
Chapter 2: “then of course,I wanna be a side character!!!"

Hua Ming was very startled by what the stranger in front of her just said, "excuse me, but did you just say that I can choose to stay dead or be a character in YOUR novel!?"(author: it's MY novel, old man!).

"WAIT!? but why me, can you please explain why!? Ming Hua was very confused as to why she's not a ghost, the old man seemed to be in a depressed ☹️☹️ mood after the word "explain" came out of Ming Hua's mouth, "well the truth is there is a lack of characters in my novel so I thought maybe I could get you to be a character in my novel, so... how bout it?".

Hua Ming thought it was pretty good of a deal because she always dreamed of transmigration to another world, "well... SURE!", the old man's face brighten up with joy as he asked what kind of character she wanted to be, "then OF COURSE, I wanna be a side character".

the old man was very confused about her decision, but in the end he agreed, Old man's mind: I guess some people are just weird?(author: ME feel included🙂🙂🙂).

thx for reading, this crappy story that I made♥️

P.S I'm still LAZY, And I don't plan on CHANGING!!!!!!!!??

catherine_chiucreators' thoughts