It was a cheat ability. But even that was the situation, it didn't falter him.

As the bear's claw was going to him, he used his gift.

"May the light descend to the Earth!"

The yellow light come out from his hands. He then twisted his arms making the condensed light be transformed into a flowing line. It was his weapon, Light whip!

Feeling the arms getting closer, he teleported behind the bear. He did not literally teleport, rather, he ran with the speed of light. The whip then attacked the bear causing this collision – that made the bear go backwards.


The whip flowed where Osbert willed it to be. It was very hard to manipulate the direct without concentration. The longer the duration and length the harder it was to conjure things. Additionally, the young master was already exhausted as he dashed with the speed light earlier. His whip continued to thrash the wild monster.

Ephraim was attacked again by the whip. He can only use his hands as defense, covering his upper body with it. The next 5 seconds, he felt that the whip was getting slower. He peeked towards the blinding light opponent. There was an opening!

His legs flexed as he crouches into his lower body – jumping with momentum towards the enemy. Osbert miscalculated the competence of the young brown creature! He gestured his whip to block the enemy, but it was late. The incredible speed of the jump aided the claw attack of the bear.

Osbert could only block or dodge! But he suddenly thought. He used his right hand to make light in it – blinding the bear. It ruined the momentum; however, it could only slow the attack, not preventing it. The large claw slammed to its enemy.

Ephraim was breathing heavily as he felt that he pierced something. However, he was dishearten of what he saw! It wasn't flesh that he attacked but a type of yellow glass! It almost shattered by his claw but did not damage the opponent. He saw Osbert smirking, also the shining bracelet on his hands. His body could not take it anymore, his body went back to normal.

"I won."

Most of the time, Ephraim was the winner. He took advantage of the non-human innate physical abilities. Now with his gift depending on what he morphs, he is able to also copy their instincts, abilities, and physical strength but with rationality and ability to think.

"You cheated, my lord."

"I didn't. I just made a light shield, which also counts as Art, am I wrong? And you can't get to argue as you literally turned into a violent wild breast!"

Osbert defended himself. If he was being truthful, he could not win without the bracelet on. It amplifies his mana capacity by twofold! It was that good and can be almost considered as an artifact. A magic tool or an artifact is the newborn magic technology made by the greatest researchers in Iceland. They were famous for their large-scale teleportation device!

"I guess you are right, my master…"

The two teens returned to the machinery spot. They were both sweating as they continued sparring after a decent amount of time. It was already 2:34am. They had exhausted their mana – weakening their bodies almost about to collapsed. This phenomenon is stated in the basic mana conservation guidebook made by the 1st archmagi of the continent, Ferdinand the Wise! He said that "Exhausting mana reserve is equal to the disintegration of the cells in the body."

However, the tired body was supplemented with a medium grade mana potion. It was bought by the old butler Gladwyne. No, Osbert Edmund made him buy the potions as it is illegal to undeveloped children. They were poison to a person without a gift. The magical potion made by the fusion flesh and liquids of a mutated plant cannot resonate of a normal cells and tissues. Thus, bypassing the immune system – killing all the living cells.

Osbert thought it was suspicious that a standard worker and below with a low socioeconomic status cannot purchase it legally. It is not like most people were poor and cannot afford this but why was any grade mana potion to them? Was it because the high hierarchy of the continent wasn't pleased that a low man is equal to them? Or was it their "noble pride" cannot consent such impartiality?

"Did you do well in the examination, Ephraim?"

"Yes, master Osbert. I answered enough to be able to pass the medium-rate student…"

Even in the Wales Academy, there were still discrimination between the superior nobles and the marginalized people in the society. An offspring of a lower class would need above average score to be illegible in the 2nd test, which is more focused on determining your physical strength. After that, there will be an ascension night. This where the undeveloped 13–15-year-old-children were given the proper gifts. In Iceland, many said that they were 4 Gods completely dominating the continent. Osbert tried to research the said Gods however, it is disclosed to the academy. Meaning, even a son of a noble like Osbert cannot advance study the knowledge in the Wales. An academy would be useless if the lessons were already discussed by a former teacher and student. That is why they implemented the "Restricting Mouth". It is a sacred ritual in the ascension nights, where the accepted 2nd Test passers must accomplish before gaining a gift from a God.

"I see, you did a good job. I was also worried that you would get caught by the high rankers if you would participate the bestowal. We don't know if the curse can only be performed to a human, specifically. It's a coincidence that you gained a gift before our departure."

"I am overwhelmed with admiration that you were thinking about me, Master Osbert. But yes, it is indeed a coincidence. I'm intending to confirm my awakening after we arrive at the academy."

"May I ask something?"

"Sure, Master. I will answer whatever your questions since I am your loyal servant."

"I'm curious. Who was the God that blessed you? Do you know 'Their' true name?"

"Wait, Master."

Osbert was curious about the God. So, he asked Ephraim about it. Now, the non-human was staring into the space as if he was reading something. He had opened his hologram that shows his status. Ephraim eventually stared again to his master.

"It said to my profile that 'They' don't have a specified name, but there's a title."

"What is 'Their' title, Ephraim?"

"It's 'The Sly Mime Clown', master."