
The Prophecy

When Roseheim and Cane agreed to join one of the four major academies together, they appeared resolute. Concerning Kharlile, they intended to discuss it first with Mr. Brooke and then with the Foxman himself.

Cane wanted to question Roseheim about the academies, but he chose to first inquire about her origins. He thought the lovely doctor was genuinely amazing from the moment they met, which naturally made him curious about her.

'Rose. I almost can't believe how fast everything went. I now have a brother named Kharlile, and I have you in just a few days. I'm starting to believe that the three of us are fated to meet. I have enormous secrets, and I have a feeling you and Kharlile aren't simple either. To confirm that, it is your chance to tell me your story.' Cane became solemn as he looked Rose in the eyes.

The latter smiled at him and deactivated her skill – Extreme Focus. Her hair turned back to the natural violet and she started to share her story.

'I also feel that everything was destined to happen. Maybe, later on, I'll be able to explain how and why. But for the time being, it's best if we become stronger, especially you. I believe there is a reason why major things are happening these days, such as my clan openly joining the superhuman community, the heir of the Mang Clan setting out to be stronger, and your unexpected entrance. It's just a hunch, but I don't think any of these things are random. When we meet my father again, maybe we will know more.'

She went on to say that she was the only daughter of the Brooke Clan's ruling family. Her father, Benheim Brooke, had been the clan chief for ten years. Nobody knew where her mother was at the time. Her father informed her that her mother had died, but she was aware that she had been returned to the Temple of Charity against her will. She re-emphasized to Cane how perilous and complicated being tied with the gods was. She assumed that because she had encountered Cane, an abnormal bearer of a sin, her father was left with no other choice but to give her everything she needed to know.

"Cane, you need to make sure that no one knows you have a god's power within you. I and my clan did not dare to do anything to you because we are far from capable of doing anything to you, especially knowing that you have space and time powers. But we don't know if the three most powerful superhuman clans would sit still if they were in our shoes. They don't even put the temple of the 14 gods in their eyes. They only worship the creator of the unending virus that ushered in the New Earth Era, which is unknown to the majority of the people, including me and my clan.' Rose gripped her hands resolutely.

Cane did not know what he was currently feeling. He was overwhelmed by the revelation that he could've somehow ended up dead if the people that he faced were from the powerful clans. He hurriedly asked about them.

'I had no idea this world would be so dominated by so many people.' I'd heard of the Green God Company, the Genetic Tower, and the Four Great Academies. So there are three powerful clans as well? Could you please tell me more about them?', Cane felt his heart thumping as he realized he was truly a frog at the bottom of a well.

'You are correct. It is expected that you would be aware of organizations such as the Green God Company. The three strongest clans, however, are similar to ours in that they were the first to openly mix with the general population following the emergence of superhumans. They were also expelled from a god's temple. I'm not sure why they're openly flaunting their abilities, but my father should be able to enlighten us.' Rose replied solemnly.

They continued their discussion for another half an hour, but ultimately decided to wait for Rose's father before finishing their plans. There was also Kharlile to take into account.

Luckily, Benheim Brooke, Rose's father, surely arrived fast the next day.

Cane, Kharlile, and Roseheim met him on the basement floor. He really had a resemblance with his daughter and the violet hair was evidence that they were related by blood. Unlike the ethereal and soothing aura, her daughter exuded, his daunting aura intimidated the guys. He fixed his gaze on Cane and his sword-like brows furrowed and looked like they could cut his body as if the latter was a criminal.

'Aside from your appearance, you are unremarkable. I can't detect anything special about your aura, so how can you bear a sin? (Sigh!) It appears like the prophecy is coming true. But how did my family get into this mess? ', Mr. Brooke said, clicking his tongue.

'He…Hello Mr. Brooke. I am Cane Astro. Thank you for not killing me last time. I can't thank your daughter enough for taking care of me. Please accept this bow.', Cane said as he bowed to his waist.

Mr. Benheim reached out for the couch and table meters away and drew his hand back in the air. Swoosh! Those things moved as if they were being held by a large invisible hand. "Sit," he said to the three as the couch came to a halt behind them.

'I know you and Roseheim used the stone of promise, but I still have the impression you're hiding something. And bowing as a courtesy is no longer customary in the modern world. Are you certain you grew up in a bunker with your uncle and not in a strong, secluded clan? ', Mr. Brooke stared at Cane as if he was interrogating him.

Cane understood that Mr. Brooke was only protective of his daughter. Despite not knowing or meeting his original parents in his previous life, he was cared for by a father figure from his foster family. He didn't want to disrespect him, but sharing his secrets with anyone other than Rose was a risk.

"Your daughter knows my secrets, Mr. Brooke. We both agreed that the karma between us can't be ignored. I can't tell you the specifics of my origins, but I can tell you that I am now truly alone in this world."

'What a mess! I never imagined that my daughter would get caught up in this. I guess it is time I tell all of you about the prophecy that has been passed down in our clan for ages.', Mr. Brooke hurriedly put a gravity domain to isolate the room.

He started by giving them the background of the clans. As he gave them a lot of information, the trio also bombarded him with all of the questions they could think of.

The trio's eyes widened with each new piece of unexpected information they learned as the explanation progressed. It turns out that the Mang Clan was once a very powerful tribe. However, they were targeted by a coalition of clans led by the enemy clan known as the Dama, who found that most Mangs were super animals, forcing them to hide with the sentient Failures.

The Brooke Clan was an ally of the Mangs, but they were unable to assist them because they refrained from putting their hands out into the outside world. Their clan actually lived in a pocket world and only ventured into New Earth now that Mr. Brooke was the clan head. They opted to join the main population and enhance their clan's superhuman prowess after a few persuasions from him and the close date of the prophecy.

'I understand what you're saying. But what is the link between our clans, the prophecy, and Cane? ', Rose inquired.

'The prophecy says that a major calamity will appear 10 years from now. A rain of blood will taint the whole planet, and not even the people living in pocket dimensions will be spared. It was predicted that a powerful being would be born during that time and wreak havoc throughout the world until humankind vanished. The leader of Camo Island made this prophecy—they are the most exalted humans on New Earth because their predictions always come true, so we need to ride with the tides for a chance of survival. But it is not certain how and who it will come to be. Everyone connected to the temples was advised to ask their avatars to inquire with the Gods if this is true or to prevent it from happening.

But even if we are protected by the Gods. They are not necessarily capable of influencing the world, except if they control their avatars. But due to the discovery of the undying virus and the birth of superhumans, the balance was broken. It is even reported that one member of the three strongest clans was able to fight toe to toe with an avatar. We have no way to verify that, but it is accepted that humans now have the ability to stand against powerful beings like avatars. We are not even including the people of the Green God Company, Genetic Tower, and the 4 Great Academies yet.'

Kharlile and Cane gasped when they heard about the prophecy. Only Roseheim remained calm and asked about the inconsistencies of her father's theories.

'Father. A decade from now is a long time. If a mighty being was prophesied, are you suggesting that Cane could be that one? or perhaps an organization will create a powerful entity over which it has no control? Cane, on the other hand, should be excluded since he represents the sin of lust. The gods are guarding us; it makes no sense that someone related to them would be the monster who would wipe all humanity.'

I know Cane is a monster! Please believe me Roseheim-sama.

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